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4669E BaxAdam Scott
4660A ConnollyAdam Scott
4662E ConnollyAdam Scott
4668G CouplandAdam Scott
4663E CunninghamAdam Scott
4670D EarthyAdam Scott
4667N GhoriAdam Scott
4671O HartAdam Scott
4664C MacleodAdam Scott
4661O McBrideAdam Scott
4665G Moore-ClarkAdam Scott
4672L RhudeAdam Scott
4673C SchweerAdam Scott
4666P ThomsonAdam Scott
4659O TrippAdam Scott
4674E UngerAdam Scott
794I Bibby,Bayside
797B Brown,Bayside
804S Cadavid,Bayside
805T Daoust,Bayside
806H Douha,Bayside
799T Himberg-Larsen,Bayside
807A Lupenette,Bayside
800I Quilty,Bayside
796T Singaraja,Bayside
808K Singer,Bayside
809N Walmsley,Bayside
810G Wanless,Bayside
4709N EakinsCampbellford
4705S HaskellCampbellford
4711E HislopCampbellford
4707L MussonCampbellford
4710G TerryCampbellford
814J BlomerCentennial
821L Bulmer,Centennial
816E DavidsonCentennial
811C MacDonald,Centennial
812L Martin,Centennial
815H Oribine,Centennial
818B Platt,Centennial
819C Terpstra,Centennial
813K Thiele,Centennial
820R Thorton,Centennial
822J Vestervelt,Centennial
825G Easby,Central Hastings
829W Evans,Central Hastings
823L Pach,Central Hastings
828D Paiva,Central Hastings
824M Potts,Central Hastings
826K Vesterfelt,Central Hastings
827S Winterburn,Central Hastings
4693B BandurkaCobourg
4688D CullenCobourg
4681H CullenCobourg
4689J DuncanCobourg
4696W EwartCobourg
4694J Fernandez MurosCobourg
4690M Garcia Baquero CanoCobourg
4675A HarrisCobourg
4676A HegartyCobourg
4682M HoganCobourg
4683J HoldenCobourg
4677S JonesCobourg
4678Z Khosla-VuckoCobourg
4697M LenardonCobourg
4698M LeRouxCobourg
4691A LintonCobourg
4684M LintonCobourg
4699I McMurrayCobourg
4700D MelendroCobourg
4701J ProosCobourg
4685A RouseCobourg
4702H SmithCobourg
4679L SmythCobourg
4686L SparksCobourg
4704E Tandeur-SampsonCobourg
4687J ThomasCobourg
4692T TomlinsonCobourg
4695W UrbachCobourg
4703M WangCobourg
4712A ArnottCrestwood
4713A CarltonCrestwood
4722N DoellCrestwood
4723L GarsideCrestwood
4717S GarsideCrestwood
4721V HoeksmaCrestwood
4714L MerrickCrestwood
4719G PyperCrestwood
4716A SaleCrestwood
4720R Scobie-RobertsonCrestwood
4715V SnowCrestwood
848N Boomhouwer,East Northumberland
830H Brown,East Northumberland
854C Christian,East Northumberland
836A Clitherow,East Northumberland
844E De Luca,East Northumberland
855D Decoste,East Northumberland
849C Eddy,East Northumberland
837M Emmerson,East Northumberland
831K Ferguson,East Northumberland
838C Fobear,East Northumberland
861C Geens,East Northumberland
850N Groeneveld,East Northumberland
856A Guitar,East Northumberland
839K Hazlewood,East Northumberland
851O Kovacs,East Northumberland
833K Lafrance,East Northumberland
857B Lay,East Northumberland
840C McDonald,East Northumberland
852O McDougall,East Northumberland
841E Metcalf,East Northumberland
862A Miklos,East Northumberland
834H Millington,East Northumberland
863A Molenhuis,East Northumberland
864E Morrison,East Northumberland
842A Nadolny,East Northumberland
846J Newbery,East Northumberland
865D Noreau,East Northumberland
866D Richards,East Northumberland
858L Rivard,East Northumberland
843C Tait,East Northumberland
853J Trescher,East Northumberland
867O Turner,East Northumberland
835S Walters,East Northumberland
859J Wamboldt,East Northumberland
860M Warner,East Northumberland
847M Wilkins,East Northumberland
877M Barnabi,Eastside
870M Ford,Eastside
881C Hanninen,Eastside
871L Hudacin,Eastside
872A La RoseEastside
878V Lavender,Eastside
873L MacQuarrie,Eastside
874R Murray,Eastside
885J Osborne,Eastside
886O Poyner,Eastside
880A Solomon,Eastside
887J Solomon,Eastside
883A Taylor,Eastside
875N Thapa,Eastside
4731J AustinFenelon Falls
4732L BowlesFenelon Falls
4724C CameronFenelon Falls
4725R CameronFenelon Falls
4734B CoupalFenelon Falls
4735O CoupalFenelon Falls
4726S DeweyFenelon Falls
4727S Entzin-TelfordFenelon Falls
4728K FlynnFenelon Falls
4737T HarrisFenelon Falls
4733C KaloudasFenelon Falls
4730S KaloudasFenelon Falls
4736I LeeFenelon Falls
4745G AllderHaliburton
4747E BackusHaliburton
4748H BirdHaliburton
