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1Daniella CastelloAgincourt - Agincourt
2Isabella ChanAgincourt - Agincourt
3Zoie FengAgincourt - Agincourt
4Teresa HoAgincourt - Agincourt
5Shanice NeitaAgincourt - Agincourt
6Mahkeba WaltersAgincourt - Agincourt
7Lynn YangAgincourt - Agincourt
8Ashley ZhaiAgincourt - Agincourt
9Cindy ZhangAgincourt - Agincourt
10Joshua ChingAgincourt - Agincourt
11Edward LiuAgincourt - Agincourt
12Shemar LynAgincourt - Agincourt
13Tre McCallaAgincourt - Agincourt
14Kevin MokAgincourt - Agincourt
15Pirathajini ChandrakumarAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
16Lovisa CheungAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
17Diana FengAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
18Amanda HoangAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
19Amanda HuangAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
20Kathy LiuAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
21Angela MakAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
22Aranee MohanathasAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
23Linda WangAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
24Fion YeungAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
25Angus AuAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
26Thanujan ChandrakumarAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
27Stanley ChenAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
28Michael CrossAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
29Ansun FengAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
30Karl-Andre GayleAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
31Benjamin HeAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
32Jacky HuangAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
33Nadley JamesAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
34Alvin LeeAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
35Jamar LewinAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
36Jacky LoAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
37Natan Muacasso-ShourAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
38Pabidran SanthakumarAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
39Eddie SunAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
40Janushan ViayakumarAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
41Marcel WangAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
42Jason YeungAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
43Antonio YongAlbert Campbell - Agincourt
44Ashley ChutAlbert College - Belleville
45Tomomi KadokuraAlbert College - Belleville
46Lotanna EzeAlbert College - Belleville
47Katie HicksBayview Glen
48Jordyn ListroBayview Glen
49Shamara NadarajahBayview Glen
50Brandon MalamisBayview Glen
51Janica AdamsBirchmount Park - Scarborough
52Alexa FinnBirchmount Park - Scarborough
53Tekel GabrielBirchmount Park - Scarborough
54Katrina InnanenBirchmount Park - Scarborough
55Jamilah JamesBirchmount Park - Scarborough
56Dara KarakolisBirchmount Park - Scarborough
57Olympia KaripidisBirchmount Park - Scarborough
58Ashley MacDonaldBirchmount Park - Scarborough
59Lennae MarshBirchmount Park - Scarborough
60Rachel PooleBirchmount Park - Scarborough
61Krystine SoraBirchmount Park - Scarborough
62Asad BariBirchmount Park - Scarborough
63Cody BridgerBirchmount Park - Scarborough
64Ben DeVitoBirchmount Park - Scarborough
65Will GuevaraBirchmount Park - Scarborough
66Dylan HarrisonBirchmount Park - Scarborough
67Spencer HarrisonBirchmount Park - Scarborough
68Edward HayfronBirchmount Park - Scarborough
69Alex HegelBirchmount Park - Scarborough
70Matthew IngBirchmount Park - Scarborough
71Luke MackrellBirchmount Park - Scarborough
72Noel MassiahBirchmount Park - Scarborough
73Evan McClenaghanBirchmount Park - Scarborough
74Matthew MoesdykBirchmount Park - Scarborough
75Azam Mohammad TaherBirchmount Park - Scarborough
76Collin WarehamBirchmount Park - Scarborough
77Daniel WilsonBirchmount Park - Scarborough
78Aileen AgadaBishop Allen Academy
79Isabelle BarnesBishop Allen Academy
80Jennifer BucciBishop Allen Academy
81Simone CapozzoloBishop Allen Academy
82Teah DomazetBishop Allen Academy
83Fernanda EstevezBishop Allen Academy
84Sophia HerreraBishop Allen Academy
85Alexandra LuckiBishop Allen Academy
86Maria MarkovacBishop Allen Academy
87Sophia Martin-SchmitzBishop Allen Academy
88Stephanie PeevBishop Allen Academy
89Morgan SurajramBishop Allen Academy
90Alexander AugimeriBishop Allen Academy
91Andrius BalsasBishop Allen Academy
92Luca MartinBishop Allen Academy
93Jacob McLennanBishop Allen Academy
94Timothy MustardBishop Allen Academy
95Marco Dos SantosBishop F. Marrocco/Merton
96Christabel ChanBishop Strachan - Toronto
97Zoe DetlefsenBishop Strachan - Toronto
98Athena FooBishop Strachan - Toronto
99Vanessa GoldBishop Strachan - Toronto
100Kayla GreenbergBishop Strachan - Toronto
101Amy GrundlengerBishop Strachan - Toronto
102Lauren GuizzettiBishop Strachan - Toronto
103Allison HarrisBishop Strachan - Toronto
104Liz HornerBishop Strachan - Toronto
105Somerset JarvisBishop Strachan - Toronto
106Andie MathisonBishop Strachan - Toronto
107Mary McNeeBishop Strachan - Toronto
108Christiana AugustinBlessed Cardinal Newman
109Amanda BayonaBlessed Cardinal Newman
110Erin KinninmontBlessed Cardinal Newman
111Meghan MuldoonBlessed Cardinal Newman
112Gabriel BroderickBlessed Cardinal Newman
113Zachary GuyBlessed Cardinal Newman
114Nick ZografosBlessed Cardinal Newman
115Monique CallisteBlessed Mother Teresa S S
116Adrain CamaraBlessed Mother Teresa S S
117Jasmine GooljarBlessed Mother Teresa S S
118Khadijah ValentineBlessed Mother Teresa S S
119Dashawn BlackwoodBlessed Mother Teresa S S
120Jasel BoatengBlessed Mother Teresa S S
121Orlando GayleBlessed Mother Teresa S S
122Kamal MillerBlessed Mother Teresa S S
123Justin O'GarroBlessed Mother Teresa S S
124Troy WilliamsBlessed Mother Teresa S S
125Mia MahinayBlessed Pope John Paul I I
126Marcus CarringtonBlessed Pope John Paul I I
127Tyler SequeiraBlessed Pope John Paul I I
128Aaron TrivinoBlessed Pope John Paul I I
129Allen TrivinoBlessed Pope John Paul I I
130Lillian AllenBranksome Hall - Toronto
131Julia BelittchenkoBranksome Hall - Toronto
132Megan CunertyBranksome Hall - Toronto
133Nikola DuncanovaBranksome Hall - Toronto
134Halle KukulowiczBranksome Hall - Toronto
135Connor OstoichBranksome Hall - Toronto
136Kendal RudkaBranksome Hall - Toronto
137Kristina WagramBranksome Hall - Toronto
138Russell AricaBrebeuf College
139Simon EgzawBrebeuf College
140Patrick GreeneBrebeuf College
141Robinson Jude RanjanBrebeuf College
142Miguel PalijBrebeuf College
143Fredrick SalesBrebeuf College
144Elijah SilvaBrebeuf College
145Andrew SolibaBrebeuf College
146Michael TangBrebeuf College
147Marc ViadoBrebeuf College
148Bridget AsamoahCardinal Carter Academy
149Christopher CruzCardinal Carter Academy
150Stanette LindsayCardinal James McGuigan
151Etinosa IgiozeeCardinal James McGuigan
151Iglozee EntmosaCardinal James McGuigan
152Andre Ford-AzonwannaCardinal James McGuigan
153Miguel LalorCardinal James McGuigan
154Charity WilliamsCentral Technical - Toronto
155Lawerence D'SouzaCentral Technical - Toronto
156Anthony BastaChaminade College
157Donald BowerChaminade College
158Joseph CarereChaminade College
159Dhillon ColeChaminade College
160Chris CossidenteChaminade College
161Henrique CustodioChaminade College
162Marco Di GiovanniChaminade College
163Matthew DiamantiChaminade College
164Anston EmmanuelChaminade College
165Michael FilicettiChaminade College
166Placide IlUngaChaminade College
167Xavier JehovahChaminade College
168James KanuChaminade College
169Taygue KellyChaminade College
170Yissac LoulsegedChaminade College
171Jamiel MooreChaminade College
172Thomas NguyenChaminade College
173Gabriel PallottaChaminade College
174Jason RobertChaminade College
175Matthew RosatiChaminade College
176Damiene ThamasChaminade College
177Nolan WalkerChaminade College
178Kassie ClarkCountry Day School - King City
179Rachel GlynnCountry Day School - King City
180Brittany JacksonCountry Day School - King City
181Emily MooreCountry Day School - King City
182David Di PaoloCountry Day School - King City
183Spencer GreenbergCountry Day School - King City
