9002 | | |
288 | J Fernandes, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
286 | B Fulton, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
291 | T Gibbons, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
287 | C Lyons, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
1110 | J Russell, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
290 | T van der Hoff, | A.B. Lucas S.S. Lon |
1392 | M Delisle, | A.N. Myer S.S. IND 2 |
1398 | W Bateman, | Abbey Park Secondary |
1396 | P Chander, | Abbey Park Secondary |
292 | K Cox, | Abbey Park Secondary |
831 | D Francis, | Abbey Park Secondary |
830 | B Hobbes, | Abbey Park Secondary |
833 | J McKeown, | Abbey Park Secondary |
1393 | D Molicard Cartier, | Abbey Park Secondary |
1394 | D Nagy, | Abbey Park Secondary |
835 | M Rose, | Abbey Park Secondary |
834 | J Sian, | Abbey Park Secondary |
1395 | M Smith, | Abbey Park Secondary |
293 | M Bigg, | Acton DHS IND 1 |
1399 | R Ashton, | Acton DHST |
557 | K Jackman, | Adam Scott #1 |
556 | E Roy, | Adam Scott #1 |
558 | L Van Leeuwen, | Adam Scott #1 |
559 | M Wilson, | Adam Scott #1 |
1 | B Chloe, | Adam Scott #2 |
4 | V Gray, | Adam Scott #2 |
3 | K Laughlin, | Adam Scott #2 |
2 | B Nelson, | Adam Scott #2 |
1111 | V Yaeger, | Agincourt CI IND 2 |
294 | S Bell, | Alexander Mackenzie |
1400 | E Brusilovsky, | Alexander Mackenzie |
5 | S Haliburton, | Alexander Mackenzie |
1112 | K Spettigue, | Alexander Mackenzie |
836 | J Baker, | All Saints CSS-LOSSA |
562 | E McCann, | All Saints CSS-LOSSA |
6 | L Panowyk, | All Saints CSS-LOSSA |
561 | B Droogh, | All Saints IND 2 |
837 | A Barter, | Almonte District Hig |
295 | M Dalziel, | Ancaster High School |
1113 | C Price, | Ancaster High School |
296 | G Hockley, | Anderson CVI IND 2 |
1114 | K JASPER, | Anderson CVI IND 2 |
7 | K Rubinoff, | Appleby College IND |
1116 | K Brennan, | Arnprior District Hi |
8 | C Preradovich, | Assumption IND 2 |
1403 | B Finch, | Aurora HS #1 |
1402 | A Kane, | Aurora HS #1 |
1404 | C Nimmo, | Aurora HS #1 |
1407 | M Reid, | Aurora HS #1 |
299 | H Kane, | Aurora HS #2 |
298 | G Martin, | Aurora HS #2 |
301 | T Nardi, | Aurora HS #2 |
300 | M Nealon, | Aurora HS #2 |
302 | T Pratt, | Aurora HS #2 |
838 | T Pettes, | Aurora HS IND 1 |
839 | T Black, | Aurora HS IND 3 |
1408 | K Kapetanovic, | AY Jackson SS IND 3 |
1409 | A Woegerer, | Banting Memorial DHS |
563 | M Bailey, | Barrie Central CI IN |
9 | B Hawker, | Barrie Eastview SS # |
11 | C Lansing, | Barrie Eastview SS # |
10 | B Picket, | Barrie Eastview SS # |
12 | J Stevenson, | Barrie Eastview SS # |
842 | M Kennedy, | Barrie Eastview SS I |
303 | B Francis, | Barrie North CI IND |
1118 | B Chapman, | Bayside SS #2 |
1122 | L Kellar, | Bayside SS #2 |
1120 | H Kilbreath, | Bayside SS #2 |
1119 | E MacCosham, | Bayside SS #2 |
1121 | J MacCosham, | Bayside SS #2 |
14 | R Deline, | Bayside SS IND 2 |
15 | J Bergin, | Bear Creek SS IND 3 |
844 | N Beland, | Beatrice-Desloges IN |
849 | P Desbrisay, | Bell HS #2 |
16 | A Harvey, | Bell HS #2 |
20 | M Kloppenberg, | Bell HS #2 |
18 | J Laughton, | Bell HS #2 |
848 | P Liu, | Bell HS #2 |
21 | O Mirzoeva, | Bell HS #2 |
19 | K Samulack, | Bell HS #2 |
850 | T Schultz, | Bell HS #2 |
845 | G Stonebridge, | Bell HS #2 |
847 | N Stupich, | Bell HS #2 |
564 | S Muise, | Bell HS IND 1 |
565 | M Cole, | Bell HS IND 3 |
852 | F Barnden, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1415 | W Berkhedele, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1412 | M Davidson, | Birchmount Park CI # |
308 | M Dhaqane, | Birchmount Park CI # |
305 | C Dixon, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1123 | J Driscoll, | Birchmount Park CI # |
567 | J Flood, | Birchmount Park CI # |
26 | S Foden, | Birchmount Park CI # |
568 | J Furber, | Birchmount Park CI # |
566 | C Graham, | Birchmount Park CI # |
569 | K Harrison, | Birchmount Park CI # |
306 | M Kelling, | Birchmount Park CI # |
307 | M Kopansky, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1125 | S Leo, | Birchmount Park CI # |
22 | E McConnell, | Birchmount Park CI # |
23 | J McNeil, | Birchmount Park CI # |
854 | J Milligan, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1411 | C Nesbitt, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1414 | S Nesbitt, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1127 | T O'Connor, | Birchmount Park CI # |
25 | M Robinson, | Birchmount Park CI # |
570 | O Simmons, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1126 | S Sutton, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1413 | N Tesfazione, | Birchmount Park CI # |
851 | A Trinier, | Birchmount Park CI # |
1124 | N Tuck, | Birchmount Park CI # |
853 | G Vanderlinde, | Birchmount Park CI # |
24 | K Walker, | Birchmount Park CI # |
27 | L Slyfield, | Bishop Allen IND 3 |
33 | S Allison, | Bishop Macdonell #1 |
34 | S Andrea, | Bishop Macdonell #1 |
30 | D Kayla, | Bishop Macdonell #1 |
31 | I Leanne, | Bishop Macdonell #1 |
29 | A Michelle, | Bishop Macdonell #1 |
571 | F Bryanna, | Bishop Macdonell IND |
573 | A Bean, | Bluevale C.I. #1 |
575 | J Carter, | Bluevale C.I. #1 |
577 | S Lush, | Bluevale C.I. #1 |
576 | J Raymond, | Bluevale C.I. #1 |
574 | C Smith, | Bluevale C.I. #1 |
1129 | K Lambert, | Br. Andre CHS #2 |
1128 | C Maryuen, | Br. Andre CHS #2 |
1131 | L Maryuen, | Br. Andre CHS #2 |
1130 | K Scheuga, | Br. Andre CHS #2 |
35 | J Scheliga, | Br. Andre CHS IND 2 |
1133 | J Cheong, | Branksome Hall #2 |
578 | J Deeks, | Branksome Hall #2 |
1134 | K Gray, | Branksome Hall #2 |
579 | L Ing, | Branksome Hall #2 |
581 | P Jain, | Branksome Hall #2 |
580 | O Mussells, | Branksome Hall #2 |
1132 | C Preston, | Branksome Hall #2 |
1135 | S Tory, | Branksome Hall #2 |
1417 | A Dykes, | Brebeuf IND 2 |
311 | P BENSON, | BRENNAN SS #1 |
309 | J CONLON, | BRENNAN SS #1 |
310 | N DEWITT, | BRENNAN SS #1 |
313 | S TOLMIE, | BRENNAN SS #1 |
855 | P Snelgrove, | Brockville Collegiat |
857 | C Garrett, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
37 | L GIBSON, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
1699 | E JACKSON, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
1698 | M METZGER, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
38 | B O'BRIEN, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
1696 | T WILSON, | Cameron Heights C.I. |
1136 | S Cawkell, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
44 | R Chessman, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
318 | J Coote, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
43 | M Druzina, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
317 | J Hewlett, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
319 | S Keane, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
315 | F Kegel, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
39 | C McConvey, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
42 | L Smith, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
41 | J Toth, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
316 | J Tuck, | Cardinal Carter CHS |
320 | M Debellonia, | Cardinal James McGui |
1422 | B Mazzotta, | Cardinal Leger #2 |
1425 | S Monteiro, | Cardinal Leger #2 |
1420 | A Rupoli, | Cardinal Leger #2 |
1424 | M Vitale, | Cardinal Leger #2 |
1423 | J Yarema, | Cardinal Leger #2 |
582 | D Zidar, | Cardinal Leger IND 2 |
863 | T McCole, | Cardinal Newman #1 |
861 | M McCormick, | Cardinal Newman #1 |
858 | C Puopolo, | Cardinal Newman #1 |
860 | J Ristevski, | Cardinal Newman #1 |
862 | M Ross, | Cardinal Newman #1 |
1427 | A Andreas, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
326 | L Barron, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
321 | C Blanchard, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1140 | K Bronkhorst, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1139 | J Dominski, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1429 | J Doyle, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1428 | J Gallo, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