4742E GervaisHaliburton
4743E HoareHaliburton
4746V HumphriesHaliburton
4744H SharpHaliburton
4739M BoltonHoly Cross Catholic
4738K PayneHoly Cross Catholic
4756A BriankaIE Weldon
4764C CoupalIE Weldon
4749M DafoeIE Weldon
4757M DeclouxIE Weldon
4758D DoucetteIE Weldon
4759A EarleIE Weldon
4750R FaganIE Weldon
4751K FarrIE Weldon
4760A Jurado BarrazaIE Weldon
4762C MabeeIE Weldon
4765L MathersIE Weldon
4752E McLarenIE Weldon
4766J PattinsonIE Weldon
4753L PattinsonIE Weldon
4761C SmithIE Weldon
4755T SmithIE Weldon
4754L StephensonIE Weldon
4771A BakirathaKCVI
4770I BeatonKCVI
4769R HolyKCVI
4772E JonesKCVI
4767N LamotheKCVI
4768L LiKCVI
4773P MacdonaldKCVI
4775A YamamotoLindsay
869P Bilodeau,Marc Garneaua
868S Parent,Marc Garneaua
892A Belanger,Nicolson
4603E Campbell,Nicolson
893A Cowling Zeljkovic,Nicolson
894C Currie,Nicolson
895M Del Grosso,Nicolson
4601T Devonshire,Nicolson
896R Maala,Nicolson
4604M Miller,Nicolson
897S Milne,Nicolson
4602S Paul,Nicolson
4610N Rogers,Nicolson
898K Sagriff,Nicolson
899S Saville,Nicolson
900M Verbeek,Nicolson
888J Kent,North Addington
889C Mzerski,North Addington
4613B Blank,North Hastings
4616C Calder,North Hastings
4612S Fergason,North Hastings
4614J Lawrence,North Hastings
4615J Mills,North Hastings
4778B HulfordNorwood
4776D KellyNorwood
4777T RodinNorwood
4780L CranePHHS
4779S WatsonPHHS
4781N WitherlyPHHS
4618B Gannon,Prince Edward
4627C Kingsley,Prince Edward
4619B Kleinsteuber,Prince Edward
4628J McGill,Prince Edward
4629D Quick,Prince Edward
4620A Rankin,Prince Edward
4623B Spencer,Prince Edward
4625E Thompson,Prince Edward
4622G Wallach,Prince Edward
4631K Dick,Quinte Christioan
4636C Henderson,Quinte Christioan
4632M Kuipers,Quinte Christioan
4637G Snoek,Quinte Christioan
4634K Wyngaarden,Quinte Christioan
4635T Wyngaarden,Quinte Christioan
4787A ApplemanSt Mary Catholic
4788T Calvert-ChalliceSt Mary Catholic
4791E DeryawSt Mary Catholic
4782J EastoSt Mary Catholic
4783M FletcherSt Mary Catholic
4789M GagneSt Mary Catholic
4786E GoodallSt Mary Catholic
4784J McKinleySt Mary Catholic
4792E PfautschSt Mary Catholic
4785M RedricoSt Mary Catholic
4790J SudanoSt Mary Catholic
4655J Alexander,St Paul
4654E Fellows,St Paul
4651C Hemus,St Paul
4656N Hoddinott,St Paul
4652M King,St Paul
4653A Korver,St Paul
4811A BakSt Peter Catholic
4809C BrewerSt Peter Catholic
4793R CowenSt Peter Catholic
4810B DavisSt Peter Catholic
4799S DobbinSt Peter Catholic
4800R FlintSt Peter Catholic
4812N FournierSt Peter Catholic
4813C HigginsSt Peter Catholic
4794A HoyleSt Peter Catholic
4795A JacksonSt Peter Catholic
4796M KubicaSt Peter Catholic
4801C LodginsSt Peter Catholic
4802H McInnesSt Peter Catholic
4818N McLeanSt Peter Catholic
4815C MordenSt Peter Catholic
4797C MurisonSt Peter Catholic
4804G MurphySt Peter Catholic
4803I MurphySt Peter Catholic
4805M ParzonkaSt Peter Catholic
4816A RevakSt Peter Catholic
4806R ShufeltSt Peter Catholic
4798M SmithSt Peter Catholic
4807E StranoSt Peter Catholic
4819J ThornSt Peter Catholic
4817N ToupinSt Peter Catholic
4808M Trespalacios MoriSt Peter Catholic
4645I Allen,St Teresa
4647K Dunlop,St Teresa
4648K Gelsthorpe,St Teresa
4638H Hackney-Brinkman,St Teresa
4642E Mackay,St Teresa
4649D McCarrell,St Teresa
4643H Naylor,St Teresa
4639A Newar,St Teresa
4640E Papakiriazis,St Teresa
4646R Power,St Teresa
4650C Weido,St Teresa
4824J ConnellSt Thomas Aquinas Catholic
4825N ConnellSt Thomas Aquinas Catholic
4826J HerliheySt Thomas Aquinas Catholic
4823M LaneSt Thomas Aquinas Catholic
4822E WinnSt Thomas Aquinas Catholic
4835C BoyesThomas A Stewart
4827A ChampagneThomas A Stewart
4831M GabrielThomas A Stewart
4828L GuoThomas A Stewart
4829V JacksonThomas A Stewart
4832A KnottThomas A Stewart
4838S MackenzieThomas A Stewart
4836N McLeanThomas A Stewart
4833M MicieliThomas A Stewart
4830H MilneThomas A Stewart
4834A PetrauskasThomas A Stewart
4839T RidpathThomas A Stewart
4837S WoodcroftThomas A Stewart
cLast updated Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:38:16

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