184Ungaro LupisCountry Day School - King City
185Matthew StaplesCountry Day School - King City
186Deen ChoudhuryCrescent School - Willowdale
187William ChristodoulouCrescent School - Willowdale
188Matthew CorolisCrescent School - Willowdale
189Abhinav DharCrescent School - Willowdale
190Ray KangCrescent School - Willowdale
191Nicholas MehtaCrescent School - Willowdale
192Ryley MehtaCrescent School - Willowdale
193Daniel ShaneCrescent School - Willowdale
194Edwin XuCrescent School - Willowdale
195Caitlin SkainCrestwood Preparatory Sr
196Austin MasonCrestwood Preparatory Sr
197Emmanuel ZambazisCrestwood Preparatory Sr
198Bryan SanchezDante Alighiere Academy
199Abdur AliDavid & Mary Thompson-Scarboro
200Nh'shaun AllenDavid & Mary Thompson-Scarboro
201Nathan CollinsDavid & Mary Thompson-Scarboro
202Daniella CatenacciDe La Salle College - Toronto
203Nicola CharlesDe La Salle College - Toronto
204Matia DaleDe La Salle College - Toronto
205Abbey DeFulvisDe La Salle College - Toronto
206Andrea FurgiueleDe La Salle College - Toronto
207Maddie GaasenbeekDe La Salle College - Toronto
208Helen KoscDe La Salle College - Toronto
209Kathryn ManarinDe La Salle College - Toronto
210Bridget McGlynnDe La Salle College - Toronto
211Maddie McKayDe La Salle College - Toronto
212Calleigh O'SheaDe La Salle College - Toronto
213Anastasia PetuninaDe La Salle College - Toronto
214Samantha SantoroDe La Salle College - Toronto
215Stephanie TerenziDe La Salle College - Toronto
216Stephani TomazosDe La Salle College - Toronto
217Lindsay TrambleDe La Salle College - Toronto
218Olivia WaiteDe La Salle College - Toronto
219Amidou BambaDe La Salle College - Toronto
220Stephen BatemanDe La Salle College - Toronto
221Thomas DodigDe La Salle College - Toronto
222Ben DunnDe La Salle College - Toronto
223Jamie EngelsDe La Salle College - Toronto
224Justin GibbsDe La Salle College - Toronto
225Chadi HalahelDe La Salle College - Toronto
226Sean KennedyDe La Salle College - Toronto
227Will KivlichanDe La Salle College - Toronto
228Alec LangoisDe La Salle College - Toronto
229Thomas MilazzoDe La Salle College - Toronto
230Arakel MinassianDe La Salle College - Toronto
231Christian PaolucciDe La Salle College - Toronto
232Paul ParentDe La Salle College - Toronto
233Jordan PeraltaDe La Salle College - Toronto
234Michael PezzettaDe La Salle College - Toronto
235Stefano PezzettaDe La Salle College - Toronto
236Stephen Savo-SardaroDe La Salle College - Toronto
237Christian VisentinDe La Salle College - Toronto
238Ashley AmofahDon Bosco H S
239Raihona KhabibiDon Mills - North York
240Alyssa NikkelDon Mills - North York
241Lucia SunDon Mills - North York
242Mina TanakaDon Mills - North York
243Tian TangDon Mills - North York
244Elie AtiehDon Mills - North York
245Pavle BurazorDon Mills - North York
246Jonathan ChangDon Mills - North York
247Debalkew EzanaDon Mills - North York
248Eric KimDon Mills - North York
249Bob YangDon Mills - North York
250Ashley AdamsDownsview - North York
251Nrika GouldDownsview - North York
252Stephanie HydeDownsview - North York
253Merlanvie PaulDownsview - North York
254Sheridan AntwiDownsview - North York
255Andre AtkinsonDownsview - North York
256Andre DeanDownsview - North York
257Kyle Ewing-JohnsonDownsview - North York
258Nickson MugumbateDownsview - North York
259Trivel PintoDownsview - North York
260Ahrabee BhrapakaranDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
261Amy CaoDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
262Rachel HuangDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
263Amelia KhooDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
264Maggie LiangDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
265Dilani WeerasekeraDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
266Julia XuDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
267Michelle YangDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
268Jaisy YuDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
269Edmond LeeDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
270Josh LiangDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
271Greyson PowelDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
272Joey ZhouDr.Norman Bethune - Agincourt
273Meghan GrayEarl Haig - North York
274Connie JiangEarl Haig - North York
275Amanda LeeEarl Haig - North York
276Sarah LemEarl Haig - North York
277Diana LeontongEarl Haig - North York
278Selena LeungEarl Haig - North York
279Michelle LiEarl Haig - North York
280Jing Wen LinEarl Haig - North York
281Adva MasliahEarl Haig - North York
282Atusa MehrasaEarl Haig - North York
283Pamela SheEarl Haig - North York
284Luciana TerebiznikEarl Haig - North York
285Ashtyn TseEarl Haig - North York
286Nicole ZhaoEarl Haig - North York
287Mary ZhuEarl Haig - North York
288Konrad AdamskiEarl Haig - North York
289Boris BarronEarl Haig - North York
290Matthew ChanEarl Haig - North York
291Thomas ChanEarl Haig - North York
292V DMEarl Haig - North York
293Jerry DouEarl Haig - North York
294Youssef HegazyEarl Haig - North York
295Sidney HuiEarl Haig - North York
296Clement LiEarl Haig - North York
297Brandon ShokourEarl Haig - North York
298Jack SuEarl Haig - North York
299Adrian WongEarl Haig - North York
301Jonathan C NykorchukEast York - Toronto
302Iman HassanEastern Commerce - Toronto
303Kate HillEastern Commerce - Toronto
304Oonagh WebsterEastern Commerce - Toronto
305Kadre GrayEastern Commerce - Toronto
306Jason MacDonaldEastern Commerce - Toronto
307Lucky OsuigweEastern Commerce - Toronto
308Tim SimonEastern Commerce - Toronto
309Khoseem SimpsonEastern Commerce - Toronto
310Renae TaylorEmery - North York
311Jamal BaduEmery - North York
312Brion ClarkeEmery - North York
313Fabian ColeyEmery - North York
314Terrence ConstantineEmery - North York
315Akeem CrawfordEmery - North York
316Richard HyltonEmery - North York
317Adamu IdokoEmery - North York
318Ayodele LawsonEmery - North York
319Yanni KolorosEtienne-Brule
320Ally ArnoldEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
321Caroline BielEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
322Hana BrathEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
323Thea CoburnEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
324Paige CourtEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
325Sienna CsunyosckaEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
326Cecilia DiVitoEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
327Allie FenwickEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
328Chiara Ferrero-WongEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
329Taylor HominukEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
330Katrina HublerEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
331Rachel KruegerEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
332Olena LeshchyshenEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
333Julia LiuEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
334Kristen MetcalfeEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
336Carol NguyenEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
337Hailey RadiganEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
338Carly TurnerEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
339Dana UnninayarEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
340Santi BessaiEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
341Ned CarolanEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
342Adam FinkelmanEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
343Nathan McCoyEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
344Simon PhromchatEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
345Joel PurvisEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
346Andrew YoungEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
347Claire BarnardEtobicoke - Islington
348Vicoria CheungEtobicoke - Islington
349Candice CristavaoEtobicoke - Islington
350Caitlin DownsEtobicoke - Islington
351Justice AllinEtobicoke - Islington
352Pavle BeaderEtobicoke - Islington
353Callum CopeEtobicoke - Islington
354Radu DafinaEtobicoke - Islington
355Jonah DangeloEtobicoke - Islington
356David JinkinsonEtobicoke - Islington
357Ben LangEtobicoke - Islington
