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1Mary AffleckHoly Trinity H S
2Anne AschwandenHoly Trinity H S
3Ariana AvolaHoly Trinity H S
13Josh BuckHoly Trinity H S
14Eddie CardosoHoly Trinity H S
15Anthony CoquimHoly Trinity H S
16Kevin DasilvaHoly Trinity H S
17Jordan DebellefeuilleHoly Trinity H S
18Andrew FrescoHoly Trinity H S
19Mike FrescoHoly Trinity H S
4Megan GagnonHoly Trinity H S
20Phil GuzmanHoly Trinity H S
21Jimmy HepburnHoly Trinity H S
22Jonathon HernandezHoly Trinity H S
5Letitia HopkinsHoly Trinity H S
23Richard JansenHoly Trinity H S
6Jocelyn KoostHoly Trinity H S
24Brandon LangfordHoly Trinity H S
25Anthony MatosHoly Trinity H S
7Taylor McguckinHoly Trinity H S
26Patrick MoreiraHoly Trinity H S
27Andrew MunroHoly Trinity H S
8Megan NiemiHoly Trinity H S
9Emily ProcherHoly Trinity H S
10Christina SeverinoHoly Trinity H S
28Greg SkerrattHoly Trinity H S
11Tessa VaskasHoly Trinity H S
29Joel VaughanHoly Trinity H S
12Rachel VonkHoly Trinity H S
30Lucas ZiegelbauerHoly Trinity H S
31Luca GeiserJohn Cabot C S S
32Orest KowalikJohn Cabot C S S
33Stanley LubinicJohn Cabot C S S
34Christina AdeyemoSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
35Fenise AndersonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
36Kacian ArmasSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
37Diane BernardSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
55Kwamina BoisonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
38Yolen Bollo-KamaraSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
56Jharyl BowerySt Edmund Campion Secondary S
39Carilee BryantSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
57Beven ChiwesheSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
40Cherika DecaulSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
58Vandross EyongSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
59Brayden FarleySt Edmund Campion Secondary S
60Kyle FlynnSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
61Aaron FurtadoSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
62Jordan GayleSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
63Domenic GrecoSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
41Natalie GriffithSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
64Johnny GrunwaldSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
65Christian GueveraSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
66Phillip HayleSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
67Kojo HaywardSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
42Maria HewittSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
68Kareem JarrettSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
43Kirsten JohnsonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
44Chanique Keane-DawesSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
45Brittany KerrSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
46Naomi KerrSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
69Devon McCleanSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
47Kashawna McleggonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
70Louis MensahSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
71Artur MielniczekSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
72Josh MillerSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
48Chanel NembhardSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
49Lola OgunsuyiSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
50Moni OgunsuyiSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
73Eugene OseiSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
51Nicole PictonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
74Tristian PinnockSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
75Daniel SimpsonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
76Jermaine SimpsonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
