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ENTRIES A RELAYCrescent School
ENTRIES B RELAYCrescent School
ENTRIES C RELAYCrescent School
ENTRIES A RELAYBishop Strachan School
ENTRIES B RELAYBishop Strachan School
ENTRIES C RELAYBishop Strachan School
ENTRIES A RELAYHoly Trinity School
ENTRIES B RELAYHoly Trinity School
ENTRIES C RELAYHoly Trinity School
ENTRIES A RELAYHavergal College
ENTRIES B RELAYHavergal College
ENTRIES C RELAYHavergal College
ENTRIES A RELAYHoly Name of Mary
ENTRIES B RELAYHoly Name of Mary
ENTRIES C RELAYHoly Name of Mary
ENTRIES A RELAYRoyal St. George's College
ENTRIES B RELAYRoyal St. George's College
ENTRIES C RELAYRoyal St. George's College
ENTRIES A RELAYCountry Day School
ENTRIES B RELAYCountry Day School
ENTRIES C RELAYCountry Day School
ENTRIES A RELAYKingsway College School
ENTRIES B RELAYKingsway College School
ENTRIES C RELAYKingsway College School
ENTRIES A RELAYHillfield-Strathallan
ENTRIES B RELAYHillfield-Strathallan
ENTRIES C RELAYHillfield-Strathallan
ENTRIES A RELAYDe La Salle College
ENTRIES B RELAYDe La Salle College
ENTRIES C RELAYDe La Salle College
ENTRIES A RELAYSt. Anne's School - Aurora
ENTRIES B RELAYSt. Anne's School - Aurora
ENTRIES C RELAYSt. Anne's School - Aurora
ENTRIES A RELAYGreenwood College
ENTRIES B RELAYGreenwood College
ENTRIES C RELAYGreenwood College
ENTRIES A RELAYTrinity College School
ENTRIES B RELAYTrinity College School
ENTRIES C RELAYTrinity College School
ENTRIES A RELAYSt. Clement's School
ENTRIES B RELAYSt. Clement's School
ENTRIES C RELAYSt. Clement's School
ENTRIES A RELAYSt. John's Kilmarnock
ENTRIES B RELAYSt. John's Kilmarnock
ENTRIES C RELAYSt. John's Kilmarnock
ENTRIES A RELAYSt. Andrew's College
ENTRIES B RELAYSt. Andrew's College
ENTRIES C RELAYSt. Andrew's College
ENTRIES A RELAYToronto French School
ENTRIES B RELAYToronto French School
ENTRIES C RELAYToronto French School
ENTRIES A RELAYUpper Canada College
ENTRIES B RELAYUpper Canada College
ENTRIES C RELAYUpper Canada College
ENTRIES A RELAYAppleby College
ENTRIES B RELAYAppleby College
ENTRIES C RELAYAppleby College
ENTRIES A RELAYPickering College
ENTRIES B RELAYPickering College
ENTRIES C RELAYPickering College
1Natalia Agundis VillegasAlbert College
2Skye BackebergAlbert College
3Elena De ToroAlbert College
4Jordan FariasAlbert College
5Cassia FortierAlbert College
6Phoebe GriffithsAlbert College
7Julia IsbesterAlbert College
8Ella JamesAlbert College
9Rya NazzerAlbert College
10Wendy YiAlbert College
11Allister AelongAlbert College
12Noah BlowerAlbert College
13Davies EliasAlbert College
14Newton LamAlbert College
15Tripp LeavittAlbert College
16Thomas McDonnellAlbert College
17William ShiAlbert College
18Sebastian Solano CoronaAlbert College
19Henry StricklandAlbert College
20Jason WangAlbert College
21Ben WeinsteinAlbert College
22Wesley WilliamsAlbert College
23Humphrey YanAlbert College
25Lauren L HarhayAppleby College
26Scarlett S MingAppleby College
27William W BiglerAppleby College
28Fadi F JaberAppleby College
29Charlie C KrayAppleby College
30Tobenna T NjokuAppleby College
31Mahana AltmidBayview Glen
32Zayna BhanjiBayview Glen
33Ava CampbellBayview Glen
34Emma ChuBayview Glen
35Ella Frankel PicovBayview Glen
36Ronika GhobadianBayview Glen
37Maya HajiBayview Glen
38Zara JavedBayview Glen
39Simrin KassamBayview Glen
40Sophia KhalilBayview Glen
41Charlotte MathewBayview Glen
42Laila MehrkhavaranBayview Glen
43Sara QuigleyBayview Glen