358John MitchellEtobicoke - Islington
359Nana AgyepongFather Henry Carr
360Shadae CampbellFather Henry Carr
361Christina DoeFather Henry Carr
362Fey M EnuiyinFather Henry Carr
363Sarafina JamesFather Henry Carr
364Obeng MarfoFather Henry Carr
365Jacklyn OsadebamwenFather Henry Carr
366Ronard AsanteFather Henry Carr
367Randolf BonzieFather Henry Carr
368Xavier CollisFather Henry Carr
369Isaac GaliwangoFather Henry Carr
370Aaron HectorFather Henry Carr
371Jonathon Obiri- YeboahFather Henry Carr
372Samuel OlawyuiFather Henry Carr
373Madelaine ArnoldFather Redmond C S S
374Sydney ArnoldFather Redmond C S S
376Natalie BlysniukFather Redmond C S S
377Olivia CampbellFather Redmond C S S
378Stephanie CestnikFather Redmond C S S
379Maggie DwyerFather Redmond C S S
380Elohar EnarworheFather Redmond C S S
381Paige File-MurbyFather Redmond C S S
382Emily KumarFather Redmond C S S
383Chanelle McLeodFather Redmond C S S
384Stephanie NeatbyFather Redmond C S S
385Zoe ProulxFather Redmond C S S
386Rachel SantiniFather Redmond C S S
387Angelee WeathersFather Redmond C S S
388Audrius AzubalisFather Redmond C S S
389Xavier BorgesFather Redmond C S S
390Adam ChojeckiFather Redmond C S S
391Valerian GomesFather Redmond C S S
392David IslamFather Redmond C S S
393Seph MarshallFather Redmond C S S
394Mateo MenaloFather Redmond C S S
395Malik MetivierFather Redmond C S S
396Danill ShesteminFather Redmond C S S
397Allysia ChinFrancis Libermann
398Alethea GeorgesonFrancis Libermann
399Sheya HendricksFrancis Libermann
400Barbara NyarkohFrancis Libermann
401Tamera Rutherford-BentFrancis Libermann
402Tamilini SubramanianFrancis Libermann
403Latoya ThomasFrancis Libermann
404Kevin GalletaFrancis Libermann
405Zachary CurryGeorge Harvey - Toronto
406Ruk AshooryGeorge S Henry Lions
407Adam ChattenGeorge S Henry Lions
408Gian CoronadoGeorge S Henry Lions
409Nathaniel DaysGeorge S Henry Lions
410Ramin Jan AghouGeorge S Henry Lions
411Moiz KhokharGeorge S Henry Lions
412Isaiah ModestGeorge S Henry Lions
413Randy PyneGeorge S Henry Lions
414Rae RoseGeorge S Henry Lions
415Sarim ZahidGeorge S Henry Lions
416Shaelyn LaurieGreenwood College
417Heather McCannGreenwood College
418Claire ShaftoGreenwood College
419Lucie SoicherGreenwood College
420Daniel BradyGreenwood College
421Suvanna ChanHarbord - Toronto
422Madeline WhitestoneHarbord - Toronto
423Laura HarropHavergal College - Toronto
424Caprice HerjavecHavergal College - Toronto
425Caroline LampardHavergal College - Toronto
426Katherine LampardHavergal College - Toronto
427Julia NakanishiHavergal College - Toronto
428Rebecca QuinnHavergal College - Toronto
429Annie ReuterHavergal College - Toronto
430Holly HamiltonHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
431Keiko MarshallHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
432Jillian McKennaHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
433Zoe McMillanHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
434Cameron McMillanHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
435Kostas RenierisHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
436Teke RerriHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
437Tate RuseHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
438Connor St. LouisHillfield-Strathallan-Hamilton
439Chelsea CheungHoly Trinity School
440Francesca GarofaloHoly Trinity School
441Adriana LetrosHoly Trinity School
442Evin JosephHoly Trinity School
443Michael LiangHoly Trinity School
444Michael LoHoly Trinity School
445Arden BurrowsHumberside - Toronto
446Eliza ChiangHumberside - Toronto
447Lauren GalekHumberside - Toronto
448Natasha GoncharenkoHumberside - Toronto
449Jayde Matis-PolonHumberside - Toronto
450Leigh RaithbyHumberside - Toronto
451Emma RogersHumberside - Toronto
452Aishwarya SharmaHumberside - Toronto
453Alicja TryczynskaHumberside - Toronto
454Maddie TsushimaHumberside - Toronto
455Miles AvalosHumberside - Toronto
456Jake CarrollHumberside - Toronto
457Jacob DzieciolHumberside - Toronto
458Jack KennedyHumberside - Toronto
459Aidan TimminsHumberside - Toronto
460Jasmine BowlesJarvis - Toronto
461Cori BrowneJarvis - Toronto
462Renee GonzalezJarvis - Toronto
463Hannah LawrenceJarvis - Toronto
464Rebecca LeeJarvis - Toronto
465Tiffany ReynoldsJarvis - Toronto
466Arthur BiyarslonovJarvis - Toronto
467Brian ConkaJarvis - Toronto
468Brandon EspinosaJarvis - Toronto
469Vithurshan GaneshalingamJarvis - Toronto
470Melika GhaliJarvis - Toronto
471Dhaniel HoqueJarvis - Toronto
472Tahir JaanJarvis - Toronto
473Steven TruongJarvis - Toronto
474Vinusan VannarajahJarvis - Toronto
475Vincent VeweiJean Vanier S S
476Khadija AliJohn Polanyi CI-North York
477Brittney CollinsJohn Polanyi CI-North York
478Farrah HusseinJohn Polanyi CI-North York
479Christine LeJohn Polanyi CI-North York
480Shea NugentJohn Polanyi CI-North York
481Anna OuckamaJohn Polanyi CI-North York
482Alexia Salmon-AlexanderJohn Polanyi CI-North York
483Sabrina TranJohn Polanyi CI-North York
484Ramzi AbdullahiJohn Polanyi CI-North York
485Delano CadaJohn Polanyi CI-North York
486Mahamadou DrameJohn Polanyi CI-North York
487Shemar LeeJohn Polanyi CI-North York
488Colin RooparinesinghJohn Polanyi CI-North York
489Meet VyasJohn Polanyi CI-North York
490Lavon WalkerJohn Polanyi CI-North York
491Mahir ZuberJohn Polanyi CI-North York
492Shuley MohammedL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
493Jedd BernardL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
494Anurudran ChandrasekaramL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
495Ray Codan MercuriusL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
496Jonathon LamL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
497Denzel Pryce-DanielL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
498Ezekiel PuckerinL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
499Mohammed SyedL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
500Umer WasidL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
501Hakeem WatsonL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
502Tawfiq ZafariL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
503Fadyl ZebaL'Amoreaux - Agincourt
504Jenna AdamsLawrence Park - Toronto
505Marnie AndersonLawrence Park - Toronto
506Eden B'DacyLawrence Park - Toronto
507Mila BasicLawrence Park - Toronto
508Samantha BrzozowiczLawrence Park - Toronto
509Rebecca DingLawrence Park - Toronto
510Sara EngLawrence Park - Toronto
511Evergreen GopailLawrence Park - Toronto
512Kali HaydenluckLawrence Park - Toronto
513Taylor MacDonaldLawrence Park - Toronto
514Emma MikelbergLawrence Park - Toronto
515Alex SampsonLawrence Park - Toronto
516Meg SullivanLawrence Park - Toronto
517Maria TereshchenkoLawrence Park - Toronto
518Bonita ThaiLawrence Park - Toronto
519Courtney TrimLawrence Park - Toronto
520Keira ZlahticLawrence Park - Toronto
521Stephan AdamsLawrence Park - Toronto
522Jager BranetLawrence Park - Toronto
523Brad Burch-TimmonsLawrence Park - Toronto
524Greg DossettLawrence Park - Toronto
525Josh GilliesLawrence Park - Toronto
526Daniel GleasonLawrence Park - Toronto
527Evan HopkinsLawrence Park - Toronto
528Jack HopkinsLawrence Park - Toronto
529Peter HuyckeLawrence Park - Toronto
530Andrei IorgaLawrence Park - Toronto
531Michael IwanataLawrence Park - Toronto
532Ben JoyLawrence Park - Toronto
533Robert LawandLawrence Park - Toronto
534Daniel LevinskyLawrence Park - Toronto
535Jared MillerLawrence Park - Toronto
536Chris MooreLawrence Park - Toronto
537Alex NazarethLawrence Park - Toronto
538Michael NguyenLawrence Park - Toronto
539Kosta PavkovLawrence Park - Toronto
540Jamie PooleLawrence Park - Toronto
541Doug ScullyLawrence Park - Toronto
542Charlie ShieldsLawrence Park - Toronto
543Cole SingletonLawrence Park - Toronto
544Connor StehlikLawrence Park - Toronto
545Titus VanWeertLawrence Park - Toronto
546Maia BelmoreLeaside - Toronto
547Hannah Coyle-AsbilLeaside - Toronto
548Cassie DurgyLeaside - Toronto
549Maria GiannopoulosLeaside - Toronto
550Madison HilliardLeaside - Toronto
551Sarah KellyLeaside - Toronto
552Emily KinseyLeaside - Toronto
553Nicole KrizLeaside - Toronto
554Michelle LeaheyLeaside - Toronto
555Lucy LiuLeaside - Toronto
556Dee MacKintoshLeaside - Toronto
