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Overall Results by Division

Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Meadowvale S S000
2.Lorne Park S S000
3.St. Joan of Arc CHS000
4.Our Lady of Mount Carmel000
5.Mississauga Secondary School000
6.St. Augustine S S000
7.St. Marguerite d'Youville000
8.St Edmund Campion Secondary S000
9.Glenforest S S000
10.Gordon Graydon Mem. S S000
11.Thomas A. Blakelock H S000
12.Notre Dame H S000
13.Erindale S S000
14.Bramalea S S000
15.Central Peel S S000
16.Loyola C S S000
17.Cardinal Leger S S000
18.John Cabot C S S000
19.St. Thomas Aquinas000
20.Cawthra Park S S000
21.Mentor College000
22.Applewood Hts S S000
23.Brampton Centennial S S000
24.Fr. Michael Goetz000
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Bramalea S S000
2.Chinguacousy S S000
3.Central Peel S S000
4.Meadowvale S S000
5.Thomas A. Blakelock H S000
6.St. Joan of Arc CHS000
7.Brampton Centennial S S000
8.Lorne Park S S000
9.Our Lady of Mount Carmel000
10.Notre Dame H S000
11.Sandalwood Heights SS000
12.Loyola C S S000
13.St. Thomas Aquinas000
14.Lincoln Alexander S S000
15.St. Augustine S S000
16.Erindale S S000
17.Fr. Michael Goetz000
18.St. Marguerite d'Youville000
19.Mississauga Secondary School000
20.Glenforest S S000
21.Mentor College000
22.Cawthra Park S S000
23.St Edmund Campion Secondary S000
24.Applewood Hts S S000
25.Fletcher's Meadow Secondary Sc000
26.Cardinal Leger S S000
27.St. Joseph S S000
28.Gordon Graydon Mem. S S000
29.John Cabot C S S000
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Bramalea S S000
2.Our Lady of Mount Carmel000
3.Lincoln Alexander S S000
4.Thomas A. Blakelock H S000
5.Chinguacousy S S000
6.Mississauga Secondary School000
7.Glenforest S S000
8.Meadowvale S S000
9.Fr. Michael Goetz000
10.Sandalwood Heights SS000
11.Lorne Park S S000
12.Notre Dame H S000
13.John Cabot C S S000
14.Central Peel S S000
15.Loyola C S S000
16.Gordon Graydon Mem. S S000
17.St. Thomas Aquinas000
18.St. Augustine S S000
19.St. Marguerite d'Youville000
20.Erindale S S000
21.Cawthra Park S S000
22.Fletcher's Meadow Secondary Sc000
23.Mentor College000
24.St Edmund Campion Secondary S000
25.Brampton Centennial S S000
26.Applewood Hts S S000
27.Cardinal Leger S S000
28.St. Joseph S S000
29.St. Joan of Arc CHS000
Team NameLadies PointsMens PontsTotal
1.Bramalea S S000
2.St Edmund Campion Secondary S000
3.John Cabot C S S000
4.Glenforest S S000
5.St. Joan of Arc CHS000
6.Mississauga Secondary School000
7.Central Peel S S000
8.St. Thomas Aquinas000
9.Lincoln Alexander S S000
10.Mentor College000
11.Meadowvale S S000
12.Thomas A. Blakelock H S000
13.Lorne Park S S000
14.Sandalwood Heights SS000
15.Cardinal Leger S S000
16.Loyola C S S000
17.Notre Dame H S000
18.Our Lady of Mount Carmel000
19.St. Augustine S S000
20.Chinguacousy S S000
21.St. Marguerite d'Youville000
22.Fletcher's Meadow Secondary Sc000
23.Fr. Michael Goetz000
24.Brampton Centennial S S000
25.Applewood Hts S S000
26.St. Joseph S S000
27.Gordon Graydon Mem. S S000
28.Erindale S S000
29.Brampton Christian000
Last updated Mon, 11 May 2009 21:49:47

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