44Morgan Suess SegalBayview Glen
45Reese TattersBayview Glen
46Kamea ThasanBayview Glen
47Lauren ValentineBayview Glen
48Alexandra ValovBayview Glen
49Amali WijeysunderaBayview Glen
50Cameron BergBayview Glen
51Andrew BettinBayview Glen
52Adam BurrafatoBayview Glen
53Brandon ClarkeBayview Glen
54David-James DesyBayview Glen
55Matthew EliaBayview Glen
56Liam IrwinBayview Glen
57Kaylum JethaBayview Glen
58Dev KhannaBayview Glen
59Alexander LeeBayview Glen
60Cameron LeeBayview Glen
61Cooper LumleyBayview Glen
62Lucas MeleBayview Glen
63Dustin MillerBayview Glen
64Nikan NikkhajoeiBayview Glen
65Charles PatryBayview Glen
66Savva PutilkinBayview Glen
67Ryan RadBayview Glen
68Rehan ShahBayview Glen
69Hexin SongBayview Glen
70Josh TattersBayview Glen
71Bennett TuckerBayview Glen
72Jane AtkinsBishop Strachan School
73Marita AtkinsBishop Strachan School
74Taylor BarrettBishop Strachan School
75Elizabeth BeecroftBishop Strachan School
76Eme BeecroftBishop Strachan School
77Fatima BenadderBishop Strachan School
78Bryony ChanBishop Strachan School
79Stella CubittBishop Strachan School
80Anna FuBishop Strachan School
81Jacqueline GibsonBishop Strachan School
82Emily GuoBishop Strachan School
83Sierra HorakBishop Strachan School
84Betsy KaiserBishop Strachan School
85Findley KellyBishop Strachan School
86Stella KerneyBishop Strachan School
87Elle KirbyBishop Strachan School
88Hannah KyazikeBishop Strachan School
89Mel LeBrunBishop Strachan School
90Elyssa LeiBishop Strachan School
91Mona LiuBishop Strachan School
92Maija MckenzieBishop Strachan School
93Ava MontemaranoBishop Strachan School
94Angel PanBishop Strachan School
95Deanna PapanikolaouBishop Strachan School
96Dia PapanikolaouBishop Strachan School
97Valerie PoonBishop Strachan School
98Amelie QuastBishop Strachan School
99Kate RobinsonBishop Strachan School
100Uma SakhriBishop Strachan School
101Tessa ToselloBishop Strachan School
102Yoyo ZhangBishop Strachan School
103Monica Alanis PerezBranksome Hall
104Maddie AustinBranksome Hall
105Margot CurryBranksome Hall
106Carina FengBranksome Hall
107Ruby HarrisBranksome Hall
108Ruby HarrisBranksome Hall
109Juliana JustoBranksome Hall
110Juliana JustoBranksome Hall
111Bella Kemerer-DunnBranksome Hall
112Peyton LeeBranksome Hall
113Serena LiuBranksome Hall
114Amanda NgBranksome Hall
115Saturn O'NeillBranksome Hall
116Surina SrivastavaBranksome Hall
117Hannah SuBranksome Hall
118Selene TsangBranksome Hall
119Clara VivekanandanBranksome Hall
120Angie ZhangBranksome Hall
121Anna ZhangBranksome Hall
122Cindy ZhangBranksome Hall
123Sarah CathersCountry Day School
124Caterina CesariaCountry Day School
125Juliet ChieduchCountry Day School
126Claire ChristianopoulosCountry Day School
127Sofia CircelliCountry Day School
128Clelia CirillioCountry Day School
129Alex EstabrooksCountry Day School
130Arden EstabrooksCountry Day School
131Arielle GinsbergCountry Day School
132Tina HuCountry Day School
133Irene LiCountry Day School
134Lucy LuCountry Day School
135Raeka RenCountry Day School
136Mackenzie StewartCountry Day School
137Sofia VolodarskiCountry Day School
138Vanessa WangCountry Day School
139Erika ZhengCountry Day School
140Nikolai AbramovCountry Day School
141Romeo Di BiaseCountry Day School
142Jack DilworthCountry Day School
143Andy HamiltonCountry Day School
144Colson LadoceurCountry Day School
145Rian PajpaniCountry Day School
146Carter SaleyCountry Day School
147Cole SheppardCountry Day School
148Eamon SheppardCountry Day School