557Margue McGregorLeaside - Toronto
558Stephanie PapaioannouLeaside - Toronto
559Thea PetsisLeaside - Toronto
560Micha PowellLeaside - Toronto
561Selvi SertLeaside - Toronto
562Amy SmithLeaside - Toronto
563Rachel ThiessenLeaside - Toronto
564Olivia WentzelLeaside - Toronto
565Paula ZonneveldLeaside - Toronto
566Ben CarsonLeaside - Toronto
567Michael ChanLeaside - Toronto
568Raymond ChanLeaside - Toronto
569Audley CummingsLeaside - Toronto
570David De LazzarriLeaside - Toronto
571Jonathon DellLeaside - Toronto
572John FanjoyLeaside - Toronto
573Connor FurneauxLeaside - Toronto
574Brett KawaguchiLeaside - Toronto
575Bobby KingLeaside - Toronto
576Palmer LockridgeLeaside - Toronto
577Colin LongLeaside - Toronto
578Josh McGillivrayLeaside - Toronto
579JD McGregorLeaside - Toronto
580Kahma MissingaLeaside - Toronto
581Josh RivardLeaside - Toronto
582Henry Van HerkLeaside - Toronto
583Sheeba ArifeenLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
584Lindsey CharlesLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
585D'Andra LayneLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
586Nidusha NithiananthanLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
587Noelle NkengLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
588Jessica PatelLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
589Betsey SelvakumarLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
590Thanujaa SrithayalanLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
591Kiyara TennantLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
592Sharmila ThasarathanLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
593Nana AcheampongLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
594Lucas CuffLester B. Pearson- Scarborough
595Jackie DouglasLoretto Abbey
596Allison HansonLoretto Abbey
597Emma HarrisLoretto Abbey
598Meighan KooLoretto Abbey
599Rachel McColganLoretto Abbey
600Jenna RizzoLoretto Abbey
601Katia SebastianoLoretto Abbey
602Rewena DestaLoretto College
603Marsha JosephLoretto College
604Kathleen MarzoLoretto College
605Brittany RamosLoretto College
606Pauline ValenciaLoretto College
607Allison AndersonMalvern - Toronto
608Amy CarpenterMalvern - Toronto
609Alexandra D'OliveriaMalvern - Toronto
610Molly DiamondMalvern - Toronto
611Rachel EngMalvern - Toronto
612Alexandria FerdinandMalvern - Toronto
613Danielle FitzgeraldMalvern - Toronto
614Nicole GregoryMalvern - Toronto
615Aleesha HarrisMalvern - Toronto
616Roslind Harvey-RidoutMalvern - Toronto
617Danielle HenryMalvern - Toronto
618Alison KromeMalvern - Toronto
619Jessica LemieuxMalvern - Toronto
620Kendall MarMalvern - Toronto
621Molly McBainMalvern - Toronto
622Attiphah Moulton-DavisMalvern - Toronto
623Stephanie MusingMalvern - Toronto
624Kersti SorraMalvern - Toronto
625Sedona WilliamsMalvern - Toronto
626Kiel AmbursleyMalvern - Toronto
627Alexander AndersonMalvern - Toronto
628Ethan CaseyMalvern - Toronto
629Jared CollinsonMalvern - Toronto
630Hamzah KhanMalvern - Toronto
631Will MorganMalvern - Toronto
632Nick MorrowMalvern - Toronto
633Peter NikolovskiMalvern - Toronto
634Jordan O'ConnorMalvern - Toronto
635Robert Parkhill-ReubyMalvern - Toronto
636Michael PetersenMalvern - Toronto
637Brandon Ream-NealMalvern - Toronto
638Krystal Dos SantosMarshall McLuhan C S S
639Kamila HaaseMarshall McLuhan C S S
640Maribel PerezMarshall McLuhan C S S
641Nathan CalleMarshall McLuhan C S S
642Erik FerreiraMarshall McLuhan C S S
643Gilberto GarciaMarshall McLuhan C S S
644Jeremy KamaMarshall McLuhan C S S
645Michael PetersMarshall McLuhan C S S
646Dylan RitterMarshall McLuhan C S S
647Evian RodriguezMarshall McLuhan C S S
648Akeem StephensonMarshall McLuhan C S S
649Conor ThibeaultMarshall McLuhan C S S
650Ezana WossenMarshall McLuhan C S S
651Samar Abou-KhrebiehMartingrove - Islington
652Michelle AchillesMartingrove - Islington
653Grace BabatundeMartingrove - Islington
654Jordenna BuckinghamMartingrove - Islington
655Megan CherryMartingrove - Islington
656Elizabeth ChoiMartingrove - Islington
657Mariama KabaMartingrove - Islington
658Alexandra KrstrorosicMartingrove - Islington
659Jessica NachmanMartingrove - Islington
660Sara WaraMartingrove - Islington
661Austin CronkiteMartingrove - Islington
662Osman DualeMartingrove - Islington
663Jagjit FloraMartingrove - Islington
664Shavon HardingMartingrove - Islington
665Daniel TurinoMartingrove - Islington
666Daniel VasilyevMartingrove - Islington
667Daniella GiardettiMary Ward C S S
668Ketura MasonMary Ward C S S
669Diarra SimmonsMary Ward C S S
670Traian BursuMary Ward C S S
671Jerome JudeMary Ward C S S
672Ellesor LuceroMary Ward C S S
673Jalen PidludayMary Ward C S S
674Jason YadaoMary Ward C S S
675Jacob OgbeideMgsr. Percy Johnson
676Claire AllenMichael Power/St.Joseph's
677Keira AllenMichael Power/St.Joseph's
678Brittany BoxillMichael Power/St.Joseph's
679Alexandra ClarkeMichael Power/St.Joseph's
680Colleen DuffyMichael Power/St.Joseph's
681Amira GillMichael Power/St.Joseph's
682Kaitlin HawnMichael Power/St.Joseph's
683Melissa HoltMichael Power/St.Joseph's
684Sarah JuhaMichael Power/St.Joseph's
685Kkatherine MigaMichael Power/St.Joseph's
686Jushvina MohanMichael Power/St.Joseph's
687Rebecca NiedbalaMichael Power/St.Joseph's
688Michelle NowakMichael Power/St.Joseph's
689Elizabeth PezzuttoMichael Power/St.Joseph's
690Bernadette RickettsMichael Power/St.Joseph's
691Maria TuranoMichael Power/St.Joseph's
692Ryan BacicMichael Power/St.Joseph's
693Adam Dell'OrsoMichael Power/St.Joseph's
694Joseph LeitchMichael Power/St.Joseph's
695David MacSporranMichael Power/St.Joseph's
696Curtis MassinghamMichael Power/St.Joseph's
697Connor NiedbalaMichael Power/St.Joseph's
698Kelvin NjiririMichael Power/St.Joseph's
699Cameron NurseMichael Power/St.Joseph's
700Ryan StoneburghMichael Power/St.Joseph's
701Malik UgwualaMichael Power/St.Joseph's
702Matthew ViveirosMichael Power/St.Joseph's
703Lashante AirallMonarch Park - Toronto
704Keslyn Ayow-JamesMonarch Park - Toronto
705Chloe CarruthersMonarch Park - Toronto
706Skyler HarveyMonarch Park - Toronto
707Helena KitaMonarch Park - Toronto
708Virginie MertensMonarch Park - Toronto
709Erinda MoglicaMonarch Park - Toronto
710Allison PlummerMonarch Park - Toronto
711Gillian PlummerMonarch Park - Toronto
712Leah SmithMonarch Park - Toronto
713Sammy Van HerkMonarch Park - Toronto
714Mary WilliamsMonarch Park - Toronto
715Lucas BorchenkoMonarch Park - Toronto
716Muhammad HanifiMonarch Park - Toronto
717Hamza KhaliqueMonarch Park - Toronto
718Andre MarinMonarch Park - Toronto
719Francis MertensMonarch Park - Toronto
720Alex MogoreanMonarch Park - Toronto
721Franklin PerezMonarch Park - Toronto
722Sean PitreMonarch Park - Toronto
723Basil SmithMonarch Park - Toronto
724Benjamin ToddMonarch Park - Toronto
725Guilburt RamaraisMsgr. de Charbonnel
726Sergio CamposNeil McNeil H S
727Zen MacLellanNeil McNeil H S
728Joseph SoldanoNeil McNeil H S
729Kadeem Ewing-JohnsonNelson A Boylen
730Duelle Wallis-SmithNelson A Boylen
731Sandra BurtonNewtonbrook - North York
732Alexia ClarkeNewtonbrook - North York
733Melissa HannahNewtonbrook - North York
734Hawa HassanNewtonbrook - North York
735Esther LeeNewtonbrook - North York
736Michiela McNeilNewtonbrook - North York
737Yedijah MotoboNewtonbrook - North York
738Alison MouleNewtonbrook - North York
739Sierra OfficerNewtonbrook - North York
740Tatiana PaskovataiaNewtonbrook - North York
741Junior AljoeNewtonbrook - North York
742Julian AntonecchiaNewtonbrook - North York
743Jacob ChunNewtonbrook - North York
744Cole IrwinNewtonbrook - North York
745Danial KarimiNewtonbrook - North York
746Tim PorterNewtonbrook - North York
747Tahjay WatsonNewtonbrook - North York
748Deborah AkinwaleNorth Albion - Rexdale
749Faith AnosikeNorth Albion - Rexdale
750Jemeika JacksonNorth Albion - Rexdale
751Abijah NwakanmaNorth Albion - Rexdale
752Femi AkindeleNorth Albion - Rexdale
753Jason BoadiNorth Albion - Rexdale
754Andrew EdwardsNorth Albion - Rexdale
755Tejae HillocksNorth Albion - Rexdale
756Ashton LawsonNorth Albion - Rexdale
757Joshua MensahNorth Albion - Rexdale
758Steven MillerNorth Albion - Rexdale
759Troy SamuelNorth Albion - Rexdale
760Sophie BeckermanNorth Toronto - Toronto
761Bianca DiasNorth Toronto - Toronto
762Alexa HallNorth Toronto - Toronto