77Kevin TennantSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
52Kadijah ThompsonSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
78Trai ThorneySt Edmund Campion Secondary S
53Kadijah TullochSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
54Davene YoungSt Edmund Campion Secondary S
82Justin AlexanderSt Joan of Arc High School
83Trey AlexanderSt Joan of Arc High School
79Cassie AntonSt Joan of Arc High School
361Chris ArnoldSt Joan of Arc High School
84Jacob BrodkaSt Joan of Arc High School
85John ConnorsSt Joan of Arc High School
86Spencer DaviauxSt Joan of Arc High School
80Jesica DevitoSt Joan of Arc High School
87Brandon DoreySt Joan of Arc High School
88Matt EllisSt Joan of Arc High School
89Rotimi FadyiaSt Joan of Arc High School
90Santiago GanzalezSt Joan of Arc High School
91Travis GillisSt Joan of Arc High School
81Tori GrahamSt Joan of Arc High School
92Craig HepditchSt Joan of Arc High School
93Jake HuberSt Joan of Arc High School
94Patryk KorbutSt Joan of Arc High School
95Nick KramerSt Joan of Arc High School
96Steven MackSt Joan of Arc High School
97Matt PierogSt Joan of Arc High School
98Brad SmithSt Joan of Arc High School
99Connor TorrenceSt Joan of Arc High School
100Ali AkbarSt. Andrew's College
101Estian CoetzerSt. Andrew's College
102Craig DavisSt. Andrew's College
103Jeremy DawsonSt. Andrew's College
104William EgiSt. Andrew's College
105Spencer FeeleySt. Andrew's College
106Reese FoegeleSt. Andrew's College
107Andre GoyoSt. Andrew's College
108Damian GraySt. Andrew's College
109Ross HindsSt. Andrew's College
110Sean KimSt. Andrew's College
111Brian LeeSt. Andrew's College
112Grant NychSt. Andrew's College
113Kwasi TerkperSt. Andrew's College
114Andre VancsoSt. Andrew's College
115Jon YanSt. Andrew's College
132Kyle AceSt. Dominic S S
133Adam AgerSt. Dominic S S
134Travis BissonetteSt. Dominic S S
116Ayla ChassieSt. Dominic S S
135Ryan CostelloSt. Dominic S S
117Amanda CousineauSt. Dominic S S
118Jessica CraymerSt. Dominic S S
136Roy CrippenSt. Dominic S S
137Derek DafoeSt. Dominic S S
119Rosie DowneySt. Dominic S S
138Adam FrederickSt. Dominic S S
139David GoldthorpSt. Dominic S S
120Sarah GrahamSt. Dominic S S
121Victoria HinesSt. Dominic S S
122Meaghan JanssenSt. Dominic S S
140Eric JonesSt. Dominic S S
123Naomi JumaSt. Dominic S S
124Noelle KellySt. Dominic S S
141Brett KingSt. Dominic S S
142Kyle KirkwoodSt. Dominic S S
143Patrick KirkwoodSt. Dominic S S
125Paige KlinkmanSt. Dominic S S
144Wyatt KuperschmidtSt. Dominic S S
126Heather LangevinSt. Dominic S S
145Corey LavoieSt. Dominic S S
146Caleb LuksaSt. Dominic S S
127Sarah MackieSt. Dominic S S
147Adam McDermottSt. Dominic S S
128Victoria MeadSt. Dominic S S
148Mike NorsworthySt. Dominic S S
149Rory O'CallaghanSt. Dominic S S
129Katie O'HearnSt. Dominic S S
150Zach PrestonSt. Dominic S S
130Danielle PucciniSt. Dominic S S
131Marinna ReekieSt. Dominic S S
151David RichardsonSt. Dominic S S
152Peter ThomsonSt. Dominic S S
153Max TruchonSt. Dominic S S
154Jake VandenbergSt. Dominic S S
155Brandon VelSt. Dominic S S
180Johnny AdamichSt. Joseph's H S
156Alejandra AlonsoSt. Joseph's H S
181Hugo AvilesSt. Joseph's H S
182Steven CabreraSt. Joseph's H S
183Adam CepasSt. Joseph's H S
184Max CinelliSt. Joseph's H S
185Kyle ConahanSt. Joseph's H S
157Samantha CurcioneSt. Joseph's H S
158Kylee DaleySt. Joseph's H S
186Matt DrukenSt. Joseph's H S
159Tina EspeySt. Joseph's H S
160Rachel FarrellSt. Joseph's H S
187Tyler FergusonSt. Joseph's H S
161Melanie ForgetSt. Joseph's H S
188Steven GrecoSt. Joseph's H S
162Jessie HargreavesSt. Joseph's H S
189Kyle HibbertSt. Joseph's H S
163Charmaine HowesSt. Joseph's H S
164Chelsea JacklinSt. Joseph's H S
165Claire KodamaSt. Joseph's H S
190Adam KovacsSt. Joseph's H S
166Jordan LeonardSt. Joseph's H S
191Colin MacDonaldSt. Joseph's H S
167Lidia MateusSt. Joseph's H S
168Emily MaugeriSt. Joseph's H S
