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14Owen AdamsAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
15Aiden AngerAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
1Jenna BoltonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
1Jenna BoltonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
2Kandice ButsonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
2Kandice ButsonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
16Wyatt ChapmanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
16Wyatt ChapmanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
17Andy ColemanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
17Andy ColemanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
18Nick ColemanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
18Nick ColemanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
3Alissa CottrellAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
3Alissa CottrellAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
19Cody DruryAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
19Cody DruryAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
ENTRIES DUTYAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
ENTRIES DUTYAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
4Katelyn EastaughAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
4Katelyn EastaughAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
20Daniel GordierAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
21David GordierAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
21David GordierAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
5Emma GordonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
5Emma GordonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
6Haley GriffithsAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
6Haley GriffithsAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
22Bryson HolotukAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
22Bryson HolotukAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
7Brandy HughesAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
7Brandy HughesAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
23Josh KiersAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
23Josh KiersAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
24Dom LeblancAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
25Bryton LordAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
8Jenna McintyreAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
8Jenna McintyreAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
9Tenicia MonahanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
9Tenicia MonahanAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
10Brittney MossAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
10Brittney MossAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
26Matthew OuelletteAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
26Matthew OuelletteAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
11Tiffany RennieAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
11Tiffany RennieAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
27Brad SmithAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
27Brad SmithAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
12Casandra TruchonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
12Casandra TruchonAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
28Lucas WeddellAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
28Lucas WeddellAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
13Willow WeilerAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
13Willow WeilerAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
29Jacob WillemeAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
29Jacob WillemeAlmaguin Highlands - S. River
30Avery AndrewBanting Memorial - Alliston
48Trenton BaileyBanting Memorial - Alliston
49Noah BeattieBanting Memorial - Alliston
50Jack BirkettBanting Memorial - Alliston
51Jack BlowesBanting Memorial - Alliston
52Kyle BoudreauBanting Memorial - Alliston
31Erin BowmanBanting Memorial - Alliston
32Nicole BrethetBanting Memorial - Alliston
33Sidney BriscoeBanting Memorial - Alliston
34Morgan ByngBanting Memorial - Alliston
35Kristen DaleyBanting Memorial - Alliston
53Josh DavidsonBanting Memorial - Alliston
54Mateo Delahaye-BrownBanting Memorial - Alliston
36Grace EmbreeBanting Memorial - Alliston
55Cameron FerrierBanting Memorial - Alliston
37Lauren FraserBanting Memorial - Alliston
56Brodie GabrekBanting Memorial - Alliston
38Tahjana HallBanting Memorial - Alliston
57Alex HartleyBanting Memorial - Alliston
58Nathaniel HartleyBanting Memorial - Alliston
59Jaden Harvey-DickBanting Memorial - Alliston
39Skylar HoweBanting Memorial - Alliston
60James HuntBanting Memorial - Alliston
61Johnny KennedyBanting Memorial - Alliston
62Preston KoppBanting Memorial - Alliston
63Paul KorevaarBanting Memorial - Alliston
64Christian MannoBanting Memorial - Alliston
40Courtney MooreBanting Memorial - Alliston
65Wyatt NorthgraveBanting Memorial - Alliston
66Sam OosterhuisBanting Memorial - Alliston
41Stephanie OsorioBanting Memorial - Alliston
67Brendan ReidBanting Memorial - Alliston
68Denver RossBanting Memorial - Alliston
69Mark SaundersBanting Memorial - Alliston
42Ayla SchofieldBanting Memorial - Alliston
43Charlotte SpongBanting Memorial - Alliston
70Roland StimpfigBanting Memorial - Alliston
44Allanah TrumbleBanting Memorial - Alliston
45Katrina Von BorzyskowskiBanting Memorial - Alliston
71Kieran WeissBanting Memorial - Alliston
46Natalie WhiteBanting Memorial - Alliston
47Natalie WhittenBanting Memorial - Alliston
72Tristan WrightBanting Memorial - Alliston
73Will WrightBanting Memorial - Alliston
99Zachery AllanBarrie North - Barrie
74Grace AveryBarrie North - Barrie
75Jada BertramBarrie North - Barrie
76Kiera BertramBarrie North - Barrie
77McKenna BrazillBarrie North - Barrie
78Avery CameronBarrie North - Barrie
79Mya ClarkeBarrie North - Barrie
80Sydney ClarkeBarrie North - Barrie
100Brandon ClaytonBarrie North - Barrie
81Dakota ClaytonBarrie North - Barrie
82Brycen Copeland-KrautBarrie North - Barrie
83Maddy CraneBarrie North - Barrie
101Mike DallimoreBarrie North - Barrie
84Jordyn DicksonBarrie North - Barrie
102Andrew DunkleyBarrie North - Barrie
85Sarah DunkleyBarrie North - Barrie
103Jordan EvansBarrie North - Barrie
104Christian HacheyBarrie North - Barrie
86Jackilynn HenryBarrie North - Barrie
87Elise HowdenBarrie North - Barrie
105Matt KorkolaBarrie North - Barrie
106Ben KuepferBarrie North - Barrie
107Kevin LeBarrie North - Barrie
88Finn LemieuxBarrie North - Barrie
89Morgan McKeownBarrie North - Barrie
90Isabelle McMahonBarrie North - Barrie
91Evie MillsBarrie North - Barrie
108Kodey MumfordBarrie North - Barrie
92Hannah PiccoloBarrie North - Barrie
93Hailey PinedaBarrie North - Barrie
94Hannah PinedaBarrie North - Barrie
95Elayna PriestBarrie North - Barrie
109Lucas SalathielBarrie North - Barrie
96Zoe Totten-CoulterBarrie North - Barrie
110Luke VanRooyenBarrie North - Barrie
111Gio VargasBarrie North - Barrie
97Jamie-Lee WalkerBarrie North - Barrie
112Jayden WallaceBarrie North - Barrie
98Laura YatesBarrie North - Barrie
113Madison ArnottBear Creek S.S.