763Chloe HallNorth Toronto - Toronto
764Heather KelsallNorth Toronto - Toronto
765Bronwyn MacLauchlanNorth Toronto - Toronto
766Anna PassmoreNorth Toronto - Toronto
767Yara SalhabNorth Toronto - Toronto
768Spencer AdamsonNorth Toronto - Toronto
769Daniyar AkhmedjanovNorth Toronto - Toronto
770Sam BeckermanNorth Toronto - Toronto
771Keyur BisettyNorth Toronto - Toronto
772Daniel JanossyNorth Toronto - Toronto
773Dylan LevyNorth Toronto - Toronto
774Scott PincombeNorth Toronto - Toronto
775Harris WilsonNorth Toronto - Toronto
776Catherine CarefooteNorthern - Toronto
777Gabrielle FossNorthern - Toronto
778Wai-Ying LamNorthern - Toronto
779Miranda LawsonNorthern - Toronto
780Sabina MidgenNorthern - Toronto
781Danielle NardiNorthern - Toronto
782Catherine PetolescuNorthern - Toronto
783Jazz ShuklaNorthern - Toronto
784Laura WheelerNorthern - Toronto
785Steven CheungNorthern - Toronto
786Liam ChristoNorthern - Toronto
787Bryan FeeneyNorthern - Toronto
788Alonzo ForresterNorthern - Toronto
789Aaron HeapsNorthern - Toronto
790Tyrell JohnNorthern - Toronto
791Shareef JohnsonNorthern - Toronto
792Zachary LampreiaNorthern - Toronto
793Derek LiuNorthern - Toronto
794Owen MadiaNorthern - Toronto
795Rafi MamdaniNorthern - Toronto
796Ethan MieltyNorthern - Toronto
797Tytan MohamedNorthern - Toronto
798Owen MooreNorthern - Toronto
799Louis SangerNorthern - Toronto
800Zachary SavlovNorthern - Toronto
801Julian SchwartzelNorthern - Toronto
802Ben SheahanNorthern - Toronto
803Phoenix Tashlin-CliffordNorthern - Toronto
804Spencer TobiasNorthern - Toronto
805Derek WilsonNorthern - Toronto
806Andrew ZengNorthern - Toronto
807Katherine FollisNotre Dame
808Chisom OtuleNotre Dame
809Richelle RamirezNotre Dame
810Tiffany SabadoNotre Dame
811Jahnayah J Diamante-MitchellOakwood C.I. - Toronto
812Leneisha L Francis-JenningsOakwood C.I. - Toronto
813Shyla S GregoryOakwood C.I. - Toronto
814Brigette B SharpOakwood C.I. - Toronto
815Sabrina S Sousa-SampsonOakwood C.I. - Toronto
816Isabella I SpangenberyOakwood C.I. - Toronto
817Tamarah-Lee T ThompsonOakwood C.I. - Toronto
818Keenean K DunkleyOakwood C.I. - Toronto
819Alex A MensaihOakwood C.I. - Toronto
820Ceesay C MoodooOakwood C.I. - Toronto
821Stephenson S NoelOakwood C.I. - Toronto
822Ikedi I PhillipOakwood C.I. - Toronto
823Jordan J RoseOakwood C.I. - Toronto
824Bareera AleemParkdale - Toronto
825Emilia CotterParkdale - Toronto
826Paula PetkovicParkdale - Toronto
827Michelle TranParkdale - Toronto
828Tommy HuynhParkdale - Toronto
829Ngawang LudingParkdale - Toronto
830Namgyal TashiParkdale - Toronto
831Thinley TenzinParkdale - Toronto
832Victor TerryParkdale - Toronto
833Simon WongParkdale - Toronto
834Katie HopkinsonPickering College
835Alex FloydPickering College
836Jessica BaliwallaRichview - Islington
837Jordan BatesRichview - Islington
838Emma CampisiRichview - Islington
839Erin CoxRichview - Islington
840Arielle D'IppolitoRichview - Islington
841Ivana FeherRichview - Islington
842Kia GarneauRichview - Islington
843Justine GouldRichview - Islington
844Anna HalbreinerRichview - Islington
845Lauren LiRichview - Islington
846Isidora RoskicRichview - Islington
847Sara SantosRichview - Islington
848Claire SmilesRichview - Islington
849Jillian SprengerRichview - Islington
850Alessia StefenattiRichview - Islington
851Megan WatsonRichview - Islington
852Vanessa WeremiRichview - Islington
853Rachael WhiteleyRichview - Islington
854Milica ZekanovicRichview - Islington
855Latifa ZerroukyRichview - Islington
856Brian CanhamRichview - Islington
857Eric CatoRichview - Islington
858Andre DiodatiRichview - Islington
859Leonard DziemiankoRichview - Islington
860Shane FavitRichview - Islington
861Drake FooRichview - Islington
862Ryan HolowczakRichview - Islington
863Jonathan HowardRichview - Islington
864Taylor HowardRichview - Islington
865Joshua KennedyRichview - Islington
866Gregorio Lopez-BondiRichview - Islington
867Dean LucilRichview - Islington
868Matthew McKelveyRichview - Islington
869Luke NailorRichview - Islington
870James NeversonRichview - Islington
871Adam ParkRichview - Islington
872Yanni TaxidisRichview - Islington
873Julian VacaRichview - Islington
874Annabel BrooksRidley College
875Karina BurkeRidley College
876Jacqueline O'RourkeRidley College
877Heather PetrickRidley College
878Christian Brunner-LopezRidley College
879Will FraserRidley College
880Robert ManchurekRidley College
881Kiya AlexisRiverdale - Toronto
882Mackenzie LeBlancRiverdale - Toronto
883Elana MalloyRiverdale - Toronto
884Amanda MorchRiverdale - Toronto
885Heather PerryRiverdale - Toronto
886Adam EllinasRiverdale - Toronto
887Carl HuangRiverdale - Toronto
888Kyle StevensRiverdale - Toronto
889Kevin ZhangRiverdale - Toronto
890Celeste EarlRosedale Heights - Toronto
891Sommer OleksijRosedale Heights - Toronto
892Brendan BurletonRoyal St. George's College
893Harrison GardnerRoyal St. George's College
894Thomas GenuaRoyal St. George's College
895Alicia Gonzalez-VillanuevaRunnymede - Toronto
896Lauren JankeRunnymede - Toronto
897Alexandra C JosephRunnymede - Toronto
898Elaine LoRunnymede - Toronto
899Angel NguyenRunnymede - Toronto
900Taylar OatsRunnymede - Toronto
901Landan OdellRunnymede - Toronto
902Elisa K PatelRunnymede - Toronto
903Ryan ClarkeRunnymede - Toronto
904Malcolm FenechRunnymede - Toronto
905Abdullahi A HassanRunnymede - Toronto
906Markel A LemoniousRunnymede - Toronto
907Rhamel Roomes-DelpeacheRunnymede - Toronto
908Theo T TannisRunnymede - Toronto
909Brittany EdiagbonyaSenator O'Connor College
910Brian HanrattySenator O'Connor College
911Jazz McCleanSenator O'Connor College
912Carolyn AmadorSilverthorn - Etobicoke
913Caitlin CruxSilverthorn - Etobicoke
914Tyana HaidarSilverthorn - Etobicoke
915Kaitlyn Hogan-SchullerSilverthorn - Etobicoke
916Jenica RobinsonSilverthorn - Etobicoke
917Nicole SyptakSilverthorn - Etobicoke
918Mohamed AhmedSilverthorn - Etobicoke
919Ishan AndersonSilverthorn - Etobicoke
920Christian ChausseSilverthorn - Etobicoke
921Hadi DavisSilverthorn - Etobicoke
922Daniel FaganSilverthorn - Etobicoke
923Jemar JonesSilverthorn - Etobicoke
924Matthew KaneSilverthorn - Etobicoke
925Conrad KeddieSilverthorn - Etobicoke
926Bazil KhanSilverthorn - Etobicoke
927Marko MilanovicSilverthorn - Etobicoke
928Joseph MycSilverthorn - Etobicoke
929Paul RobinsonSilverthorn - Etobicoke
930Mark SyptakSilverthorn - Etobicoke
931Jason TrivinoSilverthorn - Etobicoke
932Zlatko TyulevSilverthorn - Etobicoke
933Kimberly ClarkeSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
934Christine DumbriqueSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
935Julia GonsalvesSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
936Davia GrahamSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
937Unique Jean JacquesSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
938Theoni KapetaneasSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
939Hailey KarroumSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
940Felice LamSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
941Awnie LiuSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
942Sijia LiuSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
943Megan ManohararajSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
944Allison MarcialSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
945Sarah MorphySir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
946April PanoSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
947Kristin SoSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
948Sara SotirakosSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
949Olivia TsetsosSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
950Elizabeth WalshSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
951Jenny WangSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
952Victoria WensleySir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
953Emily YamasakiSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
954Vanessa YapSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
955James ChapmanSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
956Bill ChenSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
957Johnny ChoSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