149Geoffrey StefanovCountry Day School
150Thomas TranCountry Day School
151Ibrahem AbbasCrescent School
152Fuaad AbiolaCrescent School
153Runo AjiseCrescent School
154Liam DesgasperisCrescent School
155Daniyal ElahiCrescent School
156Sacha GiarrussoCrescent School
157Mazin HabibCrescent School
158Riley HetheringtonCrescent School
159Lucas HoweCrescent School
160Ethan JosicCrescent School
161Malcolm JosicCrescent School
162Connor MacMillanCrescent School
163Thomas MainprizeCrescent School
164John MarshallCrescent School
165Gregory MavroudisCrescent School
166Darshan NarineCrescent School
167Jaksen NeldnerCrescent School
168Nathan NgCrescent School
169Ryan RanaCrescent School
170Ben SchindlerCrescent School
171Ben SchindlerCrescent School
172Zach SmithCrescent School
173Elijah TomoriCrescent School
174Ariston WangCrescent School
175Jay WangCrescent School
176Jack WilsonCrescent School
177Spencer WrightCrescent School
178Jeremy YouCrescent School
179Savanna AddorisioDe La Salle College
180Ilaria AmosDe La Salle College
181Emily BerkmanDe La Salle College
182Genesis BishopDe La Salle College
183Elisha ChenDe La Salle College
184Stephanie CorrDe La Salle College
185Giulia Di SapiaDe La Salle College
186Chelsea D'Silva-PetersDe La Salle College
187Sophia FavaDe La Salle College
188Samia HabisDe La Salle College
189Victoria KwonDe La Salle College
190Lily LloydDe La Salle College
191Cynthia LuuDe La Salle College
192Lorelai MacklerDe La Salle College
193Erin MendozaDe La Salle College
194Elizabeth MillerDe La Salle College
195Isabelle Montgomery-SetoDe La Salle College
196Karina NavaretteDe La Salle College
197Victoria NguyenDe La Salle College
198Catarina PalamaraDe La Salle College
199Anna PoutanenDe La Salle College
200Sophie PoutanenDe La Salle College
201Olivia RankinDe La Salle College
202Adriana RicciardelliDe La Salle College
203Isabella RispoliDe La Salle College
204Livia SmearsDe La Salle College
205Orycia TashlitskaDe La Salle College
206Vanessa ValentiDe La Salle College
207Vanessa ValentiDe La Salle College
208Jasmine WilsonDe La Salle College
209Andrea Wong OrtizDe La Salle College
210Ethan AhiabenuDe La Salle College
211Leeroy BarakaDe La Salle College
212Andrew CesconDe La Salle College
213Evan CesconDe La Salle College
214Cian CollinsDe La Salle College
215Finn CrixDe La Salle College
216Jake CurtinDe La Salle College
217Zachary DilworthDe La Salle College
218Mathew DuranteDe La Salle College
219Henri GervaisDe La Salle College
220Luke HollisterDe La Salle College
221Oscar HomburgerDe La Salle College
222Amir KaniaDe La Salle College
223Aaran MauradasDe La Salle College
224Aidan MuldowneyDe La Salle College
225Jaden NavarraDe La Salle College
226Daniel OjuolapeDe La Salle College
227Alessandro OlivieriDe La Salle College
228Demarco PinnockDe La Salle College
229Landen PiotrowskiDe La Salle College
230William Prato-DerietDe La Salle College
231Mauricio SaishioDe La Salle College
232Alvaro SanchezDe La Salle College
233Jose SanchezDe La Salle College
234Ethan SilvestriDe La Salle College
235Austin SourialDe La Salle College
236Alex TodorovicDe La Salle College
237Isaac WastiDe La Salle College
238Nathan WongDe La Salle College
239Benjamin XiongDe La Salle College
240Chloe AustinGreenwood College
241Martha ChristieGreenwood College
242Michele HorakGreenwood College
243Lauren KohlerGreenwood College
244Adelyn MinnsGreenwood College
245Ava RussellGreenwood College