140CJ BuelowBear Creek S.S.
141Braden ButcherBear Creek S.S.
114Hunter CameronBear Creek S.S.
115Mollie ClarkBear Creek S.S.
116Samantha CourtenayBear Creek S.S.
142Matthew CourtnenayBear Creek S.S.
117Savannah Cover- WrightBear Creek S.S.
143Brayden DeGraceBear Creek S.S.
118Julia DiemertBear Creek S.S.
144Riley DuxburyBear Creek S.S.
119Payton ElliotBear Creek S.S.
120Lida FathiBear Creek S.S.
145Joseph GiffinBear Creek S.S.
121Zahmoya Grant-BinglingBear Creek S.S.
122Zyeisha Grant-BinglingBear Creek S.S.
123Rachel HenryBear Creek S.S.
146Dylan HermansBear Creek S.S.
124Rhiannon HooverBear Creek S.S.
147Jeremie KashamaBear Creek S.S.
125Georgia KosonBear Creek S.S.
148Tyler LabineBear Creek S.S.
149Scott LewisBear Creek S.S.
150Zion LewisBear Creek S.S.
151Luke MackeyBear Creek S.S.
126Celia MartensonBear Creek S.S.
152Taylor McDonellBear Creek S.S.
127Victoria McLartyBear Creek S.S.
128Michelle McReynoldsBear Creek S.S.
129Christina NestevichBear Creek S.S.
153Benayo OlakBear Creek S.S.
154Michael PaulBear Creek S.S.
155Caleb PrinceBear Creek S.S.
130Cindy RamsunahiBear Creek S.S.
131Tiana RodgersBear Creek S.S.
132Madi SchnierBear Creek S.S.
133JamiLynne SliunskiBear Creek S.S.
134Katie SmithBear Creek S.S.
156Haris SohailBear Creek S.S.
135Hannah SpongBear Creek S.S.
136Jillian SteeleBear Creek S.S.
157Brennen SuniBear Creek S.S.
137Shannon TaylorBear Creek S.S.
158Kevin TierneryBear Creek S.S.
159Chris VeenstraBear Creek S.S.
138Chloe WentworthBear Creek S.S.
139Ashlyn WhiteBear Creek S.S.
169Andy BakerBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
160Laura CarltonBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
161Jasmine ForemanBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
162Haylee Fry-WhiteBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
170Taytum GeorgeBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
171Scott GrahamBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
163Gracelyn LarkinBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
164Jill LeblancBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
165Ali MacDuffBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
172Zach MacLennanBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
166Olivia McCoyBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
167Emma PalmerBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
173Parker RawsonBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
174Yuya TodaBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
168Char WoodBracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb
175Lindsay BattagliaCollingwood - Collingwood
197Cole BowheyCollingwood - Collingwood
176Gillian BramwellCollingwood - Collingwood
198Will BurnsCollingwood - Collingwood
177Anna CarruthersCollingwood - Collingwood
178Devyn CochraneCollingwood - Collingwood
199Oakley CockerillCollingwood - Collingwood
200Josh ConnCollingwood - Collingwood
179Sofie Czerny-HolowniaCollingwood - Collingwood
201Jaden DankevyCollingwood - Collingwood
202Connor DugganCollingwood - Collingwood
203Mike FarkasCollingwood - Collingwood
180Anna FoleyCollingwood - Collingwood
204Will GiffenCollingwood - Collingwood
181Oakley HockleyCollingwood - Collingwood
205Josh HogueCollingwood - Collingwood
182Piper HolmesCollingwood - Collingwood
183Maddy KnightCollingwood - Collingwood
206Jake KorpiCollingwood - Collingwood
207Tyson LaevensCollingwood - Collingwood
208Trevor LangfordCollingwood - Collingwood
184Grace LightCollingwood - Collingwood
185Rose MaagdenbergCollingwood - Collingwood
209Matthew MaanCollingwood - Collingwood
186Zoe MacCullochCollingwood - Collingwood
210Connor MacDonaldCollingwood - Collingwood
187Eva Marsot-ShiffmanCollingwood - Collingwood
211Lucas McDonaldCollingwood - Collingwood
212Sam McDonaldCollingwood - Collingwood
213Grady McGuireCollingwood - Collingwood
188Erica McInnisCollingwood - Collingwood
189Madeleine McInnisCollingwood - Collingwood
214Ryan McNallyCollingwood - Collingwood
215Sean O'DonnellCollingwood - Collingwood
190Emily O'HalloranCollingwood - Collingwood
216Erik OhrlingCollingwood - Collingwood
191Heidi OhrlingCollingwood - Collingwood
217Freddie PickessCollingwood - Collingwood
192Hannah SkeltonCollingwood - Collingwood
218Mitch StadnykCollingwood - Collingwood
193Ashley StewartCollingwood - Collingwood
194Tristana UsherCollingwood - Collingwood
195Payton WestCollingwood - Collingwood
196Olivia WestbrookeCollingwood - Collingwood
219Brayden WilliamsCollingwood - Collingwood
238Braedan AllenElmvale - Elmvale
239Xander BaatjeElmvale - Elmvale
220Emily BaderElmvale - Elmvale
221Amy DorionElmvale - Elmvale
222Taylor EmberleyElmvale - Elmvale
223Maddison FitzgeraldElmvale - Elmvale
224Gillian HunnisetElmvale - Elmvale
240Nicholas JuffermansElmvale - Elmvale
241Liam KennedyElmvale - Elmvale
242Collin KitchingElmvale - Elmvale