324 | J Graninger, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1426 | A Heaney, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
323 | J Hill, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1141 | L Hill, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1142 | N Konigstein, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1430 | P MacCallum, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
322 | F Stasolla, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
1138 | J Teague, | Cardinal Newman #2 |
583 | C Blais, | Cardinal Newman IND |
76 | S Jessup, | Carene Wilson |
865 | M Campbell, | Carleton Place High |
864 | A Courchene, | Carleton Place High |
868 | S Cretain, | Carleton Place High |
866 | P Lester, | Carleton Place High |
867 | S Maracle, | Carleton Place High |
585 | T Ormonde, | Cathedral H.S. IND 1 |
1434 | M Blazejowski, | Catholic Central H.S |
1146 | K Chinfatt, | Catholic Central H.S |
49 | N Deveaux, | Catholic Central H.S |
45 | D Gabrielli, | Catholic Central H.S |
1433 | M Henshaw, | Catholic Central H.S |
1143 | B Hunter, | Catholic Central H.S |
1144 | C Johnston, | Catholic Central H.S |
1145 | D Lutes, | Catholic Central H.S |
1432 | D Mazaajlo, | Catholic Central H.S |
47 | K McKee, | Catholic Central H.S |
1147 | L Mockler, | Catholic Central H.S |
1437 | S Opira, | Catholic Central H.S |
1435 | M Pereira, | Catholic Central H.S |
48 | M Takahashi, | Catholic Central H.S |
46 | J Wise, | Catholic Central H.S |
1153 | L Burke, | Cawthra Park #2 |
870 | C Mabee, | Cawthra Park #2 |
55 | K Morgado, | Cawthra Park #2 |
872 | K Power, | Cawthra Park #2 |
1154 | L Rebernik, | Cawthra Park #2 |
871 | J Richmond, | Cawthra Park #2 |
53 | J Rutledge, | Cawthra Park #2 |
869 | B Sanders, | Cawthra Park #2 |
1150 | J Schroter, | Cawthra Park #2 |
52 | J Schumacher, | Cawthra Park #2 |
1151 | K So, | Cawthra Park #2 |
54 | K Sunderland, | Cawthra Park #2 |
1152 | L Wagner, | Cawthra Park #2 |
51 | J Wilson, | Cawthra Park #2 |
873 | O Rivera, | Cedarbrae CI IND 3 |
1441 | K Boersma, | Centennial C.V.I. #1 |
1443 | M Del Monte, | Centennial C.V.I. #1 |
1439 | D Macaulay, | Centennial C.V.I. #1 |
1440 | J Naylor, | Centennial C.V.I. #1 |
1438 | A Peach, | Centennial C.V.I. #1 |
878 | R Jackson, | Centennial C.V.I. #2 |
874 | G Mungall, | Centennial C.V.I. #2 |
875 | M Naylor, | Centennial C.V.I. #2 |
877 | N Nolet, | Centennial C.V.I. #2 |
876 | M Wagner, | Centennial C.V.I. #2 |
1444 | S Porten, | Central Peel IND 2 |
1685 | D COSTANZO, | Centre Dufferin D.H. |
327 | R Kruizenga, | Centre Dufferin D.H. |
1683 | T MCKEE, | Centre Dufferin D.H. |
1686 | J SCHACK, | Centre Dufferin D.H. |
1157 | C Brydges, | Centre Wellington D. |
1158 | E Clement, | Centre Wellington D. |
1159 | E Clement, | Centre Wellington D. |
1155 | A De Boer, | Centre Wellington D. |
331 | S Harrigan, | Centre Wellington D. |
330 | M Whittaker, | Centre Wellington D. |
1449 | V Ceron, | Chaminade #1 |
1450 | Y David, | Chaminade #1 |
1446 | K Mintah, | Chaminade #1 |
1447 | M Silvestre, | Chaminade #1 |
1445 | A Spadafora, | Chaminade #1 |
880 | D Roti, | Chaminade IND 1 |
881 | B Jones, | Chaminade IND 2 |
1727 | N MAUS, | Chesley D.H.S. |
1160 | K Miller, | Chippewa Seconary Sc |
67 | J Kindree, | Christ The King #1 |
68 | K Landry, | Christ The King #1 |
64 | A Legere, | Christ The King #1 |
66 | C McBride, | Christ The King #1 |
65 | C Worfolk, | Christ The King #1 |
885 | C Hamilton, | Churchill CVI #1 |
883 | B Jaspers, | Churchill CVI #1 |
884 | C Nixon, | Churchill CVI #1 |
886 | L Viljakainen, | Churchill CVI #1 |
586 | K Hoy, | Churchill CVI IND 3 |
334 | S Holmes, | Cobourg East DCI IND |
69 | A Bennett, | Collingwood CI #1 |
1452 | F Boucher, | Collingwood CI #1 |
1453 | L Dobinson, | Collingwood CI #1 |
1455 | R Fendley, | Collingwood CI #1 |
73 | K Green, | Collingwood CI #1 |
1451 | C Jeffery, | Collingwood CI #1 |
72 | H Mayer, | Collingwood CI #1 |
70 | A Stephens, | Collingwood CI #1 |
1454 | P Switzer, | Collingwood CI #1 |
335 | S Parkes, | Collingwood CI IND 2 |
75 | K Prevost, | Colonel By SS IND 1 |
1456 | A Lewandowski, | Colonel By SS IND 2 |
1457 | D Rosenfeld, | Community Herbrew Ac |
337 | E Rosenfeld, | Community Herbrew Ac |
79 | S Healy, | Courtice SS IND 1 |
587 | A Chapman, | Courtice SS IND 2 |
338 | P Kypurs, | Courtice SS IND 3 |
1458 | J Simmons, | Courtice SS IND 3 |
1460 | A Arrowsmith, | Crescent School #2 |
1465 | M Bell, | Crescent School #2 |
888 | I Dodgson, | Crescent School #2 |
1461 | B Innes, | Crescent School #2 |
890 | S Innes, | Crescent School #2 |
887 | A Jue, | Crescent School #2 |
339 | B Macdonald, | Crescent School #2 |
891 | T Martin, | Crescent School #2 |
889 | M Mitchnick, | Crescent School #2 |
340 | B Parsons, | Crescent School #2 |
1462 | C Quinn, | Crescent School #2 |
342 | J Thomson, | Crescent School #2 |
344 | P Thomson, | Crescent School #2 |
341 | J Tsang, | Crescent School #2 |
1466 | A Harriethra, | Crestwood SS #2 |
1468 | D Pearson, | Crestwood SS #2 |
1470 | M Pennello, | Crestwood SS #2 |
1471 | P White, | Crestwood SS #2 |
1467 | B Zuess, | Crestwood SS #2 |
1163 | L Radford, | Crestwood SS IND 3 |
588 | C Pang, | Danforth CTI IND 1 |
893 | Q Arima-Shaw, | Danforth CTI IND 2 |
80 | A Arnini, | De La Salle College |
1169 | L Barton, | De La Salle College |
592 | P Beretta, | De La Salle College |
590 | K Bortolin, | De La Salle College |
589 | H Caldwell, | De La Salle College |
84 | L Costen, | De La Salle College |
1167 | A Giuliani, | De La Salle College |
1168 | J Kim, | De La Salle College |
83 | K Lunny, | De La Salle College |
1170 | M Lunny, | De La Salle College |
345 | M Moher, | De La Salle College |
85 | M O'Sullivan, | De La Salle College |
894 | J Soares, | De La Salle College |
591 | L Van Staveren, | De La Salle College |
1165 | A White-Dzuro, | De La Salle College |
82 | G White-Dzuro, | De La Salle College |
594 | T Zasowski, | De La Salle College |
1164 | M Dumas, | De La Salle IND 3 |
1171 | S Saska, | Delhi D.S.S. IND 3 |
1473 | J Parrott, | Dr. Denison HS IND 1 |
1175 | L Barry, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
596 | C Brennan, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
600 | S Calder, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
1174 | K Larkin, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
598 | J Shenstone, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
1172 | A Smith, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
1173 | A Smith, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
1176 | S Smith, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
599 | L Towsley, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
597 | J Wooder, | Dr. G. W. Williams S |
86 | S Benzinger, | Dunbarton HS IND 1 |
89 | L BROWNE, | DWYER #1 |
90 | L CANE, | DWYER #1 |
88 | K DILLON, | DWYER #1 |
1177 | C FARQUHARSON, | DWYER #1 |
92 | T FRAWLEY, | DWYER #1 |
1180 | K KRAWEC, | DWYER #1 |
1181 | K LAING, | DWYER #1 |
1179 | H MCKIM, | DWYER #1 |
87 | A NOONAN, | DWYER #1 |
1178 | G WINTERINK, | DWYER #1 |
895 | A BERKIS, | DWYER #2 |
1477 | B HUDSON, | DWYER #2 |
899 | M HUGHES, | DWYER #2 |
897 | D LOSIER, | DWYER #2 |
900 | P MICHEL, | DWYER #2 |
1475 | A MOREINO, | DWYER #2 |
896 | C NAZARETH, | DWYER #2 |
1478 | M PAPLYK, | DWYER #2 |
1479 | P RICKETTS, | DWYER #2 |
1476 | A SEIDEL, | DWYER #2 |
95 | M Black, | E.L. Crossley #1 |
94 | J Falsetti, | E.L. Crossley #1 |
97 | S Freeman, | E.L. Crossley #1 |
93 | J Gearing, | E.L. Crossley #1 |
96 | S McIvor, | E.L. Crossley #1 |
901 | K O'Neill, | East Elgin S.S. IND |
346 | D Abbott, | East Northumberland |
605 | K Dewitt, | East Northumberland |
349 | L Dewitt, | East Northumberland |
1184 | L Eddy, | East Northumberland |
1186 | M Gibson, | East Northumberland |