246Madeleine ShawGreenwood College
247Charlotte WarningGreenwood College
248Ellie YantsulisGreenwood College
249Dillon Browning RodriguezGreenwood College
250Fred LaFlammeGreenwood College
251Jordan MaoGreenwood College
252Dylan ScottGreenwood College
253Keilyn AhnHavergal College
254Maria AnnibaleHavergal College
255Ansley BlumerHavergal College
256Tiah CararahHavergal College
257Molly ClarkHavergal College
258Kenyah FullertonHavergal College
259Audrey GageHavergal College
260Sienna GrossiHavergal College
261Evelyn HrvoicHavergal College
262Alex KentHavergal College
263Eden LaceyHavergal College
264Jessica LeeHavergal College
265Kaitlyn LeungHavergal College
266Scarlett LuHavergal College
267Victoria LuHavergal College
268Katelyn MakHavergal College
269Michelle ManHavergal College
270Marilena McConnellHavergal College
271Mary MeiHavergal College
272Rachel PatonHavergal College
273Summer PhippsHavergal College
274Tessa RobitailleHavergal College
275Carol RongHavergal College
276Cadyn RosenzweigHavergal College
277Isabella SepaHavergal College
278Ella Soon-ShiongHavergal College
279Elise SuHavergal College
280Julia TontodonatiHavergal College
281Madeline WolffHavergal College
282Hannah XuHavergal College
283Serena YoungHavergal College
284Temi AkinbinuHillfield-Strathallan
285Avaani BratchHillfield-Strathallan
286Abigael CaugheyHillfield-Strathallan
287Elly ChenHillfield-Strathallan
288Rosiela ChenHillfield-Strathallan
289Ryann ClarkHillfield-Strathallan
290Alexis ElkinsHillfield-Strathallan
291Claire Green KopeckHillfield-Strathallan
292Michelle IfogaHillfield-Strathallan
293Leila JaserivicHillfield-Strathallan
294Ella KaranwalHillfield-Strathallan
295Niamh KaranwalHillfield-Strathallan
296Lauren Konrad-HoHillfield-Strathallan
297Kate LawrieHillfield-Strathallan
298Ava LeschukHillfield-Strathallan
299Tereza MattatalHillfield-Strathallan
300Willow NormanHillfield-Strathallan
301Ellil RadhakrisnanHillfield-Strathallan
302Maria TitovHillfield-Strathallan
303Maeve TreleavenHillfield-Strathallan
304Anne VossHillfield-Strathallan
305Leida WuHillfield-Strathallan
306Ameer AlsahabHillfield-Strathallan
307Jahmai ArimoroHillfield-Strathallan
308Jedidiah ArimoroHillfield-Strathallan
309Arjun BajajHillfield-Strathallan
310Brendan Harper-McCabeHillfield-Strathallan
311Matthew JenningsHillfield-Strathallan
312Joshua MaoHillfield-Strathallan
313Andrew MatosHillfield-Strathallan
314Joshua MatthewsHillfield-Strathallan
315Rayan MekouarHillfield-Strathallan
316Ethan RenHillfield-Strathallan
317Namir SarrafHillfield-Strathallan
318Michael SoaresHillfield-Strathallan
319Lucas TaoHillfield-Strathallan
320Taylor WangHillfield-Strathallan
321Alexandra BaillieHoly Name of Mary
322Lia BertonHoly Name of Mary
323Brianna BinderHoly Name of Mary
324Lorelei CampbellHoly Name of Mary
325Zara DaleHoly Name of Mary
326Sofia D'aprileHoly Name of Mary
327Sophie GalbergHoly Name of Mary
328Jessica ItalianoHoly Name of Mary
329Kaitlyn JonesHoly Name of Mary
330Gabriella KincsesHoly Name of Mary
331Ololade KoredeHoly Name of Mary
332Chelsea MacDougallHoly Name of Mary
333Stella MachadoHoly Name of Mary
334Katelin ManuelHoly Name of Mary
335Joy MontemurroHoly Name of Mary
336Sophia PonesseHoly Name of Mary
337Arina PunambolamHoly Name of Mary
338Leanora SteeleHoly Name of Mary
339Oleksandra SudinaHoly Name of Mary
340Zoe WainasHoly Name of Mary
341Kaitlyn ArchboldHoly Trinity School
342Caroline ChanHoly Trinity School
343Emma DalzielHoly Trinity School