225Lynsay MaracleElmvale - Elmvale
226Emma MartinElmvale - Elmvale
243Howard MartinElmvale - Elmvale
227Madelyn MartinElmvale - Elmvale
244Travis McGillElmvale - Elmvale
228Sam MitchellElmvale - Elmvale
245Matt MoreauElmvale - Elmvale
246Nico NidenzElmvale - Elmvale
247Derek O'NeillElmvale - Elmvale
229Emily OldfieldElmvale - Elmvale
230Lauren PagliaroElmvale - Elmvale
231Paige PagliaroElmvale - Elmvale
232Kelsie RobertsonElmvale - Elmvale
248Pat RyallElmvale - Elmvale
233Isabelle StevensonElmvale - Elmvale
249Nate StringerElmvale - Elmvale
250Derek SweeneyElmvale - Elmvale
251Anthony VidiadakisElmvale - Elmvale
252Greg WegnerElmvale - Elmvale
234Sarah WellsElmvale - Elmvale
253Brandon WillsonElmvale - Elmvale
235Brittney WillsonElmvale - Elmvale
236Haleigh WoodwardElmvale - Elmvale
254Curtis WrightElmvale - Elmvale
237Fiona WrightElmvale - Elmvale
268Makenzie AikenESC Algonquin - North Bay
269Matt AndrewESC Algonquin - North Bay
255Kelsey BelangerESC Algonquin - North Bay
256Katie BethuneESC Algonquin - North Bay
257Brittney BoulangerESC Algonquin - North Bay
270Ben CantinESC Algonquin - North Bay
258Emma CarusoESC Algonquin - North Bay
271Yannic CastonguayESC Algonquin - North Bay
272Jon ChampagneESC Algonquin - North Bay
273Philippe CoutuESC Algonquin - North Bay
259Megan CruickshankESC Algonquin - North Bay
260Makayls DenommeeESC Algonquin - North Bay
274Riley DesjardinsESC Algonquin - North Bay
275Dante DohertyESC Algonquin - North Bay
261Brigitte KellyESC Algonquin - North Bay
262Sophie LaperriereESC Algonquin - North Bay
276Ty LindemanESC Algonquin - North Bay
277Zach MartelESC Algonquin - North Bay
263Grace MichauvilleESC Algonquin - North Bay
278Jonathan MonetteESC Algonquin - North Bay
279Brad PicheESC Algonquin - North Bay
264Abigail PointESC Algonquin - North Bay
265Madison PointESC Algonquin - North Bay
280Mat RangerESC Algonquin - North Bay
281Caleb RichESC Algonquin - North Bay
266Cassie RichESC Algonquin - North Bay
267Josee RochonESC Algonquin - North Bay
282Ryan WellsESC Algonquin - North Bay
283Annamae AlonzoHoly Trinity - Bradford
296Davis BrooksHoly Trinity - Bradford
284Bronwyn CameronHoly Trinity - Bradford
285Emma CameronHoly Trinity - Bradford
297Dylan CamposHoly Trinity - Bradford
286Michela De RosaHoly Trinity - Bradford
298Curtis HannamHoly Trinity - Bradford
287Amanda LachanceHoly Trinity - Bradford
299Frank MacielHoly Trinity - Bradford
288Eden MarkovskiHoly Trinity - Bradford
300Justin MaucaHoly Trinity - Bradford
289Melissa PersaudHoly Trinity - Bradford
290Marie PintoHoly Trinity - Bradford
301Michael PrinceHoly Trinity - Bradford
302Stefan RibeiroHoly Trinity - Bradford
291Kristen SantosHoly Trinity - Bradford
292Gabby SemouhaHoly Trinity - Bradford
293Jessica SnellHoly Trinity - Bradford
294Jamie WhiteHoly Trinity - Bradford
295Kassidy WhiteHoly Trinity - Bradford
324Dotun AketepeInnisdale - Barrie
303Tara AllenInnisdale - Barrie
325Jemini ArcherInnisdale - Barrie
326Matt BarnesInnisdale - Barrie
304Tyanna BestInnisdale - Barrie
327Justin BresolinInnisdale - Barrie
305Mikaela BrewerInnisdale - Barrie
306Jaelynn BrooksInnisdale - Barrie
307Vanessa CalcosInnisdale - Barrie
308Reaghan CaseInnisdale - Barrie
328Jalen CooperInnisdale - Barrie
329Chris CornwallInnisdale - Barrie
330Kail DavaInnisdale - Barrie
309Kayla DenesInnisdale - Barrie
331Jacob DevineInnisdale - Barrie
332Alex DollesInnisdale - Barrie
310Mackenzie EmersonInnisdale - Barrie
311Nel HoogenveenInnisdale - Barrie
333Ken HuynhInnisdale - Barrie
334Cam KnowlesInnisdale - Barrie
335Landon LeoneInnisdale - Barrie
312Grace MacMillanInnisdale - Barrie
336Griffin MacvicarInnisdale - Barrie
337Jason MaddenInnisdale - Barrie
338Eric MalkoskeInnisdale - Barrie
313Tyler McleamingInnisdale - Barrie
314Amanda MyersInnisdale - Barrie
315Kristie NowicinInnisdale - Barrie
316Dominika OlegasheviskyInnisdale - Barrie
339Nick RallisInnisdale - Barrie
340Lucas RamptonInnisdale - Barrie
317Madi RamptonInnisdale - Barrie
341Daniel RomeroInnisdale - Barrie
318Alana ShortInnisdale - Barrie
319Talia SouthInnisdale - Barrie
342Spener SperlingInnisdale - Barrie
343Myles StranoInnisdale - Barrie
320Sydney SwansonInnisdale - Barrie
344Fairchild TiriboyiInnisdale - Barrie
321Devon WallInnisdale - Barrie
345Sam WardInnisdale - Barrie
346Brock WelshInnisdale - Barrie
322Cora WilsonInnisdale - Barrie
347Cole YakeInnisdale - Barrie
323Ireland YearwoodInnisdale - Barrie
350Reece BarrettJean Vanier - Collingwood
351Sam BowinsJean Vanier - Collingwood
352Reid BullockJean Vanier - Collingwood
353Brendan DanaherJean Vanier - Collingwood
354Jacob DufortJean Vanier - Collingwood
355Seth DufortJean Vanier - Collingwood
356Josh FillionJean Vanier - Collingwood
357Ben GalloJean Vanier - Collingwood
348Michaela GosselinJean Vanier - Collingwood
358Tomas HollingsheadJean Vanier - Collingwood