350 | S Gower, | East Northumberland |
902 | A Harper, | East Northumberland |
604 | J Hilton, | East Northumberland |
606 | M Hodgson, | East Northumberland |
347 | J Langridge, | East Northumberland |
348 | L McCracken, | East Northumberland |
1183 | B Moran, | East Northumberland |
603 | J Neerhof, | East Northumberland |
905 | J Rhebergen, | East Northumberland |
904 | D Schmidt, | East Northumberland |
906 | T Umb, | East Northumberland |
602 | A Villneff, | East Northumberland |
903 | A Visconti, | East Northumberland |
1185 | L Wiginton, | East Northumberland |
1484 | S Ali, | East York CI #1 |
1480 | D Barrey, | East York CI #1 |
1482 | J Humphrey, | East York CI #1 |
1483 | R Humphrey, | East York CI #1 |
1481 | D Vatcher, | East York CI #1 |
908 | A Johnson, | East York CI IND 1 |
351 | W Cooke, | East York CI IND 2 |
1726 | S HANSRAJ, | Eastwood C.I. |
909 | M Sneddon, | Ecole Secondaire Cat |
99 | J Porlier, | Ecole Secondaire Mac |
1485 | E Delorme, | Ecole Secondaire Pla |
910 | J Dill, | Eden High School IND |
352 | B Killen, | Elliot Lake Secondar |
1688 | J CADMAN, | Elmira D.S.S. |
1690 | J FREEMAN, | Elmira D.S.S. |
1687 | N LAING, | Elmira D.S.S. |
608 | A McKay, | Elmira D.S.S. |
1689 | K WEILER, | Elmira D.S.S. |
1188 | T McKay, | Elmira D.S.S. IND 1 |
1486 | S Jones, | Elmira D.S.S. IND 2 |
100 | L Twidle, | Erindale IND 1 |
101 | R CHOMITZ, | Ernestown Secondary |
353 | J Deschamps, | Espanola High School |
912 | C Brett, | Etobicoke CI #1 |
915 | N Markovic, | Etobicoke CI #1 |
914 | D Mizzi, | Etobicoke CI #1 |
913 | C Stengs, | Etobicoke CI #1 |
916 | S Thom, | Etobicoke CI #1 |
1189 | B Crawford, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1489 | A Forbes, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1490 | D Gawel, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1191 | J Hood, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1192 | R Kirkwood, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1190 | E Stumm, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1193 | S Thom, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
1491 | J Tomiska, | Etobicoke CI #2 |
609 | K Scheibelhut, | Etobicoke CI IND 1 |
610 | L Takeuchi, | Etobicoke CI IND 2 |
102 | S Kletke, | Etobicoke School of |
920 | D Armstrong, | F.E. Madill S.S. #1 |
917 | A Beasley, | F.E. Madill S.S. #1 |
921 | D Sanderson, | F.E. Madill S.S. #1 |
922 | D Staehli, | F.E. Madill S.S. #1 |
919 | C Willits, | F.E. Madill S.S. #1 |
357 | J BAK, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
359 | R CHARLTON, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
1194 | C DART, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
354 | A HAINEAULT, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
355 | G HANNAH, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
923 | P IRISH, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
358 | J LAFONTAINE, | Father LJ Austin CSS |
360 | A Kuternin, | Forest Hill CI IND 1 |
611 | A Clarke, | Fort Erie S.S. IND 3 |
1195 | H Dutton, | Fort Frances HS IND |
108 | K Birk, | Frontenac Secondary |
105 | C Farish, | Frontenac Secondary |
362 | J George, | Frontenac Secondary |
361 | N Mcgraw, | Frontenac Secondary |
106 | D Ramsden, | Frontenac Secondary |
107 | K Smith, | Frontenac Secondary |
109 | M Teepell, | Frontenac Secondary |
1196 | A Thomas, | Frontenac Secondary |
110 | D Mason, | Galt C.I. IND 1 |
1493 | B Lane, | George S. Henry Acad |
115 | S Gameda, | Glebe CI #1 |
113 | J Harrington, | Glebe CI #1 |
114 | M Martin, | Glebe CI #1 |
111 | A Wilkinson, | Glebe CI #1 |
365 | C Aubrey, | Glebe CI #2 |
613 | S Christensen, | Glebe CI #2 |
363 | B Clancy, | Glebe CI #2 |
366 | D Guolla, | Glebe CI #2 |
368 | R Hawkins, | Glebe CI #2 |
612 | A Mori-Hunter, | Glebe CI #2 |
367 | D Rennie, | Glebe CI #2 |
615 | S Theoret, | Glebe CI #2 |
924 | C Conn, | Glenview Park S.S. # |
927 | N Helmuth, | Glenview Park S.S. # |
925 | J Kirk, | Glenview Park S.S. # |
926 | J McLean, | Glenview Park S.S. # |
1498 | D Agarwal, | Gloucester #2 |
1499 | N Clifford, | Gloucester #2 |
1494 | A Duncan, | Gloucester #2 |
1496 | B Foreman, | Gloucester #2 |
1495 | A Wu, | Gloucester #2 |
1199 | E Bell, | Gloucester HS #2 |
1197 | A Donohue, | Gloucester HS #2 |
1201 | K McGregor-Bales, | Gloucester HS #2 |
1202 | L McRobbie, | Gloucester HS #2 |
1200 | J Williams, | Gloucester HS #2 |
1500 | P Dalton, | Goderich D.C.I. IND |
1205 | K Anderson, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
929 | T Berry, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
1203 | E Flynn, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
1204 | E Hughes, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
1206 | K Moore, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
1207 | M Stewart, | Governor Simcoe Seco |
1503 | K Dekker, | Grand River C.I. #2 |
1501 | D Hannah, | Grand River C.I. #2 |
1504 | R Lukasik, | Grand River C.I. #2 |
1505 | S Mathias, | Grand River C.I. #2 |
1208 | K Tallman, | Great Lakes Christia |
1509 | S Capron, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
1508 | R Chambers, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
617 | A Drake, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
933 | K Hersics, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
1510 | T King, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
620 | H Kurpe, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
618 | A Nasby, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
934 | W Phelps, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
932 | J Ryckman, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
930 | D Siebert, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
1506 | J Slater, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
621 | K Slater, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
619 | E Smalley, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
931 | E Smith, | Grimsby Secondary Sc |
1724 | J ALIZI, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1714 | C CULVER, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1721 | A GRAY, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1723 | T MORRISON, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1722 | R NOLAN, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1715 | B THOMPSON, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1712 | E VANDE GRAAF, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1713 | L WALLER, | Guelph C.V.I. |
1511 | J Whitfield, | Guelph C.V.I. |
939 | N Anapolsky, | Guelph C.V.I. #2 |
940 | T Crosby, | Guelph C.V.I. #2 |
938 | K Lott, | Guelph C.V.I. #2 |
935 | A Martin, | Guelph C.V.I. #2 |
936 | A Salsberg, | Guelph C.V.I. #2 |
1512 | S Keaney, | Haliburton Highlands |
624 | M Bell, | Hammarskjold HS #1 |
622 | A Bernst, | Hammarskjold HS #1 |
623 | B Church, | Hammarskjold HS #1 |
625 | T Naroski, | Hammarskjold HS #1 |
117 | B Bailey, | Hammarskjold HS IND |
1209 | A Gamerschlag, | Hammarskjold HS IND |
116 | K John, | Hammarskjold HS IND |
1514 | M Somppi, | Hammarskjold HS IND |
1513 | S Spenrath, | Hammarskjold HS IND |
119 | J Duchesne, | Havergal College #2 |
118 | C Kucey, | Havergal College #2 |
121 | S MacPhail, | Havergal College #2 |
1210 | J Grant, | Havergal College IND |
942 | J Berki, | Heart Lake #1 |
944 | R Kelly, | Heart Lake #1 |
941 | H Sydiaha, | Heart Lake #1 |
943 | M Syrnyk, | Heart Lake #1 |
945 | S Weir, | Heart Lake #1 |
628 | B Anderson, | Highland Secondary S |
369 | A Clay, | Highland Secondary S |
626 | A Harriss, | Highland Secondary S |
1519 | N Hayward, | Highland Secondary S |
627 | A Hughes, | Highland Secondary S |
1516 | J Marshall, | Highland Secondary S |
372 | D McConnell, | Highland Secondary S |
629 | K Mildren, | Highland Secondary S |
630 | R Mildren, | Highland Secondary S |
373 | J Morgan, | Highland Secondary S |
1517 | K Patterson, | Highland Secondary S |