344Eunice LeeHoly Trinity School
345Ivonne LeeHoly Trinity School
346Katie LiangHoly Trinity School
347Georgia MakHoly Trinity School
348Nikki MemarbashiHoly Trinity School
349Shileigh MobasheriHoly Trinity School
350Maddy ParksHoly Trinity School
351Tazlin PozzebonHoly Trinity School
352Nicolette ReelHoly Trinity School
353Shanar ShahmirHoly Trinity School
354Ella YauHoly Trinity School
355Maddie YauHoly Trinity School
356Onie YauHoly Trinity School
357Helen YuanHoly Trinity School
358Felicity ZhangHoly Trinity School
359Arisa ZolfaghariHoly Trinity School
360Sherwin KhoshnevisHoly Trinity School
361Desmond LiHoly Trinity School
362Ayan RizviHoly Trinity School
363Arman SabouhiHoly Trinity School
364Zakaria TaimishHoly Trinity School
365Johnny WilliamsonHoly Trinity School
366Avery LenoKingsway College School
367Raffa BelliniKingsway College School
368Joah BowieKingsway College School
369Oliver DaleKingsway College School
370Cristiano MilliganKingsway College School
371Jack NiceforoKingsway College School
372Alex OkamuraKingsway College School
373Bushra AhmedPickering College
374Ava BarichPickering College
375Moira BolandPickering College
376Heather GoldingPickering College
377Sarah GoldingPickering College
378Helen MankePickering College
379Chloe PorterPickering College
380Joelle ReidPickering College
381Haley RobinsonPickering College
382Claire YaoPickering College
383Madie YipPickering College
384Elaine ZhouPickering College
385Bilal AhmedPickering College
386Ashid BatsurenPickering College
387Thomas BiancoPickering College
388Ian CaiPickering College
389Brume ErivwoPickering College
390Leo LiPickering College
391Jordan OditaPickering College
392Roscoe SzePickering College
393Charles YuPickering College
394Lucas ZhaoPickering College
395Eva AtkinsRidley College
396Tessa BerryRidley College
397Cornelia BulengoRidley College
398Lauren CressmanRidley College
399Isadora DrynanRidley College
400Bianca LinRidley College
401Isabella LineroRidley College
402Iryna SyahrizalRidley College
403Siena TanRidley College
404Cora WangRidley College
405Elina WangRidley College
406Annie WeiRidley College
407Aaraiz AshrafRidley College
408Alexander ChodorowskiRidley College
409Rafael CokcanRidley College
410David Ekenta-IfeanyiRidley College
411Parker EmanoilidisRidley College
412Corey GaoRidley College
413Felix GazquezRidley College
414Cole HodgsonRidley College
415Albert HuRidley College
416Godwin KabengeRidley College
417Frank LuRidley College
418Liam McFarlandRidley College
419Vaughn McLeanRidley College
420Kevin NguyenRidley College
421Folu OgunfoworaRidley College
422Okey OkafoRidley College
423Chase PartridgeRidley College
424Tyler RowlandRidley College
425Emerson SalterRidley College
426Julian SapounziRidley College
427Ryan ScrivenRidley College
428Ross WillsonRidley College
429Joe ZhaoRidley College
430Pukii ZhaoRidley College
431Ben AndersonRoyal St. George's College
432Will AndersonRoyal St. George's College
433Nathan AndrewRoyal St. George's College
434Matteo CaravaggioRoyal St. George's College
435Ben CharbonneauRoyal St. George's College
436Galen ClarkRoyal St. George's College
437Grayson ColesRoyal St. George's College
438Julian Darou-SantosRoyal St. George's College
439Finn FosterRoyal St. George's College
440Daniel GesualdiRoyal St. George's College
441Sasha HalinskiRoyal St. George's College
442Harry HessRoyal St. George's College
443Naol KetemaRoyal St. George's College