192Brogan MelvilleSt. Joseph's H S
169Fallon MelvilleSt. Joseph's H S
193Joe MicksSt. Joseph's H S
170Hannah MilneSt. Joseph's H S
171Carla MonteithSt. Joseph's H S
194Michael MontgomerySt. Joseph's H S
172Celeste Morrow-BailieSt. Joseph's H S
173Alex NastasiukSt. Joseph's H S
174Megan PerinSt. Joseph's H S
175Hailey PollockSt. Joseph's H S
195JP PorcallaSt. Joseph's H S
176Hailey RobertsSt. Joseph's H S
177Ashley SpadaforaSt. Joseph's H S
196Blake ThompsonSt. Joseph's H S
197Patrick ThompsonSt. Joseph's H S
178Hailey VincentSt. Joseph's H S
198Joe WhiteSt. Joseph's H S
179Katie WilsonSt. Joseph's H S
199Michael ZammitSt. Joseph's H S
200Kassia AdamsSt. Theresa Lisieux
201Sandra AgbantiSt. Theresa Lisieux
202Kristen AndersonSt. Theresa Lisieux
203Mitra BaradaranSt. Theresa Lisieux
230Alesio BarberaSt. Theresa Lisieux
231Luca BarbieriSt. Theresa Lisieux
232Alex BevilacquaSt. Theresa Lisieux
233Dylan BoydSt. Theresa Lisieux
234Alessandro CampagnaSt. Theresa Lisieux
235Daniel CefarattiSt. Theresa Lisieux
204Stephanie ChesserSt. Theresa Lisieux
236Andrew ChungSt. Theresa Lisieux
237Justin ClarkeSt. Theresa Lisieux
205Esther CyrusSt. Theresa Lisieux
238Shane DavisSt. Theresa Lisieux
206Isabelle DeSouzaSt. Theresa Lisieux
239Simon EadieSt. Theresa Lisieux
240Julian EmmanuelSt. Theresa Lisieux
241Adrian FalzonSt. Theresa Lisieux
242Matthew FredricksSt. Theresa Lisieux
207Elizabeth GalatiSt. Theresa Lisieux
208Samantha GalatiSt. Theresa Lisieux
209Vanessa GirimonteSt. Theresa Lisieux
210Laura GuantiSt. Theresa Lisieux
243Sam HillisSt. Theresa Lisieux
244Patrick HouldenSt. Theresa Lisieux
211Richet HousenSt. Theresa Lisieux
245Mark HwangSt. Theresa Lisieux
212Erica IafrateSt. Theresa Lisieux
246Giancarlo IanniSt. Theresa Lisieux
213Ruby-Anne KakoutisSt. Theresa Lisieux
214Romina KiebadroodiSt. Theresa Lisieux
215Priscilla Kusi-AsareSt. Theresa Lisieux
247Alexander LebitaniaSt. Theresa Lisieux
216Tammy LiSt. Theresa Lisieux
217Jayne LiuSt. Theresa Lisieux
218Olivia LuckmanSt. Theresa Lisieux
248Joseph MalfaraSt. Theresa Lisieux
249Victor MazzaSt. Theresa Lisieux
250Eric McMillanSt. Theresa Lisieux
219Jordana MendicinoSt. Theresa Lisieux
220Dominique MeredithSt. Theresa Lisieux
221Joline MooreSt. Theresa Lisieux
222Liza OulmanSt. Theresa Lisieux
223Oyeyimika OyekanmiSt. Theresa Lisieux
224Caterina ParmegianiSt. Theresa Lisieux
225Emily PringleSt. Theresa Lisieux
226Marina RossiSt. Theresa Lisieux
227Roxy RusuSt. Theresa Lisieux
251Giancarlo SarrainoSt. Theresa Lisieux
228Cara SebastyanSt. Theresa Lisieux
229Vivian TangSt. Theresa Lisieux
252Denys TereshchenkoSt. Theresa Lisieux
253Michael VitelliSt. Theresa Lisieux
280Brandon BathSt. Theresa S S
254Carley-Ann BerkoSt. Theresa S S
281Christoph BokerSt. Theresa S S
255Jackie BraySt. Theresa S S
256Montana CampbellSt. Theresa S S
257Toria CharleboisSt. Theresa S S
282Anthony ChuckSt. Theresa S S
283Alex CondresieSt. Theresa S S
258Brianne CorriveauSt. Theresa S S
284Jonathan CousineauSt. Theresa S S
259Natalie DifonteSt. Theresa S S
260Ally DiMarcoSt. Theresa S S
261Chelsea DuckettSt. Theresa S S
262Megan DuckettSt. Theresa S S
263Hannah DunningsSt. Theresa S S
285Chad DupuisSt. Theresa S S
264Stepanie EdmundsSt. Theresa S S
265Katelyn FergusonSt. Theresa S S
286Brenden FlynnSt. Theresa S S
287Brandon FrandsonSt. Theresa S S
266Rachel GerowSt. Theresa S S
288Brett GrahamSt. Theresa S S
267Natalie GrahamSt. Theresa S S
289Victor GuarinoSt. Theresa S S
290Brandon HaarerSt. Theresa S S
291Thomas JohnstonSt. Theresa S S
292Jordan LemieuxSt. Theresa S S
293Matt LewisSt. Theresa S S
268Olivia LyleSt. Theresa S S
269Becky MacDonaldSt. Theresa S S
294Brodie MeiSt. Theresa S S
270Emma MoreauSt. Theresa S S
271Nicole PandolfiSt. Theresa S S
272Rennell RamjitsinghSt. Theresa S S
273Michelle RobitailleSt. Theresa S S
295Wesley RosenowSt. Theresa S S
274Robyn RumneySt. Theresa S S