359Zack JohnstonJean Vanier - Collingwood
349Jordan MaltoJean Vanier - Collingwood
360Garret McMahonJean Vanier - Collingwood
361Nick OrrJean Vanier - Collingwood
362Ty PaytonJean Vanier - Collingwood
363Kristy AlfordNantyr Shores - Innisfil
364Crystal AshtonNantyr Shores - Innisfil
367Dalton AustinNantyr Shores - Innisfil
368Anthony DykemanNantyr Shores - Innisfil
365Dakota FaichneNantyr Shores - Innisfil
369Brian HardingNantyr Shores - Innisfil
366Ashlynn HllidayNantyr Shores - Innisfil
370Justin LarocheNantyr Shores - Innisfil
371Hunter LeeNantyr Shores - Innisfil
372Santana AuchterlonieNottawasaga Pines - Angus
373Morgan BoothbyNottawasaga Pines - Angus
375Brendan CooperNottawasaga Pines - Angus
374Rosalyn MartinNottawasaga Pines - Angus
376Matthew MilleyNottawasaga Pines - Angus
377Sebastien ParadisNottawasaga Pines - Angus
394Tosh AggarwalOrillia Secondary School
378Rylee BellOrillia Secondary School
395Graham BuchanOrillia Secondary School
379Taylor CastellaniOrillia Secondary School
380Gabrielle ConaghanOrillia Secondary School
381Anna DiBaccoOrillia Secondary School
396Riley DoironOrillia Secondary School
397Malcolm ElliottOrillia Secondary School
398Cam EppOrillia Secondary School
382Claire FletcherOrillia Secondary School
383Rachel GoodwinOrillia Secondary School
399Thomas HillsonOrillia Secondary School
384Jordan KummerOrillia Secondary School
400Devon LockeOrillia Secondary School
401Leif MannersOrillia Secondary School
402Dakota McAvoyOrillia Secondary School
403Owen MihalikOrillia Secondary School
385Maghavi PatelOrillia Secondary School
404Thomas ReidOrillia Secondary School
386Karley RimkeyOrillia Secondary School
387Jessica RoachOrillia Secondary School
388Karley RynardOrillia Secondary School
389Marlee SandersonOrillia Secondary School
405Josh ScottOrillia Secondary School
406Tim ScottOrillia Secondary School
407Talal SeiheOrillia Secondary School
390Eryn StaceyOrillia Secondary School
408Jordi StewartOrillia Secondary School
409Evan ThomsonOrillia Secondary School
391Morgan VickersOrillia Secondary School
392Sarah WalterOrillia Secondary School
393Meaghan WelchOrillia Secondary School
410Quinn WhamondOrillia Secondary School
411Liam WilsonOrillia Secondary School
412Karl WinderOrillia Secondary School
426Lyle ArcherParry Sound - Parry Sound
413Kayla BabcockParry Sound - Parry Sound
414Olivia BallParry Sound - Parry Sound
415Jordan BolwerkParry Sound - Parry Sound
427Jack BoydenParry Sound - Parry Sound
428Bryan BurfordParry Sound - Parry Sound
416Jen Cole-WhiteParry Sound - Parry Sound
429Peter CoppesParry Sound - Parry Sound
417Erika DabekParry Sound - Parry Sound
430Justin DawsonParry Sound - Parry Sound
431Adam DugganParry Sound - Parry Sound
432Brayden EmersonParry Sound - Parry Sound
433Ethan GravesParry Sound - Parry Sound
418Katelynne HinksmanParry Sound - Parry Sound
419Sasha IstvanParry Sound - Parry Sound
420Emmy JacksonParry Sound - Parry Sound
434Colton MarshallParry Sound - Parry Sound
421Debbe MosesParry Sound - Parry Sound
435Kivan MosesParry Sound - Parry Sound
422Lauren NawrothParry Sound - Parry Sound
436Ethan PriaulxParry Sound - Parry Sound
423Megan RaymondParry Sound - Parry Sound
424Nicole RitchieParry Sound - Parry Sound
437Jordan RugglesParry Sound - Parry Sound
438Casey StevensParry Sound - Parry Sound
425Stephanie WeeksParry Sound - Parry Sound
449Hayden AyersPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
439Ryleigh BakerPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
450AJ BalinganPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
451Charles Blais-DionnePatrick Fogarty - Orillia
452Kentin DochertyPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
440Megan DoleweerdPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
453Isaac EmonPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
441Beatrice FockensPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
454Chris FuchsPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
455Alex GlassPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
442Emily GlassPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
443Emily GoftonPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
456Joey HealyPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
444Madie MacNealPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
445Meghan MatysPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
457Nic McFaddenPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
458Tom McKenziePatrick Fogarty - Orillia
446Sophia NemethPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
459Jack QuigleyPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
460Peter QuigleyPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
447Lindsey ReadPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
461Tanner SleepPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