444Wyatt KirbyRoyal St. George's College
445Henry LindellRoyal St. George's College
446Jack LutzRoyal St. George's College
447Ryan LutzRoyal St. George's College
448Charlie MacraeRoyal St. George's College
449Zach MalkaniRoyal St. George's College
450Luke MazanRoyal St. George's College
451Bertram MiRoyal St. George's College
452Jesse MillerRoyal St. George's College
453Grayson MitchellRoyal St. George's College
455Joaquin PadolinaRoyal St. George's College
456Adrian Robertson-CaryllRoyal St. George's College
457Ben TierneyRoyal St. George's College
458Ben WalkerRoyal St. George's College
459Jack WilnerRoyal St. George's College
460Adam ZhuRoyal St. George's College
461Max ZischkaRoyal St. George's College
462Mateo Alava-FalzoneSt. Andrew's College
463Saif Ali IsmailSt. Andrew's College
464Usmaan AslamSt. Andrew's College
465Max D'AngeloSt. Andrew's College
466Marcus DeMelloSt. Andrew's College
467Joryn DosanjhSt. Andrew's College
468Albert FangSt. Andrew's College
469Austin GaoSt. Andrew's College
470Arinze GenusSt. Andrew's College
471Toby HansenSt. Andrew's College
472Liam HenriquesSt. Andrew's College
473Andrew HerrnsteinSt. Andrew's College
474Don HouSt. Andrew's College
475Juho JangSt. Andrew's College
476Max JiangSt. Andrew's College
477Aidan JohnsonSt. Andrew's College
478Cheney JuSt. Andrew's College
479Ethan KimSt. Andrew's College
480Jacob KirchmairSt. Andrew's College
481Eric LiSt. Andrew's College
482Minghan LiSt. Andrew's College
483Simon LiSt. Andrew's College
484Ethan LiuSt. Andrew's College
485Mark LuanSt. Andrew's College
486Andrew Marek TortorellaSt. Andrew's College
487Duncan McDonellSt. Andrew's College
488Ioanni MichalosSt. Andrew's College
489Christian MorettoSt. Andrew's College
490Cassius PetersonSt. Andrew's College
491Erick QinSt. Andrew's College
492Jason Roy-DiClementeSt. Andrew's College
493Ibrahim Saleem-AhmadSt. Andrew's College
494Evan SmithSt. Andrew's College
495Marek St.CroixSt. Andrew's College
496Shangchen SunSt. Andrew's College
497Christian TomaSt. Andrew's College
498Oscar WuSt. Andrew's College
499Rockson XuSt. Andrew's College
500Clayton YangSt. Andrew's College
501Mitchell ZackSt. Andrew's College
502Kevin ZhangSt. Andrew's College
503Ava AdamsSt. Anne's School - Aurora
504Zahra AhmadSt. Anne's School - Aurora
505Lindsay FuSt. Anne's School - Aurora
506Lauren GallifordSt. Anne's School - Aurora
507Annie LuSt. Anne's School - Aurora
508Gabriella MagnottaSt. Anne's School - Aurora
509Andrea MascanSt. Anne's School - Aurora
510Sara McGrathSt. Anne's School - Aurora
511Onna OkekeSt. Anne's School - Aurora
512Medea RezaeiSt. Anne's School - Aurora
513Maria RussoSt. Anne's School - Aurora
514Maria RussoSt. Anne's School - Aurora
515Gloria ShenSt. Anne's School - Aurora
516Clara WangSt. Anne's School - Aurora
517Maya AnnamalaiSt. Clement's School
518Justine BeggSt. Clement's School
519Chloe BoothSt. Clement's School
520Sophia BortolinSt. Clement's School
521Zoey BoyceSt. Clement's School
522Emily BuchananSt. Clement's School
523Georgia BuntingSt. Clement's School
524Marlowe BuntingSt. Clement's School
525Soline DegezSt. Clement's School
526Caroline Di DomenicoSt. Clement's School
527Cami DionisioSt. Clement's School
528Mckenna DouglasSt. Clement's School
529Covenant EzechimSt. Clement's School
530Amelia FinleySt. Clement's School
531Zoe GiazitzidisSt. Clement's School
532Ziyu GuoSt. Clement's School
533Ariana HedayatSt. Clement's School
534Sophie JolivetSt. Clement's School
