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Overall Results by Division

Midget Girls
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto28028
2.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke26.5026.5
3.St. Edmund Campion26026
4.James Cardinal McGuigan26026
5.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda22022
6.Mary Ward - Scarborough21021
7.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale17017
8.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough11011
10.North Toronto - Toronto10010
11.Holy Name of Mary College Scho8.508.5
12.Thorold - Thorold808
13.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic707
14.Loretto Abbey - Toronto606
15.Richview - Islington606
16.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga606
17.Eastview - Barrie606
18.Dante Alighiere - Toronto505
19.St. Joseph's College - Toronto505
20.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough505
21.St. Joseph Morrow Park - Will303
22.St. Patrick - Toronto303
23.Father Redmond - Toronto303
24.Senator O'Connor - Toronto202
25.Northern - Toronto101
26.Bishop Strachan School000
27.Mother Teresa - Scarborough000
28.Madonna - Downsview000
29.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
Midget Boys
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Neil McNeil - Toronto05757
2.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke02929
3.Chaminade College - Toronto02525
4.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic02525
5.Mary Ward - Scarborough02020
6.Northern - Toronto02020
7.Father Redmond - Toronto01717
8.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale01616
9.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto01111
10.Senator O'Connor - Toronto01111
11.Dante Alighiere - Toronto01111
12.Eastview - Barrie01010
13.Thorold - Thorold088
14.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough066
15.James Cardinal McGuigan055
16.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough011
17.Richview - Islington000
18.St. Patrick - Toronto000
19.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
20.St. Edmund Campion000
21.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga000
22.Royal St. George's College000
23.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto000
24.Greenwood College000
25.Mother Teresa - Scarborough000
26.Brebeuf - Willowdale000
27.North Toronto - Toronto000
28.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda000
Junior Girls
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale40040
2.Eastview - Barrie39039
3.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke26026
4.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto21021
5.St. Edmund Campion21021
6.St. Joseph's College - Toronto14014
7.Senator O'Connor - Toronto13013
8.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga13013
9.St. Patrick - Toronto13013
10.Richview - Islington12012
11.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic10010
12.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda10010
13.Father Redmond - Toronto909
14.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough808
15.Holy Name of Mary College Scho808
16.Dante Alighiere - Toronto606
17.Mary Ward - Scarborough505
18.Madonna - Downsview303
19.North Toronto - Toronto202
20.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
21.Loretto Abbey - Toronto000
22.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto000
23.St. Joseph Morrow Park - Will000
24.Bishop Strachan School000
25.Northern - Toronto000
26.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
Junior Boys
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Chaminade College - Toronto04444
2.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale03737
3.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto02727
4.Thorold - Thorold02222
5.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic02020
6.James Cardinal McGuigan01616
7.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke01515
8.Neil McNeil - Toronto01515
9.Mary Ward - Scarborough01414
10.Brebeuf - Willowdale01414
11.Father Redmond - Toronto01414
12.St. Edmund Campion01111
13.Archbishop Romero - Toronto088
14.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto055
15.Richview - Islington033
16.Mother Teresa - Scarborough033
17.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough022
19.Crescent School - Willowdale011
20.Chinguacousy - Brampton000
21.Royal St. George's College000
22.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
23.Northern - Toronto000
24.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
25.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga000
26.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough000
27.Dante Alighiere - Toronto000
28.Greenwood College000
29.Eastview - Barrie000
30.North Toronto - Toronto000
31.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda000
Senior Girls
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic46046
2.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke38038
3.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale34034
4.Birchmount Park - Scarborough33033
5.Eastview - Barrie22022
6.St. Edmund Campion20.5020.5
7.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto19.5019.5
8.Father Redmond - Toronto17017
9.St. Joseph Morrow Park - Will14014
10.Senator O'Connor - Toronto13013
11.Richview - Islington12012
12.Greenwood College10010
13.Bishop Strachan School808
14.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga808
15.St. Joseph's College - Toronto606
16.St. Patrick - Toronto505
17.Dante Alighiere - Toronto404
18.Georges Vanier - North York101
19.James Cardinal McGuigan000
20.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough000
21.Holy Name of Mary College Scho000
22.Northern - Toronto000
23.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
24.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
25.Archbishop Romero - Toronto000
26.Madonna - Downsview000
27.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto000
Senior Boys
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto06262
2.Chaminade College - Toronto04747
3.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale03838
4.Mary Ward - Scarborough02828
5.Richview - Islington02020
6.Eastview - Barrie01919
7.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke01818
8.Emily Carr Secondary School01616
9.St. Patrick - Toronto01111
10.Father Redmond - Toronto01111
11.North Toronto - Toronto01010
12.Crescent School - Willowdale01010
13.Dante Alighiere - Toronto088
14.Neil McNeil - Toronto066
15.Etobicoke - Islington066
16.Brebeuf - Willowdale033
17.Wexford CSA- Scarborough033
18.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga022
19.James Cardinal McGuigan022
20.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough022
21.Chinguacousy - Brampton000
22.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough000
23.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda000
24.Senator O'Connor - Toronto000
25.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto000
26.Mother Teresa - Scarborough000
27.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
28.St. Michael Choir - Toronto000
29.Georges Vanier - North York000
30.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic000
31.Thorold - Thorold000
32.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
33.Northern - Toronto000
34.Archbishop Romero - Toronto000
35.St. Edmund Campion000
Open Girls
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Northern - Toronto26026
2.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke24024
3.Loretto Abbey - Toronto15015
4.Mary Ward - Scarborough13013
5.Greenwood College10010
6.Bishop Strachan School909
7.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough808
8.St. Patrick - Toronto606
9.Eastview - Barrie404
10.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic303
11.Birchmount Park - Scarborough303
12.Father Redmond - Toronto000
13.Holy Name of Mary College Scho000
14.St. Joseph Morrow Park - Will000
15.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough000
16.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga000
17.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
18.St. Joseph's College - Toronto000
19.North Toronto - Toronto000
20.Madonna - Downsview000
21.Richview - Islington000
Open Boys
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Northern - Toronto01919
2.Eastview - Barrie01313
3.Mary Ward - Scarborough01313
4.Michael Power/St.Joseph-Etobic01212
5.Neil McNeil - Toronto01111
6.Chaminade College - Toronto01010
7.Brebeuf - Willowdale01010
8.Marshall McLuhan - Toronto088
9.Father Redmond - Toronto077
10.Lawrence Park - Toronto066
11.Bishop Allen Academy-Etobicoke044
12.Richview - Islington033
13.Crescent School - Willowdale011
14.Bishop Marrocco/Merton-Toronto000
15.Birchmount Park - Scarborough000
16.Lester B. Pearson- Scarborough000
17.Archbishop Romero - Toronto000
18.St. Basil The Great - Weston000
19.Dante Alighiere - Toronto000
20.Mgsr. Percy Johnson - Toronto000
21.Royal St. George's College000
22.Greenwood College000
23.Mgr- de- Charbonnel - Willowda000
24.Father Henry Carr - Rexdale000
25.Cardinal Newman - Scarborough000
26.North Toronto - Toronto000
27.Chinguacousy - Brampton000
28.St. Francis Xavier-Mississauga000
29.St. Patrick - Toronto000
Last updated Sat, 09 May 2015 18:04:52

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