462Sam SwitzerPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
448Dakota WarrenPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
463Lucas WorrodPatrick Fogarty - Orillia
464Josh CarterSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
465Douglas Chen-YoungSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
466Darin CheungSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
467Sam CrowderSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
468Eric DietterleSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
469Vladimir DyagilevSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
470John EdwardsSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
471Carlie ElliottSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
472Dara GoharchiSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
473Drew HamiltonSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
474Grant HickeySt. Andrew's College - Aurora
475Grant HickeySt. Andrew's College - Aurora
476Allen HuSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
477Noah HultonSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
478Ryan JamiesonSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
479Hamza KabirSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
480Samir KhakiSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
481Hale LeeSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
482Derek MaSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
484Kyle MacfarlandSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
483Kyle MacfarlandSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
485JP MartinSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
486Sam MatarazzoSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
487Mario MendozaSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
488Marshall MooreSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
489Callum MurphySt. Andrew's College - Aurora
490Joshua MwinyogleeSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
491Elliot PowersSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
492Brendan RushSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
493Nova SchmidtSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
494Kiran ShahSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
495Kevin ShuSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
496Niklaus SideilSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
497Adre SimmondsSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
498Eric SituSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
499Daniel SoetiknoSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
500Brendan St. PierreSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
501Nick TheodoreSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
502Ben TomkinsonSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
503Mario VasquezSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
504Christian WallaceSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
505Conor WoodroffeSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
506Joseph YazdaniSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
507Erin ArmstrongSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
515Bryden BeckerSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
516Oliver BlackmoreSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
508Abby BrownSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
517Nick BuddSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
509Nadia DeWashaSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
518John DowneySt. Dominic - Bracebridge
510Abby EllisSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
519Lucas EnglandSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
520John HildebrandtSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
521Matt LawrenceSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
511McKenna McCoySt. Dominic - Bracebridge
512Robyn McIntyreSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
513Brandi McMurren-ParkerSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
522Ben NielsenSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
523Phillip NielsenSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
524Josh PearceSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
525Tanner RaycraftSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
526MacKenzie ScarlettSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
527Matt SchnurrSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
514Estella Sear-EmerySt. Dominic - Bracebridge
528Kenya UmeharaSt. Dominic - Bracebridge
549Michael AitchisonSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
550Alvin BlegaySt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
551Tristan BunnamanSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