371 | D Sobczak, | Highland Secondary S |
374 | J Sojnacki, | Highland Secondary S |
1518 | M Steeds, | Highland Secondary S |
1515 | J Vanderharst, | Highland Secondary S |
1520 | A Meyer, | Hill Park S.S. IND 3 |
634 | K Kennedy, | Hillcrest #1 |
631 | A Ngwafusi, | Hillcrest #1 |
636 | S Phillips, | Hillcrest #1 |
632 | A Tran, | Hillcrest #1 |
633 | D Woods, | Hillcrest #1 |
637 | G House, | Hillcrest HS IND 2 |
1213 | J Biewald, | Hillcrest IND 1 |
1521 | A Brett, | Hillcrest IND 1 |
375 | A Kennedy, | Hillcrest IND 3 |
947 | S Walker, | Hillcrest IND 3 |
1522 | M Hulse, | Holy Cross Catholic |
1214 | M Beebe, | Holy Name IND 3 |
125 | J SCURK, | HOLY NAMES SS #1 |
1728 | B WATERS, | Holy Trinity H.S. |
1216 | K Hammond, | Holy Trinity HS IND |
1523 | D WESTON, | HON. W. C. KENNEDY C |
1526 | A Barson, | Humberview #1 |
1528 | B Burwood, | Humberview #1 |
1525 | A Sinclair, | Humberview #1 |
1530 | T Woodhead, | Humberview #1 |
1527 | A Yorke, | Humberview #1 |
1219 | C Morin, | Huntsville HS #1 |
1221 | H Smales, | Huntsville HS #1 |
1222 | J Swift, | Huntsville HS #1 |
1223 | J White, | Huntsville HS #1 |
1220 | G Wolfe, | Huntsville HS #1 |
1536 | R Hazelton, | Huntsville HS #2 |
1531 | B Kwiatkowski, | Huntsville HS #2 |
1534 | L Mahler, | Huntsville HS #2 |
1533 | K Tovee, | Huntsville HS #2 |
1532 | D Winch, | Huntsville HS #2 |
953 | N Doering, | Huron Park S.S. IND |
640 | S Wilkens, | IE Weldon ( Lindsay) |
644 | S Abren, | Innisdale SS #2 |
641 | C Clarke, | Innisdale SS #2 |
1229 | M Doust, | Innisdale SS #2 |
642 | E McCullough, | Innisdale SS #2 |
643 | J Mian, | Innisdale SS #2 |
1227 | J Small, | Innisdale SS #2 |
1225 | A Vetger, | Innisdale SS #2 |
1228 | L Wilson, | Innisdale SS #2 |
645 | B Szcerbakow, | Iona IND 1 |
955 | K Delaurier, | Iroquois Falls S.S I |
646 | K Iserhoff, | Iroquois Falls S.S I |
1537 | J Lavis, | Jacob Hespeler S.S. |
381 | J Hall, | John F. Ross #1 |
382 | J Kistner, | John F. Ross #1 |
379 | C Morrison, | John F. Ross #1 |
380 | D von Frankvoort, | John F. Ross #1 |
378 | A Zajdlik, | John F. Ross #1 |
1538 | M Benham, | John F. Ross IND 3 |
1539 | R Koziarski, | John Fraser IND 1 |
128 | A Welch, | Keswick HS IND 3 |
1708 | B HANCOCK, | Kincardine S.S. |
1709 | B JOHNSON, | Kincardine S.S. |
384 | P Stewart, | Kincardine S.S. |
1233 | R Barken, | Kingston Collegiate |
650 | K Biagi, | Kingston Collegiate |
652 | M Bickenbach, | Kingston Collegiate |
648 | D Boyd, | Kingston Collegiate |
1230 | E Brander, | Kingston Collegiate |
649 | D Hinton, | Kingston Collegiate |
1232 | K Lemmon, | Kingston Collegiate |
653 | P Ruksys, | Kingston Collegiate |
1234 | T Sagadore, | Kingston Collegiate |
1237 | K Bennett, | Kitchener-Waterloo C |
1235 | C Dover, | Kitchener-Waterloo C |
1240 | N Lane, | Kitchener-Waterloo C |
1238 | K Puskas, | Kitchener-Waterloo C |
1239 | M Seiling, | Kitchener-Waterloo C |
1725 | K FLEMING, | Koinonia Christian A |
655 | B Allen, | Korah Collegiate and |
657 | K Griffith, | Korah Collegiate and |
654 | A Maione, | Korah Collegiate and |
656 | C McCaig, | Korah Collegiate and |
658 | M Roney, | Korah Collegiate and |
659 | K Duncan, | Lakefield College IN |
129 | L Seguin, | Lakeshore CI IND 3 |
666 | J Pearo, | Langstaff HS IND 1 |
388 | M Benard, | Laura Secord Seconda |
138 | S Boright, | Laura Secord Seconda |
135 | A Friesen, | Laura Secord Seconda |
386 | J Glancie, | Laura Secord Seconda |
387 | K Guzman, | Laura Secord Seconda |
389 | T Simpson, | Laura Secord Seconda |
385 | B Tanner, | Laura Secord Seconda |
139 | S Thoms, | Laura Secord Seconda |
136 | D Turnbridge, | Laura Secord Seconda |
137 | H VanGelder, | Laura Secord Seconda |
959 | D Cameron, | Lawrence Park CI #1 |
957 | A Jean, | Lawrence Park CI #1 |
961 | J Krausz, | Lawrence Park CI #1 |
958 | A Leo, | Lawrence Park CI #1 |
960 | G Sinclair, | Lawrence Park CI #1 |
670 | V Aboud, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
667 | H Boone, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
391 | J Chapman, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
390 | D Chippin, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
143 | M Fabian, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
141 | H Grant, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
142 | H Kwang Kailyn | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
393 | S Larmand, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
392 | J Marlowe, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
140 | D McHugh, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
668 | R Sinclair, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
394 | S Togvahi, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
669 | R Wilson, | Lawrence Park CI #2 |
1242 | S Poland, | Lawrence Park CI IND |
397 | D Cameron, | Leaside HS #1 |
1246 | M DeValence, | Leaside HS #1 |
399 | S Devea-Jen, | Leaside HS #1 |
1247 | O Eilwand, | Leaside HS #1 |
1243 | J Feeney, | Leaside HS #1 |
396 | D McMurchy, | Leaside HS #1 |
1245 | K Oja, | Leaside HS #1 |
1244 | K Phillips, | Leaside HS #1 |
395 | B Simons, | Leaside HS #1 |
398 | M Voojgarv, | Leaside HS #1 |
146 | K Ballinger, | Leaside HS #2 |
148 | M Bearegard, | Leaside HS #2 |
144 | C Cowie, | Leaside HS #2 |
674 | P Lee, | Leaside HS #2 |
672 | A Manos, | Leaside HS #2 |
673 | M McCabe, | Leaside HS #2 |
671 | A Meeker, | Leaside HS #2 |
147 | L Ross, | Leaside HS #2 |
675 | S Thompson, | Leaside HS #2 |
145 | D White, | Leaside HS #2 |
962 | J Malone, | Leaside HS IND 1 |
401 | G Dempster, | Lindsay Collegiate # |
402 | K Hosier, | Lindsay Collegiate # |
400 | D Quigley, | Lindsay Collegiate # |
404 | T Roddick, | Lindsay Collegiate # |
403 | M Walmsley, | Lindsay Collegiate # |
963 | L Pineau, | Lindsay Collegiate I |
965 | C Boyd, | Lisgar CI #1 |
1540 | B Carandell, | Lisgar CI #1 |
1545 | S Golder, | Lisgar CI #1 |
968 | R Krieg, | Lisgar CI #1 |
1544 | R McNamara, | Lisgar CI #1 |
969 | V Morello, | Lisgar CI #1 |
1541 | J Rennie, | Lisgar CI #1 |
966 | G Walton, | Lisgar CI #1 |
967 | M Welsh, | Lisgar CI #1 |
1543 | M Wesley, | Lisgar CI #1 |
405 | J Lauperr, | Lisgar CI IND 1 |
1547 | A Hawkins, | Lo-Ellen Park Second |
677 | R Jacques, | Lo-Ellen Park Second |
1546 | K Caverson, | Lockerby Composite S |
676 | A Henninger, | Lockerby Composite S |
970 | T Brook, | London Central S.S. |
408 | M Brooks, | London Central S.S. |
152 | H Clark, | London Central S.S. |
406 | A Collister, | London Central S.S. |
410 | R Ditchfield, | London Central S.S. |
149 | A Findlay, | London Central S.S. |
409 | N Herbert, | London Central S.S. |
151 | C Hooper, | London Central S.S. |
678 | E Leighton, | London Central S.S. |
682 | S Muise, | London Central S.S. |
154 | Z Romilowych, | London Central S.S. |
153 | J Sui, | London Central S.S. |
411 | S Tiampo, | London Central S.S. |
679 | M Wallace, | London Central S.S. |
681 | M Woods, | London Central S.S. |
155 | M Linker, | London District Chri |
684 | R Ross, | Lord Dorchester S.S. |
689 | M Collins, | Loretto Abbey #2 |
690 | S Laidlaw, | Loretto Abbey #2 |
686 | C MacColl, | Loretto Abbey #2 |
687 | G Nigro, | Loretto Abbey #2 |
688 | K Wright, | Loretto Abbey #2 |
156 | C Mancuso, | loretto Abbey IND 2 |
1250 | L Delannoy, | Loretto Abbey IND 3 |
157 | A Anuszkiewcz, | Lorne Park #1 |
416 | N Bertrand, | Lorne Park #1 |
160 | S Giovannetti, | Lorne Park #1 |
159 | L Hamilton, | Lorne Park #1 |
161 | S Leavitt, | Lorne Park #1 |
417 | N Ralzada, | Lorne Park #1 |
415 | M Ramia, | Lorne Park #1 |
418 | W Sibley, | Lorne Park #1 |
158 | C Song, | Lorne Park #1 |
414 | K Wright, | Lorne Park #1 |
971 | K Murray, | Madawaska Valley Hig |
691 | R Serafini, | Madonna IND 2 |
419 | B Plested, | Malvern CI IND 3 |
424 | S Cooper, | Manitoulin Secondary |
163 | G Debassige, | Manitoulin Secondary |
165 | S Flanagan, | Manitoulin Secondary |
420 | D Fox, | Manitoulin Secondary |