535Annika KimSt. Clement's School
536Claire LangstaffSt. Clement's School
537Caitlin LevereSt. Clement's School
538Madison McDermottSt. Clement's School
539Mikayla McDermottSt. Clement's School
540Izzy McPheeSt. Clement's School
541Juliette MortsonSt. Clement's School
542Nyla PereiraSt. Clement's School
543Deniz SaeedSt. Clement's School
544Sophia SalamonSt. Clement's School
545Emily ShannonSt. Clement's School
546Maddie SimpkinsSt. Clement's School
547Caroline SmerdonSt. Clement's School
548Lily SorrentoSt. Clement's School
549Molly ThompsonSt. Clement's School
550Olivia ThompsonSt. Clement's School
551Diana VakilhaSt. Clement's School
552Asha VyasSt. Clement's School
553Julia YanSt. Clement's School
554Carmela ZimnickiSt. Clement's School
555Hazel AllanSt. John's Kilmarnock
556Hannah CeislarSt. John's Kilmarnock
557Avery IngramSt. John's Kilmarnock
558Maia MontanaroSt. John's Kilmarnock
559Daphne PaceSt. John's Kilmarnock
560Lacey PaceSt. John's Kilmarnock
561Becca PefanisSt. John's Kilmarnock
562Mariia SimutinaSt. John's Kilmarnock
563Coco WeiSt. John's Kilmarnock
564James ChristianSt. John's Kilmarnock
565Nyle DiefenbacherSt. John's Kilmarnock
566Jonah DyckSt. John's Kilmarnock
567Wesley FellinSt. John's Kilmarnock
568Declan MacPhersonSt. John's Kilmarnock
569Duff McGroganSt. John's Kilmarnock
570John NewlandSt. John's Kilmarnock
571Lucas PapanikolaouSt. John's Kilmarnock
572Connor RichardsSt. John's Kilmarnock
573Park SkolpapSt. John's Kilmarnock
574Evan StewartSt. John's Kilmarnock
575Corson WakelySt. John's Kilmarnock
576Younong WangSt. John's Kilmarnock
577Dario WycocoSt. John's Kilmarnock
578Audrey ButterissThe York School
579Charlotte FloodThe York School
580Sophie ForehtThe York School
581Laurel GamsaThe York School
582Jojo HillThe York School
583Zoe LevesqueThe York School
584Adrina PerrachiaThe York School
585Saphira RyanThe York School
586Zoe WarnicaThe York School
587Soleil WeisThe York School
588Alexis WongThe York School
589Helen YeThe York School
590Adrian ArbibThe York School
591Liam Bekavac HebelThe York School
592Oliver ChiaThe York School
593Oliver DiplockThe York School
594Lennon DubrowThe York School
595Patrick FraserThe York School
596Zeke GreenwoodThe York School
597Noah KangThe York School
598Noah KangThe York School
599Noah LeeThe York School
600Fraser PadfieldThe York School
601Cole PerkinsThe York School
602Max SafirThe York School
603James SalmasThe York School
604Tyson WeisThe York School
605Isabelle KomorTMS School
606Adrienne LiTMS School
607Roxana TabibiTMS School
608Victor Chen CenTMS School
609Sebastian ChurchillTMS School
610Christopher HanimyanTMS School
611Woo Joo KimTMS School
612Evan LeungTMS School
613Alma A AkeelToronto French School
614Camille C Chang-YingToronto French School
615Lakshmi D DasToronto French School
616Mya K KanhaiToronto French School
617Nadège L Lloyd-PelletierToronto French School
618Charley Mc DonaldToronto French School
619Heather NobleToronto French School
620Erin O OskanianToronto French School
621Alessandra P PageToronto French School
622Hazel H SankeyToronto French School
623Niki S ShafaeiToronto French School
624Isabel S ShengToronto French School
625Shane A AblettToronto French School
626Daniel B BetiuToronto French School
627Aran D DavoudpourToronto French School
628Ben F FordToronto French School
629Ryan FotovatToronto French School
630Thomas H HajekToronto French School
631Rafael HenenToronto French School