529Keira BurnsSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
530Mackenzie CampeseSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
531Violette d'AmboiseSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
532Piper DooSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
533Nicole EllisonSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
534Lola FadiyaSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
535Emily FewsterSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
552Brendan FragomeniSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
553Daniel FrangioneSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
554Tyson GatesSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
536Veronika GoffinSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
555Quinton HuntSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
556Jeremy HusseySt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
557Ethan KeerySt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
558Jacob LapenseeSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
537Cameron LejambeSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
559Cole LequierSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
560Brodie MacNeilSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
561Aidan O'HaraSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
538Christiana OyelowoSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
562Michal PierzchalaSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
539Aaliyah PorterSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
563David ScarselloneSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
540Christi ScheeresSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
564Liam SkellySt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
541Jessa SundbergSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
542Ashley TizzardSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
543Hannah TourignySt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
544Danielle TrottierSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
565Kenny VuongSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
545Chloe WeeningSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
546Zoey WesterveltSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
547Sarah WipfSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
548Evelyn WrobelSt. Joan of Arc - Barrie
578Eric AndersonSt. Joseph's - Barrie
566Katie BrowneSt. Joseph's - Barrie
567Jordan ClarkeSt. Joseph's - Barrie
579Tyler DenesSt. Joseph's - Barrie
580Beshoy FanousSt. Joseph's - Barrie
581Nathan GalitisSt. Joseph's - Barrie
582Michael GallantSt. Joseph's - Barrie
583Benjamin GilbartSt. Joseph's - Barrie
584Skeets GreeneSt. Joseph's - Barrie
568Erica GulliaSt. Joseph's - Barrie
585Rohan GuptaSt. Joseph's - Barrie
569Chloe HamiltonSt. Joseph's - Barrie
570Mackenzie HowlettSt. Joseph's - Barrie
586Ramiz IbrahimiSt. Joseph's - Barrie
587Dylan KerrSt. Joseph's - Barrie
571Trinity KrugerSt. Joseph's - Barrie
588Jaiden LangboungSt. Joseph's - Barrie
572Audrey McCormickSt. Joseph's - Barrie
589Tate McDonaldSt. Joseph's - Barrie
590Thomas NeillSt. Joseph's - Barrie
591Joshua PapenhuyzenSt. Joseph's - Barrie
573Ella PeironeSt. Joseph's - Barrie
592Gunner PenroseSt. Joseph's - Barrie
574Victoria PicancoSt. Joseph's - Barrie
575Emma RobertsonSt. Joseph's - Barrie
593Samuel RussellSt. Joseph's - Barrie
594Christopher SimonSt. Joseph's - Barrie
595Stephen SimonSt. Joseph's - Barrie
596Joey Sparrow TaylorSt. Joseph's - Barrie
597Matthew StemmlerSt. Joseph's - Barrie
576Natsuki SzczokinSt. Joseph's - Barrie
598Timmy TruongSt. Joseph's - Barrie
577Kylie VanCasterenSt. Joseph's - Barrie
599Dario ZeccaSt. Joseph's - Barrie
600Tallon ZeccaSt. Joseph's - Barrie
601Haley AdairSt. Peter's - Barrie
623Luther AkinbodunSt. Peter's - Barrie
602Teresa AkinbodunSt. Peter's - Barrie
603Morayo AladejanaSt. Peter's - Barrie
604Alexa AnneccaSt. Peter's - Barrie
624Liam BakerSt. Peter's - Barrie
625Sean BakerSt. Peter's - Barrie
626Ben BattagliaSt. Peter's - Barrie
605Rebecca CanoSt. Peter's - Barrie
627Alex Carmona-eppSt. Peter's - Barrie
606Tianna CartwrightSt. Peter's - Barrie
628Isaiah CaruanoSt. Peter's - Barrie
607Samara CulyerSt. Peter's - Barrie
608Claire DalliSt. Peter's - Barrie
629Andrew DoSt. Peter's - Barrie
609Jessica DurdleSt. Peter's - Barrie
610Kaleigh FederSt. Peter's - Barrie
611Mary Kate FraserSt. Peter's - Barrie
612Karah GalbraithSt. Peter's - Barrie
613Olivia HildebrandtSt. Peter's - Barrie
630Jack IdeiasSt. Peter's - Barrie
614Madaline JohnsonSt. Peter's - Barrie
615Melissa KeenanSt. Peter's - Barrie
631Alex KingSt. Peter's - Barrie
632Dillon LaineySt. Peter's - Barrie
616Sarah LathamSt. Peter's - Barrie
617Noelle LivermoreSt. Peter's - Barrie
633Noah MedeirosSt. Peter's - Barrie