166 | S Hart, | Manitoulin Secondary |
421 | D Lockeyer, | Manitoulin Secondary |
164 | K McDonald, | Manitoulin Secondary |
423 | R Panton, | Manitoulin Secondary |
422 | J Poenn, | Manitoulin Secondary |
425 | D Gibbons, | Marathon HS IND 2 |
692 | M Leznoff, | Markham DHS IND 2 |
972 | M Voumvakis, | Markham DHS IND 2 |
693 | T Whittamore, | Markham DHS IND 3 |
1252 | L Sexton, | Markville SS IND 2 |
426 | M Spark, | Markville SS IND 3 |
695 | S Augustynek, | Marshal McLulan IND |
1551 | D Cotton, | Martingrove CI #2 |
1552 | E DeVries, | Martingrove CI #2 |
1553 | M Kennedy, | Martingrove CI #2 |
1555 | T Melnyk, | Martingrove CI #2 |
167 | L Genge, | Martingrove CI IND 1 |
1255 | L Hickey, | Mary Ward #1 |
1257 | M Hoefs, | Mary Ward #1 |
1254 | C Laurie, | Mary Ward #1 |
1256 | M McBean, | Mary Ward #1 |
1258 | O Ugiagbe, | Mary Ward #1 |
172 | R Duncan, | Mary Ward #2 |
173 | S Henry, | Mary Ward #2 |
169 | K Hickey, | Mary Ward #2 |
170 | L Kadey, | Mary Ward #2 |
171 | M Lui, | Mary Ward #2 |
973 | M Nasello, | Mary Ward IND 3 |
1259 | T Skot, | Marymount Academy IN |
1264 | J Engelhardt, | Mayfield #1 |
1263 | J Fife, | Mayfield #1 |
1265 | K Krushel, | Mayfield #1 |
1261 | B Webster, | Mayfield #1 |
1262 | E Williamson, | Mayfield #1 |
430 | M Bechtel, | Mayfield #2 |
428 | C Hill, | Mayfield #2 |
429 | K Krushel, | Mayfield #2 |
431 | N Schulass, | Mayfield #2 |
975 | C Ruby, | Mayfield IND 3 |
696 | L Webster, | Mayfield IND 3 |
1266 | N Mailloux, | Meadowvale IND 2 |
435 | J Brown, | Michael Power #1 |
177 | L Colella, | Michael Power #1 |
698 | B Colley, | Michael Power #1 |
702 | O Costantino, | Michael Power #1 |
700 | K Kost, | Michael Power #1 |
179 | S Malek, | Michael Power #1 |
176 | E Miley, | Michael Power #1 |
697 | A Mislan, | Michael Power #1 |
436 | J Moore, | Michael Power #1 |
432 | A Pavelic, | Michael Power #1 |
174 | A Poirier, | Michael Power #1 |
178 | R Poirier, | Michael Power #1 |
434 | C Quinton, | Michael Power #1 |
699 | D Shushakova, | Michael Power #1 |
437 | R Swiderski, | Michael Power #1 |
977 | J Evers, | Michael Power #2 |
980 | M Evers, | Michael Power #2 |
976 | B Hebor, | Michael Power #2 |
981 | P O'Brien, | Michael Power #2 |
978 | K Tschernow, | Michael Power #2 |
1267 | O Moher, | Michael Power IND 1 |
1556 | C Rengifo, | Michael Power IND 1 |
982 | A Thomas, | Midland SS IND 2 |
1273 | L Binning, | Mitchell D.H.S. #2 |
1270 | J Drummond, | Mitchell D.H.S. #2 |
1268 | B McDougall, | Mitchell D.H.S. #2 |
1271 | K Scott, | Mitchell D.H.S. #2 |
1272 | L Scott, | Mitchell D.H.S. #2 |
983 | C Dickson, | Mother Teresa C.S.S. |
987 | J Dietrich, | Mother Teresa C.S.S. |
986 | J Morrissey, | Mother Teresa C.S.S. |
984 | D Perna, | Mother Teresa C.S.S. |
985 | J Skufca, | Mother Teresa C.S.S. |
180 | A Pridham, | Mowat CI IND 1 |
703 | T McNeil, | Mowat CI IND 3 |
439 | E Goldsmith, | Neil McNeil High Sch |
184 | M Cherniak, | Nelson HS #2 |
1276 | K Faulkner, | Nelson HS #2 |
185 | V Millar, | Nelson HS #2 |
1277 | M Misener, | Nelson HS #2 |
182 | J Tutton, | Nelson HS #2 |
183 | M Walt, | Nelson HS #2 |
1275 | A Waugh, | Nelson HS #2 |
1278 | S White, | Nelson HS #2 |
988 | M Cairns, | Nelson HS IND 1 |
704 | L Paterson, | Newtonbrook CI IND 2 |
1279 | D Stevenato, | Newtonbrook CI IND 3 |
705 | M Tamkei, | Newtonbrook CI IND 3 |
706 | T Allaire, | Nipigon-Red Rock HS |
1558 | J Switzer, | North Hastings HS IN |
186 | C Vanhie, | North Middlesex D.H. |
1280 | J Vanhie, | North Middlesex D.H. |
1735 | C FOSTER, | North Park C.V.I. |
187 | H Stephanie, | North Park C.V.I. IN |
708 | E KING, | NORTHERN CVIS #2 |
1285 | K WARK, | NORTHERN CVIS #2 |
1289 | R Caswell, | Northern Secondary S |
1287 | A Cirka, | Northern Secondary S |
442 | J Doyle-Raso, | Northern Secondary S |
994 | Z Hoffman-Roger, | Northern Secondary S |
716 | K Hyodo, | Northern Secondary S |
444 | M Luba, | Northern Secondary S |
993 | N Natlale, | Northern Secondary S |
441 | E Paolini, | Northern Secondary S |
717 | L Pathak, | Northern Secondary S |
191 | M Phillips, | Northern Secondary S |
715 | J Richardson, | Northern Secondary S |
714 | C Ridout, | Northern Secondary S |
713 | B Rose, | Northern Secondary S |
991 | E Ruderman, | Northern Secondary S |
189 | H Sinclair, | Northern Secondary S |
990 | A Smith, | Northern Secondary S |
440 | B Smithers, | Northern Secondary S |
992 | J Solomon, | Northern Secondary S |
188 | J St. Andrea | Northern Secondary S |
1291 | S Stackle, | Northern Secondary S |
443 | M Steinman, | Northern Secondary S |
190 | J Todd, | Northern Secondary S |
192 | O Wallman, | Northern Secondary S |
1288 | L Watts, | Northern Secondary S |
1290 | R Yu, | Northern Secondary S |
995 | T Hall, | Northview Hts. IND 3 |
193 | L Oxby, | Norwell S.S. IND 2 |
1559 | A Sadlier, | Norwood DHS IND 2 |
1296 | L Barlett, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1294 | C Beaulieu, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
997 | E Beaulieu, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1000 | M Brown, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
996 | A Csernyei, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1292 | B Derouin, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1561 | A Doma, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
999 | K Farrugia, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
449 | T Faulkner, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
718 | D Gauthier, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
998 | G Gilbert, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
445 | A Hannon, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
721 | L Hartnett, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
446 | K James, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
720 | J Kack, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
722 | L Lustrinelli, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1293 | C Mayotte, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
447 | K McDonald, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1295 | J Perrault, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
723 | S Quinless, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
448 | N Wojcicki, | Notre Dame Burlingto |
1560 | R Black, | Notre Dame IND 3 |
454 | M Bentley, | Notre Dame-Ajax #2 |
452 | G Gray, | Notre Dame-Ajax #2 |
451 | C Murphy, | Notre Dame-Ajax #2 |
453 | M Prokop, | Notre Dame-Ajax #2 |
450 | B Wheatley, | Notre Dame-Ajax #2 |
1562 | M ANDERSON, | Notre Dame-Ajax IND |
198 | M Amodeo, | O'Gorman H.S #2 |
197 | J Harvey, | O'Gorman H.S #2 |
199 | N Ritchie, | O'Gorman H.S #2 |
195 | B Yard, | O'Gorman H.S #2 |
196 | B Yard, | O'Gorman H.S #2 |
1002 | A B?lec, | O'Gorman H.S IND 1 |
1298 | M Cornelson, | O'Gorman H.S IND 3 |
456 | B Rizzuto, | O'Gorman H.S IND 3 |
200 | S Boucher, | O'NEILL CVI IND 2 |
726 | A Hunter, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
725 | A Lahn, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
1563 | P McConnell, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
728 | M Perdu, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
730 | T Skrypnyk, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
727 | J Tran, | Oakridge S.S. Londo |
1564 | T Mosher, | Oakwood IND 2 |
459 | D Belaire, | Opeongo High School |
461 | W Dick, | Opeongo High School |
457 | B Donohue, | Opeongo High School |
460 | T Rienke, | Opeongo High School |
458 | D Weller, | Opeongo High School |
735 | N Nevitt, | Orangeville D.S.S. # |
732 | B Olejnik, | Orangeville D.S.S. # |
731 | B Pegrum, | Orangeville D.S.S. # |
733 | E Styles, | Orangeville D.S.S. # |
734 | K Watts, | Orangeville D.S.S. # |
1004 | D Armstrong, | Orillia District CVI |
1003 | B Moore, | Orillia District CVI |
1006 | J Moorhouse, | Orillia District CVI |
1007 | J Pietras, | Orillia District CVI |
1005 | I Todd, | Orillia District CVI |
1299 | A Becker, | Our Lady of Lourdes |