632Ariel K KishnerToronto French School
633Oliver M MeindokToronto French School
634Matthew M MinerToronto French School
635Steven P PapazianToronto French School
636Daniel P PastiaToronto French School
637Gregory P PerriToronto French School
638Rex P PucettiToronto French School
639Mikail S SyedToronto French School
640Bernardo W Werneck da CostaToronto French School
641Lademi AbiolaTrinity College School
642Reina ChenTrinity College School
643Aeowyn ComissiongTrinity College School
644Nalajoss EllsworthTrinity College School
645Abby MoorjaniTrinity College School
646Sadeel OmarTrinity College School
647Cordelia Ramones HenningTrinity College School
648Abby RichardsTrinity College School
649Olivier CameTrinity College School
650Mac CameronTrinity College School
651Andrew DavidsonTrinity College School
652Zach DumoulinTrinity College School
653Temi EyesanTrinity College School
654Jack GoeldnerTrinity College School
655Michael HassardTrinity College School
656Cameron HepburnTrinity College School
657Warren HepburnTrinity College School
658Xyon JohnsonTrinity College School
659Caden KeystoneTrinity College School
660June KimTrinity College School
661Cheuk LamTrinity College School
662Timi MartinsTrinity College School
663Edgar MerepezaTrinity College School
664Cam RossTrinity College School
665August SchnellTrinity College School
666Noah ShepherdTrinity College School
667Aidan SmallTrinity College School
668Jimi TolusheTrinity College School
669Peter AlexisUpper Canada College
670Tarun BasraUpper Canada College
671Ben BylaardUpper Canada College
672Jeffrey CarriqueUpper Canada College
673Matthew ChanUpper Canada College
674Will ChandraUpper Canada College
675Christian CiracoUpper Canada College
676Xavier DelzottoUpper Canada College
677JJ FeehelyUpper Canada College
678Paul GuerriereUpper Canada College
679Kader GueyeUpper Canada College
680Alyan HusseinUpper Canada College
681David JiangUpper Canada College
682Sam JonesUpper Canada College
683John KarakoulasUpper Canada College
684Zak KarimUpper Canada College
685Arslan KhudayarUpper Canada College
686Reich KiambatiUpper Canada College
687Lucas LevensonUpper Canada College
688Alfred LiuUpper Canada College
689Spencer MacInnisUpper Canada College
690JP MahonyUpper Canada College
691Matthew Marcon-MayerUpper Canada College
692Jake MitchellUpper Canada College
693Nicholas NekicUpper Canada College
694Phelan NiuUpper Canada College
695Darius PirniaUpper Canada College
696Isaac RodriguesUpper Canada College
697Will RowleyUpper Canada College
698Theo RussellUpper Canada College
699Bill SunUpper Canada College
700Oliver TabackUpper Canada College
701Kotaro TanakaUpper Canada College
702Brodie ThompsonUpper Canada College
703Hudson VandermeerUpper Canada College
704Darren YauUpper Canada College
705Evan ZakemUpper Canada College
706Sid WangAppleby College
707Michael SimSt. Andrew's College
708Jacari MarshallSt. Andrew's College
709Sarah UnsworthHoly Name of Mary
710Kevin ChengAlbert College
711Peter TranSt. Andrew's College
712Annika JamalThe York School
713Tate FerronThe York School
714Eamon SorbaraAlbert College
715Anthony ZhongAlbert College
716Charlie RitchieSt. Andrew's College
717Will SouterRoyal St. George's College
718Xavier D'SouzaRoyal St. George's College
719Sebastian Nakamachi-RozwadowskRoyal St. George's College
720Thomas LamarreRoyal St. George's College
cLast updated Wed, 03 Apr 2024 22:56:15

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