618Emily MifsudSt. Peter's - Barrie
634Tyler MifsudSt. Peter's - Barrie
635Osayame OsaghaeSt. Peter's - Barrie
636Chuwkudi OwoSt. Peter's - Barrie
619Darshana PowellSt. Peter's - Barrie
637Harrison ReidSt. Peter's - Barrie
638Ryan RoySt. Peter's - Barrie
620Maya SadowskiSt. Peter's - Barrie
639Jackson ScottSt. Peter's - Barrie
640Jared ShortSt. Peter's - Barrie
641Brian SitalSt. Peter's - Barrie
621Brianna SuttonSt. Peter's - Barrie
622Meghan TowerSt. Peter's - Barrie
642Kyle VieiraSt. Peter's - Barrie
643Eduardo WellsSt. Peter's - Barrie
644Mac YoungSt. Peter's - Barrie
645Melissa AnastasakisSt. Theresa's - Midland
673Garrett AnsellSt. Theresa's - Midland
674Owen BellSt. Theresa's - Midland
675Zachary BerriaultSt. Theresa's - Midland
646Tara BeyesSt. Theresa's - Midland
676Tyler BressetteSt. Theresa's - Midland
677Brad BrownSt. Theresa's - Midland
678Patrick BrownSt. Theresa's - Midland
679Ryan CadySt. Theresa's - Midland
680Amani ChabikuliSt. Theresa's - Midland
647Lauryn CoteSt. Theresa's - Midland
648Savannah CoulsonSt. Theresa's - Midland
681Gavin CourtemancheSt. Theresa's - Midland
649Sarah CrookSt. Theresa's - Midland
650Eileen DavidSt. Theresa's - Midland
651Shirlys DeschampsSt. Theresa's - Midland
682Robbie DesrochesSt. Theresa's - Midland
652Emily DuckettSt. Theresa's - Midland
683Connor DunfordSt. Theresa's - Midland
653Abby DusomeSt. Theresa's - Midland
684Jacob EdwardsSt. Theresa's - Midland
685Nathan EdwardsSt. Theresa's - Midland
654Samantha FlorschutzSt. Theresa's - Midland
655Brooke ForsayethSt. Theresa's - Midland
656Faith ForsayethSt. Theresa's - Midland
686Jacob FournierSt. Theresa's - Midland
687Hayden GainesSt. Theresa's - Midland
688Jonathan HackettSt. Theresa's - Midland
689Lucas HamelinSt. Theresa's - Midland
657Taylor HamelinSt. Theresa's - Midland
690Noah HawkeSt. Theresa's - Midland
658Brittany HickmanSt. Theresa's - Midland
691Jack HierholzerSt. Theresa's - Midland
659Tia HindsonSt. Theresa's - Midland
660Kiya HuttonSt. Theresa's - Midland
692Austin IngramSt. Theresa's - Midland
661Grace LafreniereSt. Theresa's - Midland
662Sophia LightSt. Theresa's - Midland
663Zelia LightSt. Theresa's - Midland
664Ilysha LockSt. Theresa's - Midland
693Mackenzie LoutitSt. Theresa's - Midland
665Mia McLeodSt. Theresa's - Midland
666Chloe MichelSt. Theresa's - Midland
694Eric MoreauSt. Theresa's - Midland
695Rory OliverSt. Theresa's - Midland
696Robert PayneSt. Theresa's - Midland
667Sarah PowellSt. Theresa's - Midland
697Brad PriceSt. Theresa's - Midland
668Lindsay PriceSt. Theresa's - Midland
698Ryan RichardsonSt. Theresa's - Midland
699Josh RullySt. Theresa's - Midland
669Brittany SarrazinSt. Theresa's - Midland
670Sarah SongSt. Theresa's - Midland
671Sydnee TavernierSt. Theresa's - Midland
700Keegan TherrienSt. Theresa's - Midland
701Devin ThomasSt. Theresa's - Midland
672Emily ThomkinsonSt. Theresa's - Midland
708Elijah CrawfordSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
709Jonah CrawfordSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
702Sarah FlynnSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
703Lauren GignacSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
710Michael GriepsmaSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
711Grant HillSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
712Trey McGregorSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
704Erin MoffattSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
713Carter NeamtzSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
705Grace O'BrienSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
706Holly PenningsSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
714Alex RossSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
715Liam ShanksSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
716Winston StewardSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
717Inaki VicenteSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
718Ander VincenteSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
707Alyssa WrightSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
719Noah WrightSt. Thomas Aquinas - Lindsay
743Alex ArnottSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
744Noah BastienSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
745Jacob BoudreauSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
720Ali BrazeauSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
721Samantha BrownleeSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
722Courtney CarneSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
746Devan ColnarSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
723Malory DominicoSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
724Caela DoyleSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
725Mackenzie DoyleSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