1304 | M Coker, | Our Lady of Lourdes |
1301 | J Kosterman, | Our Lady of Lourdes |
1302 | K Lusignan, | Our Lady of Lourdes |
1303 | M O'Regan, | Our Lady of Lourdes |
1009 | M Wood, | Owen Sound C.V.I. IN |
1305 | C CHURCHWARD, | Paris D.H.S. |
1716 | T COPPING, | Paris D.H.S. |
1692 | D DONOVAN, | Paris D.H.S. |
1694 | S HARMAN, | Paris D.H.S. |
1717 | K STERN, | Paris D.H.S. |
1010 | J WALLIS, | Paris D.H.S. |
1693 | M WEAVER, | Paris D.H.S. |
1718 | J WOODS, | Paris D.H.S. |
739 | Q Angela, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
465 | M Dan, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
463 | B Jake, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
737 | A Jill, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
1569 | M John, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
462 | A Josh, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
466 | S Josh, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
1568 | L Kris, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
1570 | N Lucas, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
740 | S Nicole, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
1567 | J Pat, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
464 | H Scott, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
1566 | B Tyler, | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
742 | J Van Es | Paris D.H.S. #2 |
468 | C Booth, | Parkside High School |
470 | D Leonard, | Parry Sound HS #1 |
472 | M McGarvey, | Parry Sound HS #1 |
473 | W Miller, | Parry Sound HS #1 |
469 | B Raney, | Parry Sound HS #1 |
471 | K Wiltmann, | Parry Sound HS #1 |
1012 | L Curry, | Parry Sound HS #2 |
1014 | M Doherty, | Parry Sound HS #2 |
1013 | M Henry, | Parry Sound HS #2 |
1011 | J Rae, | Parry Sound HS #2 |
201 | J Corrick, | Patrick Fogarty IND |
743 | E Ross, | Penetanguishene SS I |
1015 | T Kirkwood, | Peterborough Collegi |
1571 | R Finn, | Pickering High Schoo |
744 | A Clark, | Pine Ridge SS #1 |
745 | C Gardner, | Pine Ridge SS #1 |
748 | J Gardner, | Pine Ridge SS #1 |
749 | N Love, | Pine Ridge SS #1 |
746 | E Young, | Pine Ridge SS #1 |
1306 | A CUSHNIE, | Pine Ridge SS IND 1 |
1307 | K Vanderputt, | Pope John Paul II IN |
1572 | J John, | Port Arthur CI IND 3 |
1574 | J Brunsting, | Quinte Christian #1 |
1577 | M Brunsting, | Quinte Christian #1 |
1576 | J Carruthers, | Quinte Christian #1 |
1578 | T Keep, | Quinte Christian #1 |
1575 | J Luttejeboer, | Quinte Christian #1 |
1016 | S Chapman, | Quinte Secondary Sch |
475 | L Haegele, | Quinte Secondary Sch |
1584 | S Gouett, | Regiopolis-Notre Dam |
1580 | C Lawlor, | Regiopolis-Notre Dam |
1581 | D Mulville, | Regiopolis-Notre Dam |
1582 | J Streight, | Regiopolis-Notre Dam |
1583 | J Visentin, | Regiopolis-Notre Dam |
1585 | T Holmes, | Renfrew Collegiate I |
204 | K Kallio, | Renfrew Collegiate I |
1019 | H Adam, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
1022 | W Derek, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
208 | M Emily, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
206 | G Erin, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
1018 | D Joey, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
753 | N Joscelyn, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
207 | G Justie, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
1021 | V Justin, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
752 | F Kaitlin, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
205 | D Kaklitsch, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
750 | A Linsey, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
751 | B Maddie, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
1020 | O Mathew, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
210 | S Robinson, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
754 | P Sarah, | Resurrection C.S.S. |
1308 | V Siemon, | Richview CI IND 1 |
1309 | K Burt, | Rideau District High |
756 | C Doucet, | Ridley College IND 1 |
476 | H Godfrey, | Riverdale CI IND 1 |
211 | A Johnson, | Riverdale CI IND 3 |
757 | C Haslip, | Robert Bateman IND 2 |
212 | E Makins, | Robert Bateman IND 3 |
1312 | B Mahy, | Roland Michener S.S |
1313 | M Sutton, | Roland Michener S.S |
1592 | R BROWN, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1588 | J BRUCE, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1027 | M BRUCE, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1590 | M DILLON, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1025 | C DOUGHERTY, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1024 | C HYDE, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1028 | M JURYSTA, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1589 | J PATTERSON, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1593 | S SIMESON, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
1029 | S TAKEDA, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #1 |
762 | S AGNEW, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #2 |
760 | M BARRETT, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #2 |
758 | J LITTLEFAIR, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #2 |
761 | S PARKER, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #2 |
759 | J RADKE, | RS Mclaughlin CVI #2 |
477 | S Hodge, | Runnymede CI IND 2 |
763 | A Beatty, | Sacred Heart CHS #1 |
768 | T Derkowski, | Sacred Heart CHS #1 |
764 | H Fiore, | Sacred Heart CHS #1 |
767 | S Kwok, | Sacred Heart CHS #1 |
766 | S Reid, | Sacred Heart CHS #1 |
216 | J Alonzi, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
213 | A Hardwick, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
1595 | J Hardwick, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
1597 | R Logue, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
218 | S Sartor, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
215 | E Slipetz, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
1594 | A Smith, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
217 | S Tebogt, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
1598 | S Young, | Sacred Heart CHS #2 |
478 | C Martel, | Sacred Heart IND 2 |
1314 | H Stroeder, | Sacred Heart S.S. Wa |
1030 | B Cooper-Rosinski, | Saint Paul High Scho |
220 | B Riddoch, | Satec@W.A.Porter IND |
479 | J Archer, | Saugeen District S.S |
1316 | A Bell, | Saugeen District S.S |
1315 | A Filipeva, | Saugeen District S.S |
1317 | J Rae, | Saugeen District S.S |
1318 | K Vanderzwet, | Saugeen District S.S |
480 | C Hammond, | Saunders S.S. London |
1599 | A Strokach, | Silverthorne IND 1 |
224 | J BAYS, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1323 | L BAYS, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1325 | T BAYS, | Sinclair SS #2 |
223 | D BOUDREAU, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1322 | K BROOKS, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1324 | S CORREIA, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1320 | A JOY, | Sinclair SS #2 |
222 | C KEENAN, | Sinclair SS #2 |
221 | C MCVETTY, | Sinclair SS #2 |
1031 | S LENT, | Sinclair SS IND 1 |
481 | C PARFITT, | Sinclair SS IND 1 |
1329 | K Avery, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
229 | T Correlli, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1601 | M Cuddy, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
228 | S Dellarosbil, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
772 | L Durnford, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
482 | D Graf, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1330 | K Johnson, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1602 | N Krowetsch, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1033 | J Lachowsky, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1603 | P Lachowsky, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