275Camille SmithSt. Theresa S S
276Caitlin SouthSt. Theresa S S
277Jessica TinneySt. Theresa S S
278Kyra TomkinsonSt. Theresa S S
296Brad VanDamSt. Theresa S S
279Hannah WrightSt. Theresa S S
297Emily BaileySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
298Nicola BaileySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
315Daniel BizSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
299Emily BlacklawsSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
316Mark CachoSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
317Luke CharbonneauSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
300Stephanie CharbonneauSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
318Ben DebneySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
319Hans DietrichSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
301Danya FenechSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
320Michael FotiSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
302Jerika GimpelSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
303Sarah-Jane HasenauerSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
304Sam HelfSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
305Joanne HernandezSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
321Gabriello IannirubertoSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
322Andrew LeestSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
323Zack MacArthurSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
324Andrew MazanikSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
325Gordon McKaySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
326Conner MurphySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
327Ben NagySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
306Megan NagySt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
328Mackenzie NicollSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
329Kyle PattisonSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
307Emily PejicSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
330Frank RattasidSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
308Karline RobinsonSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
309Kristy RoutledgeSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
310Crystal SchauleSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
311Emily ScottSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
312Kelly StephensonSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
313Nicole TrepanierSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
314Victoria Van DykSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
331Michael WebsterSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
332Remi ZoccolanteSt. Thomas Aquinas CSS
344Mitch BreedonSt. Thomas of Aquinas
345Nick BrownSt. Thomas of Aquinas
346Will CallaghanSt. Thomas of Aquinas
347Mitch CassidySt. Thomas of Aquinas
333Bri CheethamSt. Thomas of Aquinas
334Krystyna DartSt. Thomas of Aquinas
335Leslie DartSt. Thomas of Aquinas
348Andrew DavisSt. Thomas of Aquinas
336Kayla DragicevicSt. Thomas of Aquinas
349Alec EspieSt. Thomas of Aquinas
350Matt FraserSt. Thomas of Aquinas
351Brandon HawkriggSt. Thomas of Aquinas
352Ryan HawkriggSt. Thomas of Aquinas
353Josh HenleySt. Thomas of Aquinas
337Taylor JonesSt. Thomas of Aquinas
354Cameron KnoblauchSt. Thomas of Aquinas
338Holly MarshallSt. Thomas of Aquinas
339Jill MoffattSt. Thomas of Aquinas
355Graham MunroSt. Thomas of Aquinas
356Josh NokesSt. Thomas of Aquinas
357Sebie O'NeillSt. Thomas of Aquinas
340Monica PottsSt. Thomas of Aquinas
341Marleah RichardsSt. Thomas of Aquinas
358Robert RidenourSt. Thomas of Aquinas
342April SalternSt. Thomas of Aquinas
359Joel StevensSt. Thomas of Aquinas
360Brandon TaylorSt. Thomas of Aquinas
343Lisa ThajerSt. Thomas of Aquinas
cLast updated Sat, 09 May 2009 0:18:24

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