747Nathan DufresneSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
726Megan EwinSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
748Ashton FollettSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
749Tony FournierSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
727Hailee FryerSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
728Jillian GleasonSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
729Cara GuySt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
750Evan HauckSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
730Julianna HeadSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
731Maddie JeanneaultSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
732Meaghan KellySt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
733Jilleen KilroySt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
751Grant LafontaineSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
752Isaac LapierreSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
753Dali LombardiSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
734Emma McArthurSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
754Matthew MenardSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
755Jaden MillsSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
735Avery NewmanSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
736Stephanie PortuguesSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
756Nolan ReynoldsSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
757James RuelSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
758Connor RussoSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
737Cali SchlosserSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
738Claudia SchlosserSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
739Danielle SeguinSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
740Kylie SeguinSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
759Conrad SmithSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
760Cole St JeanSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
741Kylie SullivanSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
761Eric VendittiSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
762Ryan VendittiSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
742Jessica WashburnSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
763AJ WilliamsonSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
764Nathan WoodruffSt.Joseph-Scollard - North Bay
765Catie AttridgeTwin Lakes - Orillia
776Nathan BrownTwin Lakes - Orillia
777Robert BurnsTwin Lakes - Orillia
766Amber CousinsTwin Lakes - Orillia
778Aidan DouglasTwin Lakes - Orillia
779Hayden DrueryTwin Lakes - Orillia
780Hughie EdwardsTwin Lakes - Orillia
781Jack FarrellTwin Lakes - Orillia
782Sam FeddeTwin Lakes - Orillia
783Caleb FoyTwin Lakes - Orillia
784Peter GilchristTwin Lakes - Orillia
767Katie GrayTwin Lakes - Orillia
768Cara HarrisTwin Lakes - Orillia
785Mitch HornTwin Lakes - Orillia
786Lucas KohokoTwin Lakes - Orillia
787Noah LasciTwin Lakes - Orillia
788Billy LatourTwin Lakes - Orillia
769Kim LesnickTwin Lakes - Orillia
789Gavin LongTwin Lakes - Orillia
790Scotty MackenzieTwin Lakes - Orillia
791Michael MontgomeryTwin Lakes - Orillia
792Hunter NobleTwin Lakes - Orillia
770Erin Parna-GileTwin Lakes - Orillia
793Sebastian RoopnarineTwin Lakes - Orillia
794Max SchachterTwin Lakes - Orillia
771Erin ScottTwin Lakes - Orillia
772Katelyn SlessorTwin Lakes - Orillia
773Montanna SlessorTwin Lakes - Orillia
795Christian SpurrTwin Lakes - Orillia
796Mac VibertTwin Lakes - Orillia
774Camryn WilliamsTwin Lakes - Orillia
797Braeden WinterburnTwin Lakes - Orillia
798Devin WinterburnTwin Lakes - Orillia
775Brittney YurekTwin Lakes - Orillia
808Adam ArmstrongUnity Christian - Barrie
799Kate BorgertUnity Christian - Barrie
800Jessi DenboerUnity Christian - Barrie
809Marten DitttmannUnity Christian - Barrie
810Isaiah FrielinkUnity Christian - Barrie
811Peter FrielinkUnity Christian - Barrie
812Matthew GibsonUnity Christian - Barrie
813Jesse GrahamUnity Christian - Barrie
801Nikki JonesUnity Christian - Barrie
802Sydney JonesUnity Christian - Barrie
814Nick MarchandUnity Christian - Barrie
815Caden MarkleUnity Christian - Barrie
803Michaela MarkleUnity Christian - Barrie
804Abby OverdijkUnity Christian - Barrie
816Nick SelkirkUnity Christian - Barrie
817Zach SelkirkUnity Christian - Barrie
818Will SpringleUnity Christian - Barrie
805Joy TigchelaarUnity Christian - Barrie
819Josh VanLoenenUnity Christian - Barrie
806Breton VanSchubertUnity Christian - Barrie
820Zaais VanZeylUnity Christian - Barrie
821Aaron VeenstraUnity Christian - Barrie
822Kurt WatsonUnity Christian - Barrie
807Maya ZielglerUnity Christian - Barrie
cLast updated Thu, 28 Apr 2016 12:49:47

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