225 | E Mallinger, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1604 | S McCran, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1327 | H McLeod, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
771 | J Payne, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
773 | S Rutland, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
227 | N Saunders, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
769 | B Shamess, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
770 | C Thomas, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
226 | K Wetzl, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1328 | K Woods, | Sir James Dunn Colle |
1731 | L WOELFLE, | Sir John A. Macdonal |
483 | B Britton, | Sir Robert Borden #1 |
484 | C Burry, | Sir Robert Borden #1 |
485 | E Carter, | Sir Robert Borden #1 |
486 | E Lunscher, | Sir Robert Borden #1 |
487 | S Webb, | Sir Robert Borden #1 |
1331 | S Zan, | Sir Robert Borden IN |
1605 | M Ali, | Sir Sanford Fleming |
1034 | A Francki, | Sir Wilfred Laurier |
488 | M Hassan, | Sir Wilfrid Laurier |
1038 | J Heckman, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1334 | K Kit, | Sir Winston Churchil |
489 | C Lavigne, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1036 | D Moore, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1039 | K Moore, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1037 | J Paul, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1336 | L Sisler, | Sir Winston Churchil |
231 | S Sobchak, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1035 | B Stevenson, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1333 | C Sukkau, | Sir Winston Churchil |
230 | E Sukkau, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1332 | A Thomas, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1337 | S Wright, | Sir Winston Churchil |
1606 | S Ristic, | Sir. W. Mulock HS IN |
233 | E Vermeer, | Smithville District |
1341 | T Acton, | South Carleton #1 |
1338 | K Engel, | South Carleton #1 |
1340 | R Hayward, | South Carleton #1 |
1339 | K Johns, | South Carleton #1 |
774 | L Carson, | Southwood S.S. IND 1 |
775 | C Crooks, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
776 | L Furtado, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
777 | R Gabriel, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
779 | S Rose, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
1048 | S Rose, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
778 | S Stankiewicz, | St Edmund Campion #2 |
490 | W Nathan, | St Edmund Campion IN |
1607 | S Emberley, | St Thomas Aquinas IN |
1342 | S Van Veen, | St Thomas Aquinas IN |
234 | K Danso-Daah, | St. Aloysius Gonzaga |
1040 | J Thomson, | St. Andrew's College |
491 | C Smith, | St. Andrews JHS IND |
493 | K BUSCH, | ST. ANNE SS #2 |
494 | P COMISSO, | ST. ANNE SS #2 |
492 | D PATTERSON, | ST. ANNE SS #2 |
495 | S POP, | ST. ANNE SS #2 |
780 | J Tousaw, | St. Anne's C.S.S. IN |
1045 | M Chrobak, | St. Augustine CHS #2 |
1041 | A Haick, | St. Augustine CHS #2 |
1046 | S Mansour, | St. Augustine CHS #2 |
1044 | M Seccareccia, | St. Augustine CHS #2 |
1610 | G Ball, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1705 | A CURTIS, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1047 | J Drew, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
235 | E Grace, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1707 | J HIFF, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1611 | J Kowalewski, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
496 | F Mike, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1704 | C O'DRISCOLL, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1609 | C Santos, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1612 | J Soomal, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1706 | M WALLACE, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1608 | A Webb, | St. Benedict C.S.S. |
1616 | G BEATTY, | ST. CLAIR SS #1 |
1617 | J DEGROOT, | ST. CLAIR SS #1 |
1618 | M PERCIVAL, | ST. CLAIR SS #1 |
1619 | M POAPS, | ST. CLAIR SS #1 |
237 | T Jewett, | St. Clement's School |
1729 | M SMITH, | St. David C.S.S. |
781 | B Carr, | St. Ignatius HS #2 |
783 | M DiGiuseppe, | St. Ignatius HS #2 |
782 | L Dziver, | St. Ignatius HS #2 |
1741 | R Steinhoff, | St. Ignatius HS #2 |
1351 | K Dool, | St. Ignatius HS IND |
498 | T Hill, | St. Ignatius HS IND |
1352 | L Adamarczuk, | St. Ignatius of Loyo |
500 | C Doug, | St. James H.S. #1 |
502 | J John, | St. James H.S. #1 |
499 | B Jordan, | St. James H.S. #1 |
504 | P Liam, | St. James H.S. #1 |
501 | H Troy, | St. James H.S. #1 |
240 | S Leslie, | St. James H.S. #2 |
241 | T Roxanne, | St. James H.S. #2 |
242 | T Virginia, | St. James H.S. #2 |
1353 | A Comstock, | St. Joan of Arc HS I |
243 | A Truelove, | St. Joan of Arc HS I |
785 | E Tribe, | St. Joseph's HS IND |
1621 | E GHACHAM, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS #2 |
1624 | S HANNA, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS #2 |
1622 | M LABUTE, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS #2 |
1623 | R POWER, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS #2 |
1620 | C RANKIN, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS #2 |
244 | V SEU, | ST. JOSEPH'S SS IND |
245 | R Stokes, | St. Joseph-Scollard |
246 | K Bradbury, | St. Mary's (Cobourg) |
1052 | H John, | St. Mary's College # |
1054 | M McLeod, | St. Mary's College # |
1053 | K VanScoy, | St. Mary's College # |
1055 | S Vardy, | St. Mary's College # |
247 | S Reville, | St. Mary's College I |
1625 | R Robitaille, | St. Mary's College I |
1701 | M ARTHUR, | St. Mary's H.S. Owen |
1702 | M CORDELL, | St. Mary's H.S. Owen |
786 | A Hooper, | St. Mary's H.S. Owen |
1700 | B SHREMEF, | St. Mary's H.S. Owen |
1703 | B WILLIAMS, | St. Mary's H.S. Owen |
248 | G Foran, | St. Mary's H.S. Woo |
1627 | M Giglia, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1631 | T Hamilton, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1354 | A Kerr, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1628 | M MAHONEY, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1630 | T Makarewicz, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1626 | J Mckee, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
249 | M Nederveen, | St. Mary's Hamilton |
1056 | D Amorin, | St. Mary's High Scho |
1355 | J Malleck, | St. Mary's High Scho |
77 | K Lenarduzzi, | St. Mathews |
788 | A Bonnick, | St. Michael Catholic |
789 | K Trebinski, | St. Michael Catholic |
1058 | A Aguanno, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1057 | A Borgues, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1636 | D Campbell, | St. Michael's Colleg |
506 | A Charles, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1060 | A Delisi, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1059 | A Forgione, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1638 | M Hermans, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1062 | J Higgins, | St. Michael's Colleg |
511 | W Hurley, | St. Michael's Colleg |
507 | B MacDonald, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1633 | C Mehak, | St. Michael's Colleg |
510 | S Pisarski, | St. Michael's Colleg |
509 | P Regan, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1637 | M Reis, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1635 | D Torchetti, | St. Michael's Colleg |
1640 | D Domansky, | St. Patrick HS #1 |
1639 | A Lombardo, | St. Patrick HS #1 |
1642 | J Potvin, | St. Patrick HS #1 |
1641 | D Witiluk, | St. Patrick HS #1 |
250 | H Quirion, | St. Patrick HS IND 2 |
512 | S Viallant, | St. Patrick HS IND 3 |
793 | G Flinn, | St. Peter's SS #1 |
796 | K McConvey, | St. Peter's SS #1 |
797 | S O'Reilly, | St. Peter's SS #1 |
794 | H Pedlow, | St. Peter's SS #1 |
795 | J Schmidt, | St. Peter's SS #1 |
1356 | R Lavallee, | St. Peter's SS IND A |
791 | J Clancy, | St. PeterT |
798 | M Kirsten, | St. Theresa CSS (Bel |
513 | C Beasley, | St. Theresa's HS #2 |