958Cody CoutureSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
959Anthony CrearySir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
960Jahlain de PassSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
961Dylantha FernandoSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
962Anojan GnanendranSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
963Jay KatariaSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
964Coi LemardSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
965Jackie LiangSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
966Edward LiuSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
967Ryan PattersonSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
968Noah PillaySir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
969Malik ReidSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
970Basel SaabSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
971Saieasan SatchithananthanSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
972Nevan SewellSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
973Tony ZhengSir John A. Macdonald - Aginco
974Rhianne CampbellSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
975Cadence CurrieSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
976Renee DalechakaSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
977Brittney GibbsSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
978Amanda HummelSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
979Parris LynSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
980Sarah PaivaSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
981Kaitlynn SangerSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
982Kiah SpencerSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
983Amy StephensonSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
984Kashia StephensonSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
985KC TohmSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
986Rochelle WilliamsSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
987Ethan CaccavelliSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
988Eric D'CostaSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
989Joshua KhanSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
990Joshua PellewSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
991Dwayne SmithSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
992Evan StoreySir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
993Dwight Van DykeSir Oliver Mowat - Scarborough
994Darien ArscottSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
995Jordan CarterSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
996Brandon CerconeSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
997Matthew GalajdaSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
998Adrian GoyoSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
999Quinton GraySt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1000Ben HarrisonSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1001Ivan KamSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1002Mark MackaySt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1003Avery MckenzieSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1004Hollis MckenzieSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1005Elliot PowersSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1006Angelis PrattasSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1007Aaron SumSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1008Kris TownsendSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1009Austin ValjasSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1010Devon WaltersSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1011Tye WaltersSt. Andrew's College - Aurora
1013Stephanie ColbourneSt. Clement's School
1014Quinlan HickeySt. Clement's School
1015Alexandra LeeSt. Clement's School
1016Sarah MacDonaldSt. Clement's School
1017Grace WickensSt. Clement's School
1018Megan BerrySt. John's Kilmarnock
1019Laurel BuchananSt. John's Kilmarnock
1020Blayne HoySt. John's Kilmarnock
1021Erika McAndrewsSt. John's Kilmarnock
1022Alex McIntyreSt. John's Kilmarnock
1023Carlos AlvaradoSt. John's Kilmarnock
1024Ivan BilandzicSt. John's Kilmarnock
1025Damon CrumplenSt. John's Kilmarnock
1026Andrew HuttonSt. John's Kilmarnock
1027Waters JaysonSt. John's Kilmarnock
1028Alissa CaringalSt. Joseph Morrow Park
1029Cassi-Ann HutchinsonSt. Joseph Morrow Park
1030Excel MbaSt. Joseph Morrow Park
1031Rachel SpringerSt. Joseph Morrow Park
1032Andriea SwampillaiSt. Joseph Morrow Park
1033Lisa AmaningSt. Joseph's College
1034Shaniece BennettSt. Joseph's College
1035Lauren ChongSt. Joseph's College
1036Averee DownesSt. Joseph's College
1037Claire FerneyhoughSt. Joseph's College
1038Caroline HrabinskiSt. Joseph's College
1039Zakiya TavernierSt. Joseph's College
1040Kimberly TaylorSt. Joseph's College
1041Adrian AnlacanSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1042Andrew BadaliSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1043Thomas BadaliSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1044Alexander BimmSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1045Tyas CharterSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1046Cameron CiraSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1047Adrian ColeSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1048Philip ConforziSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1049Scott DawsonSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1050Matthew DiNunzioSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1051Justyn KnightSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1052Andrew LovisottoSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1053Ryan McClellandSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1054Phillip MessinaSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1055Mike MooreSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1056Spencer PoprawskiSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1057Jonathan RizzoSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1058Matt ScmidtSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1059Liam TottenSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1060Ian TrambleSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1061Mitchell ValicSt. Michael's College- Toronto
1062Erika AndersonSt. Patrick S S
1063Charlene Cruzat-WhervinSt. Patrick S S
1064Cassandra JonesStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1065Tavaughan Baisden-SmithStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1066Trevon Baisden-SmithStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1067Rayshaun FranklinStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1068Damiane HallStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1069Shomari Murdock-ReidStephen Leacock - Agincourt
1070Gabriella BanharaThe York School - Toronto
1071Paula BanharaThe York School - Toronto
1072Jacqueline DavidsonThe York School - Toronto
1073Sarah Marrone MarroneThe York School - Toronto
1074Irie GourdeThe York School - Toronto
1075Daniel WilliamsThe York School - Toronto
1076Kaianna K ForrestThistletown - Rexdale
1077Danielle D LemieuxThistletown - Rexdale
1078Dana D MullingsThistletown - Rexdale
1079Lauryn L PenaThistletown - Rexdale
1080Jodi Ann J PettigrueThistletown - Rexdale
1081Thea T RudolphThistletown - Rexdale
1082Florence F SultanThistletown - Rexdale
1083Milki M AdamThistletown - Rexdale
1084Hasmey H AppiahThistletown - Rexdale
1085Alex A DaleyThistletown - Rexdale
1086Lee L FaulknorThistletown - Rexdale
1087Fabion F FooteThistletown - Rexdale
1088Rabi R GarwalThistletown - Rexdale
1089Tyrone T LefaveThistletown - Rexdale
1090Jvone J MontagueThistletown - Rexdale
1091Inderpaul I NijjerThistletown - Rexdale
1092Farhad F ShiwaThistletown - Rexdale
1093Bryan B SmithThistletown - Rexdale
1094Gabriela StaffordToronto French School- Toronto
1095Lucia StaffordToronto French School- Toronto
1096Atangana LucieToronto Ovest
1097Zoe MarzoucaTrafalgar Castle - Whitby
1098Alero OgbeideTrafalgar Castle - Whitby
1099Mia WallaceTrafalgar Castle - Whitby
1100Kasia DonovanTrinity College S
1101Jordan HigaTrinity College S
1102Ali ParkeTrinity College S