515 | N Condren, | St. Theresa's HS #2 |
514 | J Mackey, | St. Theresa's HS #2 |
516 | P Robitaille, | St. Theresa's HS #2 |
517 | R Smith, | St. Theresa's HS #2 |
1643 | A White, | St. Theresa's HS IND |
1646 | J Burton, | St. Thomas Aquinas C |
1649 | W Komer, | St. Thomas Aquinas C |
1644 | A Norris, | St. Thomas Aquinas C |
1647 | M Sinasac, | St. Thomas Aquinas C |
1645 | B Skrypnyk, | St. Thomas Aquinas C |
518 | M Woelfer, | St. Thomas Aquinas S |
1063 | J Grice, | St. Thomas More C.S. |
519 | P MacKinnon, | St. Thomas More C.S. |
1650 | C Romaniw, | St. Thomas More C.S. |
520 | P Coelli, | St. Thomas of Villan |
252 | A Akey, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
254 | L Boucher, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
255 | M Callaghan, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
257 | V Derkach, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
256 | M Eade, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
799 | C May, | St.Thomas Aquinas (L |
522 | M Forbes, | Stouffville DSS IND |
1359 | J Brickman, | Stratford Central S. |
523 | D Wilson, | Stratford Central S. |
1651 | S Knieriem, | Strathroy D.C.I. IND |
1065 | E Briggs, | Sutton DHS #1 |
1064 | A Meacham, | Sutton DHS #1 |
1066 | E Mundy, | Sutton DHS #1 |
1067 | O Sanders, | Sutton DHS #1 |
801 | A Devlin, | Sydenham High School |
1069 | D Aitchison, | Temiskaming District |
1365 | T Aitchison, | Temiskaming District |
525 | M Borton, | Temiskaming District |
1653 | J Bujold, | Temiskaming District |
1654 | K Elliott, | Temiskaming District |
260 | K Hawken, | Temiskaming District |
1656 | P Hawken, | Temiskaming District |
1362 | K Jarvis, | Temiskaming District |
803 | J Moonie, | Temiskaming District |
1652 | G Muir, | Temiskaming District |
1360 | B Nichol, | Temiskaming District |
1363 | K Peddie, | Temiskaming District |
1364 | K Posch, | Temiskaming District |
802 | C Pritchard, | Temiskaming District |
1655 | K Spaans, | Temiskaming District |
261 | B Wilson, | Temiskaming District |
804 | N Collins, | The Country Day Scho |
262 | E Robinson, | The Country Day Scho |
1658 | M Robinson, | The Country Day Scho |
1657 | A Stanley, | The Country Day Scho |
1070 | P Vlahovic, | The Country Day Scho |
263 | S Maclachlan, | The Humberview IND 3 |
273 | K Bourget, | Theriault #1 |
1374 | M Briand, | Theriault #1 |
274 | M Bujold, | Theriault #1 |
541 | J Carbonneau, | Theriault #1 |
811 | C Chaput, | Theriault #1 |
539 | A Cloutier, | Theriault #1 |
275 | S Delarosbil, | Theriault #1 |
813 | J Dugay, | Theriault #1 |
272 | E Garlock, | Theriault #1 |
1081 | T Lafleur, | Theriault #1 |
1372 | D Lambert, | Theriault #1 |
812 | G Lambert, | Theriault #1 |
1376 | W Legros, | Theriault #1 |
1373 | J Lemire, | Theriault #1 |
543 | M Leroux, | Theriault #1 |
1078 | J Loranger, | Theriault #1 |
540 | J Malette, | Theriault #1 |
815 | V Massicotte, | Theriault #1 |
1375 | S Pankiew, | Theriault #1 |
270 | A Paquette, | Theriault #1 |
814 | M Paquette, | Theriault #1 |
1079 | K Pichette, | Theriault #1 |
1080 | M Rains, | Theriault #1 |
1669 | S Bolduc, | Theriault #2 |
1666 | F Gaudet, | Theriault #2 |
1667 | M Lebrun, | Theriault #2 |
1668 | N Paquette, | Theriault #2 |
1670 | W Saumur, | Theriault #2 |
530 | E Bahram, | Thomas A. Blakelock |
532 | T Koolen, | Thomas A. Blakelock |
529 | D Liptrap, | Thomas A. Blakelock |
528 | A Neuwald, | Thomas A. Blakelock |
531 | J Volpatti, | Thomas A. Blakelock |
1073 | K Birtch, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1664 | S Burley, | Thousand Islands Sec |
810 | R Caputo, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1368 | J Davies, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1663 | P Deschiffart, | Thousand Islands Sec |
805 | A Ferguson, | Thousand Islands Sec |
536 | M Ferguson, | Thousand Islands Sec |
264 | C Fox, | Thousand Islands Sec |
266 | J Grubb, | Thousand Islands Sec |
808 | K Halladay, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1366 | E Hirtle, | Thousand Islands Sec |
265 | C Larry, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1076 | S Latham, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1074 | M Leeder, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1369 | K Liebner, | Thousand Islands Sec |
269 | S Locke, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1075 | R Martin, | Thousand Islands Sec |
538 | W MCFALL, | Thousand Islands Sec |
809 | K Meadus, | Thousand Islands Sec |
535 | K Milks, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1660 | G Millard, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1662 | M Millard, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1071 | C Pantony, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1370 | L Poole, | Thousand Islands Sec |
537 | N Redekopp, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1665 | S Reeves, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1367 | H Reinstra, | Thousand Islands Sec |
534 | J SMITH, | Thousand Islands Sec |
268 | S Szeto, | Thousand Islands Sec |
806 | J Wynands, | Thousand Islands Sec |
1084 | J Brown, | Trenton High School |
1087 | V Elit, | Trenton High School |
1377 | S Flieler, | Trenton High School |
1085 | R Huiser, | Trenton High School |
277 | G Tetzlaf, | Trenton High School |
1086 | T Walsworth, | Trenton High School |
1378 | E Hayter, | Trinity College Scho |
1672 | J McCracken, | Trinity College Scho |
820 | N Daley, | Turner Fenton #1 |
822 | V Falana, | Turner Fenton #1 |
817 | C Hill, | Turner Fenton #1 |
818 | C Kumajai, | Turner Fenton #1 |
819 | M Sun, | Turner Fenton #1 |
544 | J Grewal, | Turner Fenton IND 1 |
1088 | S Pootz, | Turner Fenton IND 1 |
1379 | K VanBuskirk, | Turner Fenton IND 1 |
545 | S McGillicuddy, | Turner Fenton IND 3 |
1673 | P Lobsinger, | Twin Lakes SS |
1380 | L Brooking, | Twin Lakes SS IND 1 |
1089 | A Southern, | Twin Lakes SS IND 3 |
546 | M O'Neill, | Upper Canada College |
1381 | R O'Reilly, | Vaughan Road Academy |
1091 | J Lam, | Victoria Park SS IND |
1382 | J Robitaille, | Villa Francaise Des |
1675 | J FISICO, | W. F. HERMAN SS IND |
548 | D Rae, | Walkerton D.S.S. IND |
549 | T Shelley, | Waterford D.H.S. IND |
1098 | A Paul, | Wellington Heights S |
1676 | A Christie, | West Ferris Secondar |
1680 | N Isenegger, | West Ferris Secondar |
1103 | S Karn, | West Ferris Secondar |
1099 | J McLellan, | West Ferris Secondar |
1678 | D Pratt, | West Ferris Secondar |
1679 | J Ranger, | West Ferris Secondar |
1100 | J Turner, | West Ferris Secondar |
1101 | M Walters, | West Ferris Secondar |
1102 | N Walters, | West Ferris Secondar |
1677 | B Wendover, | West Ferris Secondar |
280 | V ALLAN, | West Hill S.S. #2 |
283 | S DONALDSON, | West Hill S.S. #2 |
282 | A GRAHAM, | West Hill S.S. #2 |
279 | S VIGNEUX, | West Hill S.S. #2 |
9283 | j VINING, | West Hill S.S. #2 |
1383 | J Van Dorp | West Hill S.S. IND 1 |
825 | L Mooradian, | West Park Secondary |
1681 | B Lechebo, | West Toronto CI IND |
1384 | K Volterman, | Westdale Secondary S |
826 | J Wyman, | Westdale Secondary S |
1104 | C Anderson, | Westgate CVI #2 |
1105 | D Johnston, | Westgate CVI #2 |
1107 | R Murray, | Westgate CVI #2 |
1106 | K Spittlehouse, | Westgate CVI #2 |
1108 | E Bang, | White Oaks SS IND 2 |
827 | K Alexander, | White Pines Collegia |
828 | B Locke, | Wiarton D.H.S. IND 2 |
1389 | K Brown, | Widdifield Secondary |
1390 | L Church, | Widdifield Secondary |
1739 | A FIELDER-HENSCHEL, | Widdifield Secondary |
1388 | K Gawinski, | Widdifield Secondary |
1387 | C Holmes, | Widdifield Secondary |
552 | G Kilroy, | Widdifield Secondary |
554 | M McDougall, | Widdifield Secondary |
1386 | C Penney, | Widdifield Secondary |
551 | D Rodgers, | Widdifield Secondary |
553 | J Wood, | Widdifield Secondary |
829 | J Buisman, | Woodland Christian H |
1109 | H Hashi, | Woodlands IND 2 |
1682 | S Miller, | Woodroffe IND 3 |
c Last updated Sat, 06 Nov 2004 14:28:12