1103Pallavi SinghTrinity College S
1104David ParkerTrinity College S
1105Brynne YarrantonUniversity of Toronto Schools
1106Emma ClarkeUniversity of Toronto Schools
1107Jane CooperUniversity of Toronto Schools
1108Anthea HoUniversity of Toronto Schools
1109Olivia LyUniversity of Toronto Schools
1110Leung TiffanyUniversity of Toronto Schools
1111Hunt JeremyUniversity of Toronto Schools
1112Emir BelkacemUpper Canada College - Toronto
1113Tyler FarrellUpper Canada College - Toronto
1114Mitchell FooUpper Canada College - Toronto
1115Jacob GeddesUpper Canada College - Toronto
1116Clayton JeffreyUpper Canada College - Toronto
1117Liam PowerUpper Canada College - Toronto
1118Jordan RaoUpper Canada College - Toronto
1119Jake RosemanUpper Canada College - Toronto
1120Evan SukmanUpper Canada College - Toronto
1121Djordje TodorovicUpper Canada College - Toronto
1122Fabian WatUpper Canada College - Toronto
1123Justin WongUpper Canada College - Toronto
1124Akeil ZarudnyUpper Canada College - Toronto
1125Annette AmoahVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1126Shivali BarotVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1127Jada BurrellVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1128Nina EllisVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1129Jennifer HoangVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1130Kadijha LawrenceVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1131Lisa LiVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1132Meagan LiuVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1133Nadia MohamedVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1134Savannah RouseVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1135Revee SchultzVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1136Grace SynchVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1137Ezz Eldin AbdelmeguidVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1138Jake D'AbreuVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1139Khoa HuynhVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1140Shane LewisVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1141Eric LucVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1142Remi MonacoVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1143Jimmy NguyenVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1144Daniel SilvaVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1145Brilliant TondoVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1146James WuVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1147Jack YangVaughan Road Academy Toronto
1148Cassidy AtkinsonVillanova College
1149Victoria ColucciVillanova College
1150Nicole CrimiVillanova College
1151Samantha JonesVillanova College
1152Lea TrotmanVillanova College
1153Judy TsuiVillanova College
1154Akintoye AsaluVillanova College
1155Vincent LuccisanoVillanova College
1156Alexander RaccoVillanova College
1157Jamar RedheadVillanova College
1158Casey SeveriniVillanova College
1159Stefano SpagnuoloVillanova College
1160Ryan ToneguzzoVillanova College
1161Zachary WaslenkoVillanova College
1162Genie GokhmanW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1163Michelle GorkenburgW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1164Rusiko KaisidiW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1165Lucy LiuW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1166Helen MaW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1167Iva MemaW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1168Sarah-Kay SmartW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1169Katrin SpassovW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1170Kwasi Adu-PokuW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1171Shemar Allen BarnumW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1172Nikita BakalenikovW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1173James Canlas Kweku-TeyeW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1174Felipe CarvalhoW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1175Hernando CastanoW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1176Matthew Del BoveW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1177Philip Di VizioW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1178Stephen DinellaW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1179Romolo DungcaW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1180Alex EsserW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1181Angelo FousterisW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1182Abdurzeem GhafoorW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1183Akiva GoldbergW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1184Myles HindsW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1185Peter HuangW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1186Juri JaatinenW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1187Andras OrioliW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1188Kendrix SengerW.L. MacKenzie - North York
1189Keervaani BhradakaranWest Hill - West Hill
1190Jenny CharitableWest Hill - West Hill
1191Ben AlipioWest Hill - West Hill
1192Cassian AlleyneWest Hill - West Hill
1193Bradley BernardWest Hill - West Hill
1194Matthew BrownWest Hill - West Hill
1195Kemar BurrellWest Hill - West Hill
1196Gregory CarringtonWest Hill - West Hill
1197Jordan GrannumWest Hill - West Hill
1198Ellis JonesWest Hill - West Hill
1199Elijah McLartyWest Hill - West Hill
1200Jhovan McPhersonWest Hill - West Hill
1201Frederick McPherson-RobinsonWest Hill - West Hill
1202Mohammed OsumahWest Hill - West Hill
1203Tommy PeterWest Hill - West Hill
1204Seran SathyaseelanWest Hill - West Hill
1205Brendan ShivratanWest Hill - West Hill
1206Gabriel TorresWest Hill - West Hill
1207Connor VargaWest Hill - West Hill
1208Glynn Willis-ParisWest Hill - West Hill
1209Ginelle CalderonWest Humber - Rexdale
1210Chante CampbellWest Humber - Rexdale
1211Keyanna DonaldsonWest Humber - Rexdale
1212Asasha McCreathWest Humber - Rexdale
1213Olateju OladoyinWest Humber - Rexdale
1214Vanessa OsaiWest Humber - Rexdale
1215Purneet SidhuWest Humber - Rexdale
1216Shamae ThomasWest Humber - Rexdale
1217Bianca ThompsonWest Humber - Rexdale
1218Tanika TraceyWest Humber - Rexdale
1219Michael AidooWest Humber - Rexdale
1220Kahleel AllimanWest Humber - Rexdale
1221Tyvaughn HolnessWest Humber - Rexdale
1222Siddhant IyerWest Humber - Rexdale
1223Raymond KyWest Humber - Rexdale
1224Laya MistryWest Humber - Rexdale
1225Jamaal Owusu-AnsahWest Humber - Rexdale
1226Shivek RamroopWest Humber - Rexdale
1227Jayden SamuelsWest Humber - Rexdale
1228Johvonne SterlingWest Humber - Rexdale
1229Dwayne WhiteWest Humber - Rexdale
1230Christal AshtonWeston - Weston
1231Elaseya SatguneswaranWeston - Weston
1232James AidooWeston - Weston
1233Mohit BhagatWeston - Weston
1234Jordan Blake JrWeston - Weston
1235Romaine DaleyWeston - Weston
1236Bevin FrancoisWeston - Weston
1237Avin GaneshWeston - Weston
1238Clairmont Humphrey IIWeston - Weston
1239Roshaun JonesWeston - Weston
1240Lewis LeWeston - Weston
1241Kevin TaWeston - Weston
1242Stefan ThomasWeston - Weston
1243Daniel TranWeston - Weston
1244Kaitlin BaileyWestview Centennial-North York
1245Kenisha BogleWestview Centennial-North York
1246Aliyah-Suvannah BureyWestview Centennial-North York
1247Emma CallimaqueWestview Centennial-North York
1248Annecia DelaneyWestview Centennial-North York
1249Destiny HenryWestview Centennial-North York
1250Donnelle McCallaWestview Centennial-North York
1251Ashlee WilliamsWestview Centennial-North York
1252Vanessa WilliamsWestview Centennial-North York
1253Ahmed AbdiWestview Centennial-North York
1254Dillon AbrahamWestview Centennial-North York
1255Tadgh AndallWestview Centennial-North York
1256Presanthan AruchunanWestview Centennial-North York
1257Nicholas BelgraveWestview Centennial-North York
1258Ehab El SandaliWestview Centennial-North York
1259Kirisanth MaheswaranWestview Centennial-North York
1260Michael MoWestview Centennial-North York
1261Danny NguyenWestview Centennial-North York
1262Micah NyandikaWestview Centennial-North York
1263Kevin OkrahWestview Centennial-North York
1264Kola OlabodeWestview Centennial-North York
1265Andy RaghunandanWestview Centennial-North York
1266Otoniel SantiagoWestview Centennial-North York
1267Jevonte Smith-GrangeWestview Centennial-North York
1268Shania AlexanderWexford - Scarborough
1269Ainsley BodenWexford - Scarborough
1270Kennedy BoyleWexford - Scarborough
1271Monica ChuWexford - Scarborough
1272Chelsey DevitoWexford - Scarborough
1273Libby MarlattWexford - Scarborough
1274Melody Salmon-HastickWexford - Scarborough
1275Lauren SetoWexford - Scarborough
1276Erin Smith-YoungWexford - Scarborough
1277Lillie SunWexford - Scarborough
1278Natalie Vaughan-GrahamWexford - Scarborough
1279Thomas CallenderWexford - Scarborough
1280Gregory NettletonWexford - Scarborough
1281Demika Allen-IsaacsWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1282Tishauni BrownWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1283Tiyarah BrownWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1284Ashley CameronWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1285Cheyenne JankulouskiWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1286Nikki JaworWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1287Brianna JonesWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1288Brianna LivingstonWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1289Jennifer MacphersonWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1290Angel MillerWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1291Jamal AdamsWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1292Tutu AsamoaWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1293Abubakar BaruwaWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1294Azeez BaruwaWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1295Kerry ClementWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1296Tyrell Coote-JonesWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1297Steve DwyerWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1298Estefan FikreWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1299Shavar HutchinsonWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1300Quinton HyltonWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1301Ryan JamboWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1302Prince KowserWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1303Isaiah MckendWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1304Damien ParisWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1305Patrick PierreWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1306Robert ScottWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1307Faiz ShakilWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1308Fariz ShakilWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1309Saad YounasWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1310Osman YousafWilfrid Laurier- Scarborough
1311Kodi ChengWindfields JH
1312Danah KhalilWindfields JH
1313Cooper LeeWindfields JH
1314Kara PanousisWindfields JH
1315Claudia RusuWindfields JH
1316Maria VavougiosWindfields JH
1317Julia WhytockWindfields JH
1318Anas BerradaWindfields JH
1319Andrew BoughnerWindfields JH
1320Connor BullenWindfields JH
1321Aly ManjiWindfields JH
1322Liam O'DonnellWindfields JH
1323Adam PappasWindfields JH
1324Nadar SabahiWindfields JH
1325Owen TironaWindfields JH
1326Michael WickwareWindfields JH
1328Shavika MaharajWinston Churchill- Scarborough
1329Chris CormierWinston Churchill- Scarborough
1330Aaisha EidWoburn - Scarborough
1331Livia GaneshanathanWoburn - Scarborough
1332Vanessa WongWoburn - Scarborough
1333Tony KwokWoburn - Scarborough
1334Kunj PatelWoburn - Scarborough
1335DeSean RichardsWoburn - Scarborough
1336Ryan SookdeoWoburn - Scarborough
1337Manahal AhmedYork Memorial - Toronto
1338Tia BelgraveYork Memorial - Toronto
1339Patrika BrownYork Memorial - Toronto
1340Renee LetangYork Memorial - Toronto
1341Teania SpeidYork Memorial - Toronto
1342Lisa TranYork Memorial - Toronto
1343Safeer AhsanYork Memorial - Toronto
1344Brendan BawnYork Memorial - Toronto
1345Jeff BudengYork Memorial - Toronto
1346Kevin LamYork Memorial - Toronto
1347Filipe MartinsYork Memorial - Toronto
1348Dajae MontaqueYork Memorial - Toronto
1349Jeovani MorantYork Memorial - Toronto
1350Dashawn StephensYork Memorial - Toronto
1351Kevin TramYork Memorial - Toronto
1352Austin WhiteYork Memorial - Toronto
1353Maria AmigoYork Mills - North York
1354Jaya Blake-SawhneyYork Mills - North York
1355Kirsten ChanYork Mills - North York
1356Fanny ChenYork Mills - North York
1357Lauralee EdwardsYork Mills - North York
1358Sophia KoladichYork Mills - North York
1359Jennifer LesurfYork Mills - North York
1360Ivy LiuYork Mills - North York
1361Claudia MakYork Mills - North York
1362Laura ParkYork Mills - North York
1363Kristina SpringerYork Mills - North York
1364Amy WangYork Mills - North York
1365Stephanie WildfongYork Mills - North York
1366Sydney WingoldYork Mills - North York
1367Candace YangYork Mills - North York
1368Keren YuYork Mills - North York
1369Colin ArrowsmithYork Mills - North York
1370John ChanYork Mills - North York
1371J.P. GonsalvesYork Mills - North York
1372Jesse HanYork Mills - North York
1373Paul KimYork Mills - North York
1374Jonathan KoYork Mills - North York
1375Yifan LiYork Mills - North York
1376Bryan MelerYork Mills - North York
1377Farzam MohammadiYork Mills - North York
1378Saidamir MuchildinovYork Mills - North York
1379Sean O'DonnellYork Mills - North York
1380Terren RuleYork Mills - North York
1381Peter StamadianosYork Mills - North York
1382Tommy StamdianosYork Mills - North York
1383Quinn SyrydiukYork Mills - North York
1384Aleks VagnersYork Mills - North York
1385David ZhuYork Mills - North York
1386Christina P KyritsisEast York - Toronto
1387Chris KissiNeil McNeil H S
1388Sam BauletChaminade College
1389Tameka JeanSt. Basil The Great
1390Joana AzubalisFather Redmond C S S
1392Alessio AdrianoMichael Power/St.Joseph's
1393Adam BotteroMichael Power/St.Joseph's
1394Gerrit StuivenbergMichael Power/St.Joseph's
1395Alvin LinMichael Power/St.Joseph's
1396Elijah MillerRichview - Islington
1397Martin KlamrowskiRichview - Islington
1398Patrick JamesRichview - Islington
1399Kevin AnguloChaminade College
1400Prince MensahChaminade College
1401Marc - Andre AlexandreUpper Canada College - Toronto
1402Pelle JorgenUpper Canada College - Toronto
1404Claire StevenLawrence Park - Toronto
1405Aaron HouMary Ward C S S
1406Nicholas LeeMary Ward C S S
1407Karlo ManapatMary Ward C S S
1408Lauren BarnettLawrence Park - Toronto
1409Viktoria PlatanovaLawrence Park - Toronto
1410Gisselle VillagraciaMary Ward C S S
1411Nancy ArulnathanMary Ward C S S
1412Joan OhizuaMary Ward C S S
1413Janice LawMary Ward C S S
1414Mickey RumboltBlessed Mother Teresa S S
1415Kaliesha HawthorneBlessed Mother Teresa S S
1416Andrequa SammsBlessed Mother Teresa S S
1417Tareq Charles-McCoyBlessed Mother Teresa S S
1418Malik FisherBlessed Mother Teresa S S
1419Emma CarringtonBirchmount Park - Scarborough
1420Allysha HerbertBirchmount Park - Scarborough
1421David ChristieBirchmount Park - Scarborough
1422Desean NurseBirchmount Park - Scarborough
1423Ashley BoachieFather Henry Carr
1424Shaunalee BennettFather Henry Carr
1425Natavia MitchellFather Henry Carr
1426Ashley ObengFather Henry Carr
1427Damilola Ola-AdigunFather Henry Carr
1428Stephanie BarfiFather Henry Carr
1429Ben KwawukumeyFather Henry Carr
1430Alex AtitiFather Henry Carr
1431Ty-Rell DonaldsonFather Henry Carr
1432Josh Sarfo-BoatengFather Henry Carr
1433Vishon HusbandsFather Henry Carr
1434Valour EichieFather Henry Carr
1435Jude BoatengFather Henry Carr
1436Jerone MorancieFather Henry Carr
1437David AkinwaleFather Henry Carr
1438Nana BoachieFather Henry Carr
1439Matthew GentlesFather Henry Carr
1440Emily Michetti-WilsonEtobicoke Arts - Toronto
1441Brittany CaranciLoretto Abbey
1442Olivia LancefieldLoretto Abbey
1443Allison ChristianiLoretto Abbey
1444Philip RamloganMarshall McLuhan C S S
1445Giorgio FallicoMarshall McLuhan C S S
1446Arlene GutierrezWinston Churchill- Scarborough
1447Alexandra PlosBishop Allen Academy
1448Lydia NottenBishop Allen Academy
1449Brandan O'Leary - OrangeMichael Power/St.Joseph's
1450Mark ZasowskiMichael Power/St.Joseph's
cLast updated Sun, 26 May 2013 21:39:50

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